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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Where did you get this information? It's not the full story I have heard...but you may have a much better source much closer to the situation. Hopefully, it's not from "you know where". So, from your source this is 100% the "fault" of UNT? There is no construction hold up anywhere out of UNT's control or any TX DOT involvement in the "sidewalks and compliance with ADA"? I'm just asking as I have been told otherwise. The fact that the bridge will not be open for the first game has an impact in several areas...none of which anyone associated with UNT, the Athletic dept. or anywhere else is going to be happy with...but, as tough as this is, life will go on and games will be played and the bridge will finally be opened to great fanfare...I hope!
  2. 100% correct! I would love to see a service academy on our home schedule every year...and would like to see the service academies at Apogee long before the Iowa's and OU's of the world. Great crowds for the service academy games we have hosted in recent years...and the service academies love to come to Texas as they seem to do pretty well recruiting in the area. Love these service academy games. Don't we have Army on a future schedule?
  3. You have an RV that you drive around in and $60 is steep? Heck...you'll spend more than that on gasoline just driving it to Apogee....come on...only rich guys have big-dog RV's they take to football games! All the comforts of home, right? Think of it as a $60 hotel room with clean sheets and a kitchen. How bad is that $60 looking now...hey, you can even lock the door and "celebrate" a Mean green victory right there in the parking lot at Apogee...now, that alone should be worth $60.
  4. Haven't received mine as yet...I am actually more interested to see where my parking spot is this season than I am in seeing what the tickets look like...parking reassigned based on priority points I am told. keeping my fingers crossed for the same lot and spot as last year...I liked it! But, wherever it is...our car will be there for the Mean Green games (bringing us along with it of course). Cannot wait for that first home game!!!!
  5. Found this interesting in today's Wall Street Journal...Page D6: 484 "The number of terms that triggers alerts to University of kentucky officials when they appear on a UK athlete's social-media site. Among them: agent benjamins cheat sheet doobie robbery payoff
  6. "But, I'm 100% fair with my judgments, I assure you." - Quote Stormchaser Oh, the folly of youth! Give him some slack folks...he's a young college kid and we have mostly all been there. Time, experience and having those everyday responsibilities have a way of giving one a bit of experience. If his posts were not all "great American novel" in length I would read all of them...they are interesting...if nothing else...and I grin remembering back on some of the things I said during my undergrad days at UNT. It's all good. I just hope he keeps some of his posts to read back when he is in his late 30'sand early 40's. Or even older...like me, I am sure he will wonder...What? I wrote that? Seriously?
  7. You just may have missed the sarcasm in his post.
  8. Well said....this is the correct stance and the correct mindset. It establishes a "pattern of giving" and that's a very very big first step. Anyone who has ever worked major giving campaigns knows that is what you look for...a pattern of giving...and that is what you try to develop early. With early/young givers, the amount is all but immaterial. As said above, it's the pattern of giving one is trying to establish. The recent grad program with the Mean Green Club and the new grad program through the Alumni Association aim to do just that...establish a pattern of giving. Grant.UNT is the prototype young alum that has established a pattern of giving back to his university and I would place a wager on the fact that Grant continues to give, continues to understand why he is giving and increases his level of giving as he becomes able to do so in the future. It will not be the Grant's of the world who withhold support because they develop some personal pettiness or because they think they are losing some level of influence with the university. UNT needs lots and lots of Grant.UNT's, and these younger givers should be respected and thanked. They are the future of UNT.
  9. Agree 100%. Keeping all fingers and toes crossed for Lance and for Olawale...even if one or the other doesn't make the Cowboys, certainly they would be picked up by another team. Then I could have multiple favorite NFL teams, right? Olawale seems to me to have done enough to make the roster with the Cowboys...or the practice squad...but maybe too much to sneak by for the Cowboy practice squad, and will land with another team Anyway....here's hoping the best for both Dunbar and Olawale. GO MEAN GREEN!
  10. Yep...I think I'd rather watch UNT beat a CUSA team or a team from a similar conference than watch UNT perhaps lose 45-14 to a SEC or Big XII team right now. That day will come, but cannot figure out the obsession with playing these teams at Apogee right now while we are trying to rebuild this program and get rears in the seats and not just for one marquee game a season. Sure, bandwagon fans and opposing team fans will pack Apogee if TX A&M or perhaps Iowa played at Apogee...then, come the first conference game, they are nowhere to be seen. GREAT...UNT spends in excess of $300,000, potentially gets beat by a large margin and sees half-empty stands for the rest of the season...not good from my perspective. But, that's just me. UNT90 and others are more than welcome to their opinion...it's their opinion and as valid or not as mine. This program needs to learn to win and it needs to see winning as the norm...right now getting beat by the LSU's, and OU's of the world is not my idea of how one goes about changing a mindset. Again, just me. I realize that UNT is not Florida, OU, OSU, UT, A&M, Ohio State, USC, etc., etc, RIGHT NOW! neither was TCU a few years ago or Boise State for that matter. UNT can get there...I'd like to see more wins at home than losses (and on the road as well) while we are at it.....just me.
  11. They may need to be as the Big XII welcome may not be all that much fun.....hopefully, TCU will do well in the Big XII, but there might be a bit of a "learning curve". Should be fun in Ft. Worth.
  12. WOW...costs more to join this than it does the Mean Green Club. While I don't live in San Antonio, if you think there is anything I might could do to help you out with this, just let me know. Would be more than happy to help you out if I can. San Antonio is close enough that a quick trip down and back seems do-able...but, football season has started as we all know and these guys don't have a day off until the season ends probably. Does the quarterback club pay expenses down and back for speakers? Just wondering what the dues go to fund. Looks like a great organization....other than just meeting...what does it do in the San Antonio area? Is it part of the Alamo Bowl fundraising arm or what?
  13. You do great looking work! Really good stuff...happy to help send business your way if you get your bike biz up and going! I'm sending you a PM.
  14. I read today where Nike is looking to introduce a LeBron Sneaker with a price tag of $315.00/pair! So, what do you think? Good idea? Bad idea? Will they actually sell enough to make it work? Will this lead to higher and higher sneaker prices? I cannot imagine anyone paying $315 for as pair of sneakers, but I also cannot imagine anyone killing someone over a pair of sneakers and that's a reality these days. So, all you sneaker fans out there...what do you think? Is a $315 pair of sneakers a winner or loser for Nike?
  15. So is posting on a chat board...I wonder if anyone here was in on any of the discussions and how it really went down so as to know what the full extent of the situation is/was? Indeed, talk is cheap. I would imagine that being the one trying to get this all done with all the moving parts and people involved is a tad more challeging that just seeing it from the outside. UNT SHOULD be able to do a lot of things they would like to do differently. Should being the operative word here....am sure that even in the world of law enforcement there were and are many cases of "Should" having been able to do something that looks one way to those on the outside, but entirely differently to those actually doing the heavy lifting on the inside of law enforcement...you think? I do agree with UNT90 in that ULM SHOULD nebver be able to do anything better than the MEAN GREEN. But, even a blind hog finds an acorn every once in awhile it seems. Any Mean Green fans want to trade places with ULM fans? Wow...not me.
  16. So...tell me how this post gets a -3? Do some folks not like Rudy's? Huh. what? Seriously?
  17. Money...donations, Mean Green Club memberships, season ticket purchases, rear ends actually in the seats at Apogee (yes, no matter who the other team is that Mean Green is playing or how many games at home we are playing)....then, we can all expect to regularly see Big XII, SEC, Big Ten, PAC Whatever, etc. teams palying at Apogee. So, however one wants to slice it...and everybody has a point...one can either decide to be part of the solution or part of the problem. As fans, we can do certain things to help...we all know what the most inmportant of those "things" are...so, again, one can choose to be part of the solution by doing those sort of things or part of the problem by withholding support for whatever real or imagined reason. Nice thing is...every one gets to make that call for themselevs...but let's not delude ourselves into thinking that anyone is helping by not attending games, by not joining or renewing their membership in the Mean Green Club, by not attending fan events, by not buying season or individual game tickets and through pointing out publicly every chance they get to talk about what THEY think is wrong in the Athletic dept and with everything that is Mean Green Athletics. I have absolutley ZERO problems with anyone who has a personal challenge with anything to do with UNT or UNT Athletics....I have my own challenges in those areas, but there is a time and a place to deal maturely, professionally and privately and with the correct individuals in those cases. I can tell you that while not every idea, suggestion or challenge I have had in these areas has been resolved 100% to my satisfaction, they have been handled professionally and I have had my "hearing" with the proper folks. Sometimes, I found I did not have enough info or the real facts...they cleared those up for me as well...they didn't see it as a challenge to their authority or a threat that I would withhold what support I can and do give....it was a professional and open dialogue. I'm 100% good with that.
  18. This sort of thing is NEVER as easy as some folks seem to think it is. I applaud your efforts in trying to do something positive for the program. We can also sell them at this year's GMG.Com Flag football game which will be played again this year at APOGEE Stadium on the day of the Spring Football game...so that would be a great venue to sell as well. Thanks for taking the lead in this...great to see folks being positive and doing things that help create a positive vibe around the Mean Green.
  19. Patterson has always seemed very defensive and stand-offish to me in his interviews...always seems to have a chip on his shoulder. Now, all that being said...the guy has done a lot of winning along with his whining while at TCU.
  20. Did they start at 6:30PM last year or have they moved them back a half hour? Just trying to recall...glad to see the schedule out again and love that they are returning to Rudy's...a supporter of UNT and the Mean Green! Will the first one on the 27th be in the Club Area or Concourse area? Anyone know as yet? Seems like it's shaping up to be a good initial show.... EDIT: SERIOUSLY? What?
  21. Excellent...well played....
  22. Logic escapes some folks...don't even try. Problem here is not that folks don't want to play and do back to backs with SEC/Big XII, etc. teams...it's the risk of having to shell out $250,000 - $300,000 at this point with UNT's fan base, support and attendance that is the issue. Hard to actually risk that sort of cash at UNT right now and justify it as something to the effect..."well, we had great attendance at that one game, but we lost out shirts financially"....just not enough "free cash" floating around right now I would think to try to take that on. Lots of folks don't seem to realize that UNT's fan base and support level do not justify very many risks to the overall budget like that.....I think all UNT fans would love to see big name schools come to Apogee for games, and I think in the not so distant future we'll see just that. So, if Mean Green 93-98 wants to see those "bigger boys" at Apogee...just like the rest of us would....fans need to step up and buy season tickets, club seats and donate to the capital campaigns and join the Mean green Club. Folks can't continue to "let someone else do it" or get mad at some little nothing and withhold support and see that scheduling situation change anytime soon.
  23. This reminds me of a quote I recently recalled by William F. Buckley....I quote..."Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views". That pretty much sums it up I would say.....
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