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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Mac mentioned that UNT will open Aug. 31st at home ... First home opener for a season in umpteen years. Also said that 3 of our first opponents are still practicing and will be in bowl games. I believe he did mention that the opener was Idaho at Apogee.
  2. Note so far that only one assistant (Stoops to Kentucky) has been named a HC in all this movement. All others are current HC's.
  3. Manti....guy has earned it.
  4. I guess I am missing something here...please fill me in. Thanks. I see no relevance here....who said anything about Cain or your avatar...and it came from where? Not following you here Sarge...but I guess you could bake some more cookies for the ladies at work or something.
  5. Not funny....I happen to have left off both the scout team awards as I did not think to write the names down until after they announced these two...and I could only remember the offensive award winner...did not want to seem like I was playing favorites so just left both off.
  6. Indeed.
  7. Yep...bride bought a big bag this week to take to San Diego with us for Christmas. By the way...these things are really good! They would also make breat stocking stuffers!!!! Just sayin.....thanks for the head's up oldguy!
  8. So, it's all about winning personal recognition...this support thing for you? Hmmmm...and you do realize, that this is an Alumni Award and selected by an Alumni Association headed committee. The athletic department has zero responsibility for the UNT Alumni Awards...you do realize that, yes? Just FYI...the Alumni Awards Banquet will be held Feb. 22nd this next year....got a list of the winners for all the awards yesterday...some great names and well deserved I might add. Am sure you will want to mark the date down and buy your ticket as soon as they become available. Like the football banquet, this event is a really great one. BTW...you are more than welcome to nominate anyone you choose for the Spirit Award or any other award you wish to nominate someone for....info is sent to Alumni Association members via the website or you can certainly call the Alumni Association offices for a nomination application. The Alumni Awards Committee will review and consider anyone you nominate.
  9. Plumm...wow, that's quite a rant you have going there. Don't know man, but the team, coaches and folks actually present last evening to hear in person what RV and the coaches and players had to say, seemed pretty darn pleased with RV's comments. Maybe you heard them differently from where you were sitting and maybe you saw the reaction to the comments differently...guess you did with this rant. So, I am sure you are sending a copy to RV, Coach Mac and Dr. Rawlins, right? You know, the folks you directed this rant toward. Or, is this just something for a "message board" with a pseudo-name? This evening, and I am guessing those who were able to be there to enjoy it in person, was a really nice event, and it was great to especially honor the seniors who have worked so hard to build a foundation for those following in their footsteps. It was easy to see, through those that spoke...players I mean...how much they love this school, this program and their teammates. I had more than one player thank me personally for being there and supporting the team. They had no clue who I was...and, frankly I only knew who one was myself, they were just thanking me...as they were others...for being there in support. But, appreciate the rant man...way to bring down the room.
  10. Hey...Harry...read your own board...Ha! Just kidding, but I beat you to this post.
  11. Nice event this evening. Team Awards: Newcomer of the Year:Jimmerson Bill Bishop Award: Obi Bill Brashier Award: Whitfield Byron Gross Awars: Orr (side note- Byron Gross was in attendance) Joe Green Award: Orr Shawn Kramer Award: Feeley & Phillips Abner Haynes Award: Atterberrys Phillip Armour Award: Y'Barbo Ja'Quay Wilburn Award: Byrd Steve Ramsey Award: Fortenberry Oxus Mitchell Award: Orr Mac also mentioned that Tanner Smith will be placed on scholarship Andrew Power will play in a S. Carolina All-Star Game RV also made a big point of mentioning that he will be remembering all the folks who are supporting this team and program through both the good and bad times...and that he will alo remember those that don't. Told a good story about that from another coach and program. Mac was Coach Mac in his comments...very positive and also thankful for those who are supporting him and his program. He was meeting with recruits at Apogee right after the banquet ended. Really good to hear from some of the players as well. Good crowd...good time...really glad I made it again this year.
  12. Want to compare experiences? Doubt it. One of the problems UNT has with its fan base is that they have so little perspective as so many have not seen first hand how other colleges "do it" and how other fan bases actually support their universities....many many through think and thin and don't let petty things get in the way of that support. UNT has too many "fans" who withdraw or withhold support because they get their feelings hurt or because some staffer doesn't kiss their you know what to the extent they feel they should. Talking a good game doesn't get it and walking the walk once isn't much. People here scream to be big time yet they have no idea what that really means in the way of support from the fan base. Nor what it will mean regarding their personal access to personnel, staff and information. It also means "comparing the size of mine" to the size of yours is mindless stupidity. It's not how long ago, but Now! And, every year after NOW! You are at least old enough to understand. Just keep supporting the Mean Green.
  13. Or, maybe the bowl turn down just helpped him decide to leave...my guess, however, is that the bowl situation had much less to do with Dykes' decision to leave than his new coaching salary at Cal and a PAC 10 head copaching slot did.
  14. Second to last line in your originakl post sates...and I quote..." Criticism is very mild at NT compared to most programs so I get amused with those folks who think anything negative stated is really goint to have significant impact on anything". Note the words "most programs" in your comment. Hope that helps clear up your confusion because the quote comes from your post. Or, do you have a ghoast writer?
  15. Tell me how success in the pro game has anything at all to do with how one performed in college? Seems to me it says how they are as pro QB's, but has ZERO to do with their abilities as a college level QB. Also tell me...when a college coach is looking for QB..what does his evaluation as a possible pro QB has to do with anything? Lots of great college QB's do not turn out to be great pro QB's. College coach has a job to do...win college games.
  16. Did not imply I was there...we're you? I indicated that there might be more to the story than what you or I know. Then, after questioning me, you go on to post pretty much the exact same thing I posted...that folks do not know the full story...interesting. Glad you know what goes on in so many other programs...even "most" other programs as you say about your knowledge. That is a pretty good number of programs you are that close to....how do you find the time to be that informed?
  17. Just heard from a friend who is VERY connected at Arkansas. says this one came out of the blue and the Arkansas faithful...at least the decent sized donors are pretty stunned right now. Everyone he says is trying to find out more about it. Should be interesting he said as the style of play the guy has utilized the last few years in Wisc. and with Big 10 competition is certainly not Arkansas or SEC style at the moment. Lots to learn and lots to see in the coming weeks and months for the Hogs and their fans.
  18. Well thanks for this first-hand insight, Mr. Olawale. Tell your son hello for the Mean green nation the next time you see him!
  19. So, since we are on vacations here...thought I'd ask about Coata Rica. Wife and I are heading to Coata Rica this next July...so far we will visit San Jose, the Arenal Conservation Area in the north, Monteverde Cloud Forrest, Monteverde area to zip line, coast area on the central pacific side... and a little white water rafting on the Saverge River. So, what does anyone know about things to do and places to see/eat/drink etc. in San Jose, the Monteverde area, the pacific coast, etc? We are Europe traveler folks and have never ventured to central America, so this should be both different and fun and educational, but would like some hints from anyone who has traveled to Costa Rica. Thanks....
  20. CONGRATS TO OUR GUYS! Well done. Agree that Akunne earned some recognition as well. Congrats to the Mean Green All-Conference Selections!!!
  21. because maybe...just maybe in their opinions...they had guys in front of him they liked better for whatever reason. Maybe the guy really "showed up" for the pro days, but was less than that during practices with the team. Who the heck knows...water under the bridge. I am just happy for the kid...seems like a good kid...and happy for UNT that he is getting this opportunity. And really hope he sticks and does great things in the NFL. But, it's not at all about what he was coming out of high school (and I do agree with this point 100%) then why are so many of our "fans" here and on the other board complaining loudly that Mac and Company are not signing 4 and 5 star HS recruits? Just check out some unknown other board and the comments about a couple of recent signers as a case in point. One might recall that Bob Hayes was not a football, but a track guy as well when the Cowboys signed him. He turned out OK, yes? This talent evaluation this is tough and no coach ever gets it 100% correct. NONE...even Troy Aikman transferred from OU, right? Seems he turned out OK for the NFL as well. Sure transferred for a different reason, but OU recruited and signed him and he transferred...a miss for OU's staff. Happens in the business world as well...ask any HR director at any firm you want. So, again...too bad, but water under the bridge. I'll be super happy if he plays for years in the NFL and makes lots of pro bowls. Good for the kid, good for UNT.
  22. Was told recently by someone who should definitely know that UNT has a very good punter lined up for next season. Will definitely miss Will Atterberry, and he should, in my opinion, get some look-sees from a few pro teams, but am told we have a good rplacement in waiting. So, not going to be concerned about that special teams position right now.
  23. Yep...once in a life time happening...this situation has NEVER ever played itself out before in any sport. Only at UNT, right? And, it's UNT coaches who seem to be the only ones....really? How heavily recruited was he? I guess he turned down offers from OU, Alabama, LSU, Wisconsin, OSU, Florida, Stanford, etc. etc. to come play for UNT. Because, if not, seems a lot of coaches might have "missed" on this kid or maybe there is something more to the story. Don't know, but love it how the Mean Green faithful ALWAYS seem to assume there is some problem at UNT with coaching, administration, and on and on. You realize, of course, how coaches just love to sit NFL talent on their benches...happens all the time. These guys just have no clue..... Could there just be more to the story here regarding his playing time at UNT? And, why not just be happy for the kid and for the fact that UNT will be mentioned rather then try to make something negative out of a very positive thing for both parties? Seriously.....
  24. In the immortal words of that great philosopher, Charlie Brown..."Good Grief".
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