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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Whatever floats your boat. Suggested a couple of ways for you to keep up. You seem to reject them all. I guess you expect a personal phone call from the AD. Somehow people find out because they make the effort to keep up. You are free to wait on the engraved personal invitation if you so choose. But stop the whining about not knowing if you are just wanting to wait on some personal call or personal invitation. In case you did not realize it, email is the way a lot of things get communicated these days. I asked...did not wait around to be told...when flyonthewall posted about he campaign, which I Had no clue about until then, I PM'd him and got the info I needed...the rest took care of itself. Had I waited around for that personal call from the AD I would still be waiting. So, do as you wish, but don't complain about those who take the initiative to find out what is going on. Like another poster said...the big guns, which do not include me, took care of this in less than 2 weeks. It was funded before any need to go public with this part of the campaign. However, you are free to donate additional if you wish...or pick one of the many other areas that need additional funding. But, the constant whining about not knowing is getting a tad old. Plenty of info right here on GMG.com to handle what you need....there is no lack of info about needs. You either want to and can help, can help but choose not to or are not in a position to help. Whatever the case, it is 100 percent your business and your business alone. And, for the record...I have never had a personal call nor an engraved invitation from the AD or anyone else in the athletic department regarding any facilities project fundraising need. And, in case you did not know it, there are a good many of out of town donors. I wonder how they seem to get the info? Some even a good many miles and states away. Don't know what you need..have said I would do what I can to help you out, you rejected that and said you would not call anyone and indicated that you reject any mail info and requests. So, tell us all...what do you need to feel connected enough?
  2. No problem Deep. I see it is not information you want, it is just that you want that info to come from a certain area. No problem...pick up the phone and call anyone you want in the athletic department. Somehow I found out that it was going on and made the donation that flyonthewall mentioned. A small one indeed compared to others who really stepped up for this project, but I found out about it and agreed to help with what I could at the time. And, will help as I can with the baseball stadium as well. How will I get the details? I'll either pick up the phone and call or I will see someone who should know around at a game and ask them. Part of the problem UNT has is that it has too many people who talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. And, let's be 100 percent clear here...I am NOT talking about you, Deep...so don't even think about misunderstanding what I am saying here or to whom the comments are directed. If someone wants to help, they will. And, those who want to help now know the projects are going on....so proceed as you wish. Donate or do not donate, pick up the phone or do not...your call. But, don't use the I did not know this stuff was going on as an excuse any longer. We all know....Flyonthewall is correct...the Mean Green Club focuses on scholarship monies, but those folks can certainly get you in touch with those that work in the facilities area. It really is not a secret...it all has been on this board even in several threads. Appreciate all you do, DeepGreen. You have supported this program for many years with your treasure and time. So, again, do not mis-understand. But also understand that you can always touch bases with me and I will do all I can to help...not only you but anyone. It is not about who knows what...it is about trying to help the Mean Green anyway I can....and to help any member of the Mean Green Nation if I can.
  3. UNT is a smoke free campus!
  4. Seriously? Might we do some real checking on this matter? Two a days and full practices before games???? Seriously....if so...something I have never heard of happening before...was this the practice at Marquette????
  5. What was even worse was the half-time crew talking about it.
  6. Nice job on the chicken toss...best part of the day. Great to see a member of the Mean Green actually hit a basket!
  7. This was not a fun game to watch. Glad UNT got the win Asa loss to that SE La team would have been a real disaster. Where is the UNT team I saw plat St. Louis recently? Could it be that this is one of those teams that just plays up or down depending upon the competition?
  8. I can help you with that if you want to PM me with your contact info.
  9. Nope never ever..other than traffic ticket....and a minor in possession of alcoholic beverages while in HS. Stealing is an entirely different matter than a beer as a HS student with some pals and a speeding ticket or two. So, nope! Never have seen the inside of a jail house...except a tour of Alcatraz once. Same for my kids, etc. somehow we seemed to learn that stealing was wrong on several levels. Imagine that....I too hope it was a brief moment of insanity. Not indicting their overall character...I am more commenting on the folks here who want to give them a pass. My guess...they have had several passes in their lives....this is nothing new for some HS football stars, etc. they seem to get away with all sorts of stuff. Some time or other that "getting away with it" stops. Hopefully before they make too big of a mistake. People excusing this crap is what creates a feeling that they can get away with this sort of crap. So, am sure they will be contrite and say all the right things...probably get a fine and maybe some community service or deferred adjudication or something like that. Mac will give them some punishment as well and we will see both out at spring practice.
  10. Ok...that WAS funny. Not for little ears and eyes, Cougar King or Froggy Style....but for folks not living with their Moms...yes, that was pretty darn funny. I would give it at least a R rating.....
  11. So tired of this lame excuse for illegal behavior. These two players knew what they were doing was against the aw and Wrong.....loving households or not. Apologist thinking at it worst...this is the type of thinking that allows this crap to go on.....ridiculous. And, this really is a kick in the teeth to all those who grew up in such households but were fully aware of right and wrong and chose right.
  12. I guess the firefighting business must be really slow these days. Good thing that.
  13. I darn sure do. You can let it slide if you want, but it would have kept me from voting for him for the Heisman. Tough you say? Maybe so, but there were other worthy candidates with clean rap sheets. Just saying......
  14. I understand some kid who was just 20 committed a pretty horrible crime today up in Conn. Going to excuse him because he is "just a kid"? No, not comparing the two crimes at all...just commenting on the ridiculous comment about being 19 and as such should somehow be excused for breaking the law....like they had no idea that stealing was against the law and wrong....sure, right.
  15. Very nice indeed. Good get at a much needed position. Well done Mac and company.
  16. True this! Priorities in this great nation of ours do seem a bit messed up at times. Tired of athletes at every level seemingly getting chance after chance that "regular" working stiffs never seem to get. Now, do I believe in second chances...certainly...after the appropriate lessons have been learned and debts paid.
  17. I cannot imagine what would drive a person to do such an evil thing? Thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims and their families and to everyone now left to personally deal with this most tragic of events.
  18. This is probably the finest last word on the subject that could be imagined....do you have an opinion on JJ's 6-0 starty as well?
  19. Too funny. I see where you are going with this...... :-) Cannot find the emotions with this latest software upgrade, so you'll have to get by with a +1 and the old style smiley face for this post! Too funny.
  20. WHAT???? It can't be. You must be mistaken...I am told here that the guy commits a cowardly offense by not coming out and doing interviews. Maybe it's just "cowardly" if its not on radio. Might be a distinction that I have missed. Anway...just having some fun here with folks who like to throw out this sort of "adjective" describing folks and/or their actions. I guess it's just a sign of the times that folks like to do as such...oh, well. Now...back to JJ and his 6-0 record...anyone have any thoughts on that?
  21. Thanks funny...used to sky dive a good bit...never saw anyone who did not as cowardly....and never called anyone a coward for not doing so. And, if you will note the adjectives I described that I felt more appropriate...I did not use "chicken or chicken S...", which I would also deem as inappropriate. And...for the record...I never said you called Benford a coward. Go back and read my posts if you think I did. Love how folks have piled on this one....I guess using certain adjectives behind an avatar is way cool with lots of folks. What would one use to describe calling someone's act "cowardly" by utilizing the guys name, while the other made that accusation behind an anonymous avatar? Seems both parties are "hiding" in some way...no? Ironic if you ask me....but, again, just my opinion.
  22. I agree...looks like a decent hire. But, does show how just beacuse a coach is successful at one school, well... it does not always translate to success at another.
  23. Love the way we "excuse" illegal activity these days with "they are young", "young folks do stupid things", "it's no big deal", etc., etc. You know...the folks that had their items stolen probably don't think it's no big deal and could not care less how young they are. The fact that these scholarship athletes representing UNT thought nothing more about it all than to steal is a BIG DEAL in my mind. From a legal standpoint, sure, not a 1st degree felony or anything near that, but reflects a very serious lack of judgement and lack of respect from themselves and for the university and team they represent. Not saying this ranks up there with the "serial killers of the world" or anywhere near it, but it is a big deal. And, it points to some VERY poor decision making. Sorry if I disagree but around my house and with my kids this would have been a VERY big deal. Somehow I think mac and the university might see it as a fairly big deal as well...even if the scale of the matter is not so big from a strictly legal standpoint. I know, I know..."boys will be boys".
  24. Were not you the one that used the word "cowardly"? I think a few others here may have phrased it a bit more appropriately that "cowardly". The is nothing "cowardly" about it...inappropriate, misguided, mistakedly, rookie mistake, etc., etc. All "fair" comments...cowardly...not so much in my opinion. And, even over a private lunch I seriously doubt you would call what the guy did "cowardly" to his face...thus, why do it here? If it were me and you did it, you would either be wearing whatever it was that you were eating or simply left at the table by yourself. Using that sort of adjective to describe someone in the context in which it was used here, well, just a bit over the top...that's all...and, hey, my opinion. That's all.
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