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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Not at this point and not for what is going on with UNT's men's team at the moment. Way way way too early. Not even close. Unless, of course, there is that scandal thing you mention. Problem is all the preseason hype that, yes, most of us clearly bought hook line and sinker. Looks to be a tad over sold...and maybe, just maybe some of these guys were reading too many of their own press clippings. These "kids" as you seem to want to refer to them as, may just not have had the maturity to handle it nor the maturity to work with a new coach who wishes to actually install an NCAA level playing strategy. So, nope...way too early. That's part of the problem...way too any folks calling for the guys head because they bought te hype hook line and sinker. BTW, not saying that I was not one who bought it..as I certainly did.
  2. Nope..always good to point the finger at those responsible rather than making excuses for them because they are "kids", and then placing the blame on someone else. This "they are just kids" stuff is pretty lame. Even for someone who wants to place the blame every where else except on the ones actually responsible for executing what the coach is asking them to do. But, they are just kids..... Look, I have said that it appears Benford is making a few rookie mistakes, but the idea that te way this team is playing is all on him is simply wrong. No one gets a pass here. Time for everyone associated with that team to get this figured out. They have the ability to do so...remains to be seen if they will.
  3. Thank you for your service, Marine! And, my UNT experience says you are correct regarding UNT's Greeks.
  4. What? you calling me old? ...... old, huh, and, so is the stuff others are spouting here...just being the counter weight. The idea that this is all on Benford is inane. And, several of the NBA personnel on hand the other night seemed to agree. So, seems to be a split decision. You go your way and I'll go mine on this issue...OK? Opinion board and all that.
  5. Semi-pro. Several UNT players and coaches played...owner's son actually played at UNT as I recall. Remember, the UNT men's team was pretty darn good. I recall one year UNT was invited to play in SMU's tournament. Obviously, SMU thought UNT would be an easy W. well, as fate would have it...UNT won the whole thing. Best time in the world sitting outside after the tournament with several of the team members while the SMU team strolled by....they were pretty down while we were enjoying several cold ones and a tourney win. I recall Coach David Hudgell chewing the team out Big Time during the halftime of the first game. I guess it worked! Good times, good memories!
  6. Amen, brother...been preaching that around here for a good bit of time.
  7. Good news. I recall watching Aaron play for both UNT and the Dallas Rockets. Rockets often played at Hillcrest Stadium in Dallas...in fact I may still have A Rockets postercaround the house...and I do have a UNT men's soccer brochure created by the athletic Dept. with Aaron pictured. Brings back great memories of UNT men's soccer. Thanks for this.
  8. That might really be a great evening....would like to be part of this if someone wants to get it set up.
  9. While the record to date may not reflect it, I do think that good things are in store for the ladies! Coach Petersen does seem like the real deal. Let's see...who was the AD that hired this guy?
  10. Thank you very much for this post. Spot on!
  11. Yes...yes you can. Would definitely beat some of the "stuff" I have seen folks post on their resumes! And...as a side note...I would like to thank all those who voted for me, and all the fans of the Mean green nation wherever you may be, my family who has encouraged me to follow my GMG.Com dreams, the ones here who have antagonized me to no end that help to bring out the best in me, and all those who truly support the Mean Green with their time, their talent and their treasure. You are the ones who are truly making a difference for the Mean green. OK, how much time do i have for this acceptance speech? I see them coming from the side of a stage with some sort of big hook and the music is playing louder and louder...........
  12. Ouch.......
  13. This is the attitude that matters. This was a very generous donation by someone who cares about UNT. Looked to me, given the crowd size, that it was successful as a promotion. I add my sincere thanks and gratitude to the "Secret Santa" who stepped up to make this happen. Obviously what we ave seen from some folks is the fact that "no good deed will go unpunished". By some, at least. Good thing that most folks just ignore these complainers as they should.
  14. The fact that so much work is going into trying to justify this thread pretty much proves that it is more than just a little bit out of line.
  15. You can't handle the truth!
  16. That's just dumb!
  17. I guess that view from LA is getting a bit smoggy. I'll believe it when there is official confirmation...you can continue he speculation if it makes you feel good. Not saying it appens, happened or did not happen...just saying it is ridiculous to use this pure speculation as another reason to crap all over Coach Benford.
  18. Facts just don't work well around these parts. I think you pretty much nailed it. Now folks see Robinson as some sort of god-child that would have led UNT to the promised land. JJ must not have seen that in him. Robinson may have been great had he sayed...maybe not, but this is all speculation.
  19. So...second hand info....great. That makes it official. Thanks for clearing that up.
  20. Short answer...yes. But, some of the BS folks are laying at Benford's feet is simply inane. Let me ask you...is anything the player's fault? This is as fair a question as your's...right?
  21. This is true...but am wondering if this is just Mitchell's affect? Has the same look on his face during the games it seems to me. Guy just never seems interested...may just be his typical mannerism. They had just lost a game pretty badly and were having to face the media. Theses guys are not the most experienced as such...but indeed the body language was poor. And, does Benford tap on the mike stand during every post-game interviews? Very irritating!
  22. What? It cannot be the players fault that they are not hitting their shots, can it? Surely it must be Coach Benford's fault. These guys were all such pinpoint shooters last year and all. Just how does a coach unt each a guy to shoot?
  23. Why do people keep talking about full practices on game days without any confirmation at all? It's like saying that Emmitt dropped his wiener on the ground at his tailgate that may or may not have happened, but if it did, he dropped his wiener. Give this a rest folks...unless and until someone with actual knowledge confirms that such happens on a regular basis.
  24. I just couldn't get through that....linking Sandy Hook in any way to Basketball is just a bit much for me.
  25. This is good to hear, because the "act" as you call it by some sure seems close to jumping ship....ummm...wagon! The old saying that with friends like this you don't need any enemies comes to mind. But, I'll take this as it is written and just hope it is, in fact, true for the vast majority. Appreciate the thought here bowler.
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