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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Happy Birthday, Harry. Thanks for your efforts in support of the Mean Green.
  2. Maybe someday...right now and in the foreseeable future...NO NO NO! Been to too many UNT games at the Cotton Bowl and old Texas Stadium (Terrible experiences all as far as fan experience and attendance pretty much sucked). Like I said, maybe someday with a big marquee match-up or series thing, but giving up a game at Apogee is, in my opinion, a terrible idea. I'd much rather concentrate on growing crowds and developing marquee match-ups at Apogee. That's what it was built for after all, and Apogee, again in my opinion, with sellout crowds would do much more for recruiting than would a game at the Cotton Bowl. Apogee is a palace and we need to showcase it as often as possible. Just my two cents....
  3. Congrats on a very nice season...as young as this team seems to be, it appears that UNT should be Very competitive in CUSA....which, I am told is a pretty good softball conference. Congrats ladies!
  4. And, just think...you now have stuff to worry about all the way to 2015....and beyond. You know, because worrying and complaining about what MIGHT happen is so much more fun and productive than enjoying what actually IS happening. Oh, well...I'll let you have the forum...it's no use trying to get you to even consider anything positive right now. God knows I have tried in person, in PM's and on the board. I give up...I'll just look forward to welcoming the real UNT90 back...if I can live that long... :-)
  5. Does that mean in every way?????
  6. Don't tell UNT90...might burst his bubble. Oh, darn you went and told him!
  7. Oh, how I truly wish you were correct about the forum.
  8. Fix your own and leave mine alone...it needs no "fixing". Getting where you can't see the forest for the imagined trees.
  9. Must be a terrible coach at Marshall because, you know, that is the only reason a player would transfer...ever.
  10. Yes and no..not so much at the two I attended this year, but in the past there has often bee a Q&A. But, do you really think what gets posted here would get asked in person and in public? Silly fellow....
  11. We have six home games this year and we open at home for a change. I think I'll focus on that instead of what might happen two or three years from now.
  12. UNT will be on TV much more due to its CUSA affiliation...really good situation and the exposure will be very good for the Mean Green!
  13. Don't think this is correct. The Bill Lively part that is....Bill Lively is now in Washington, DC raising funds for the National Geographic Society. Has been for some time now, and has not been working on the capital campaign for awhile now. I wish he were as his Roladex is a good as it gets! Good guy and did some very good things while at UNT.
  14. Agree with you Lonnie. Another great event hosted by Jordan Case and Park Place Lexus. That food truck (I had the pulled pork grilled cheese) was awesome as was the open bar and whiskey tasting section...although I stuck to beer! Thought the coaches did another nice job, and was happy to see some "new faces" in the crowd. Although, the crowd was way too small...what, maybe 60-70 not counting staff? I am not good at estimating crowd size. But, you are also correct in that many folks attending are the ones who we can count on to usually attend these events....and some. like me, who attend multiple of these events each year. I saw at least 15 in attendance last night who also attended the Denton event. That's a real shame. these events are really good, and one can get an early season "feel" for how things are going. Sure, you won't get detailed "facts and figures" as these events are not that sort of event...these are for fun, for excitement, for hype for the approaching seasons, etc. Come with a positive attitude looking to have some fun with other members of the great Mean green Nation and you will definitely not be disappointed. Great to see you last night, Lonnie and to get to meet your lovely wife and two great kids. Really enjoyed seeing your two "wee ones" at the event, and meeting your wife was a bonus! Folks...if it is not too late, please try to make tonight's Coaches Caravan in Ft. Worth...you will be glad you did. On a side note...did folks see and realize that these events are being co-sponsored by the UNT Alumni Association this year for the first time? Really great to have this connection and know that campus wide partnerships are being developed for the benefit of the university community and its alumni base.
  15. Sometimes it is really good that the inmates are not running the asylum. Inmates often do and say very interesting things armed with little to no factual information and data, but lots and lots of third and fourth hand info. You know, "I heard it from a very reliable source who, of course, heard it first from another very reliable source". Usually someone who heard it from someone else who really wasn't there. Reminds one of the old telling stories around a campfire and how the real story gets changed a bit each time it is told. Got a perfect example of it just this week. But, that's for another time and place. This upcoming season in football, men's basketball and women's basketball will tell us all a great deal. Last season is OVER...time to move on and see what the future holds. We'll all start to know in sixteen weeks as UNT kicks off the 2013/14 football season against Idaho AT HOME in beautiful Apogee Stadium. Well, those of us who show up for the game anyway...and I am guessing there will be a whole lot of "us" who show up! New seasons, new adventure await. Be there, be part of the Great Mean Green Nation!
  16. Anyone who thinks this is embarrassing knows exactly what they can do to help. What you see here has, in part, as much to do with the lack of support from UNT's fan base, such that it is, as it is to any BOR member or UNT staffer. Passing the buck and passing the blame without looking in the mirror first is not going to get it done. This is, in part, due to years and years of neglect by fans, administration, BOR, alums, etc., etc. It will not be fixed overnight, but IT IS BEING FIXED! We will all know that day has arrived when people stop making lame excuses as to why they don't support UNT, and instead we start hearing about all the ways folks have started to support UNT. And, yes, i plan on living long after I see that happen...good stuff is happening...jump aboard.
  17. We need to somehow move way up that chart.
  18. Hey...what did you do to get that other thread on Zach Peters locked down???
  19. Have no clue what you mean here....no one said anyone was "better", but the ones here want to be here...Loren did not for whatever reason...and reports are that the squad will be very solid coming into next season. Would love it if Loren had wanted to stay and play for UNT, she did not...like I said, we all wish her well, but we go with who we have, and "who we have" by all reports are pretty darn good. Plus, we may all see a pretty nice additional signing in the next day or two. So, I don't think our viewpoint is all that much different. You know enough about the players on the squad and the "suit squad" ladies to know this team has the potential to be much better than last year's team. All the "youngsters" will come into the year with much greater experience and much more adjusted to the college game, they will have had time to work out in the new practice facility and hone their game and the returning players will have the same coach they had the season before. All of those things plus the players available make for the possibility of this team being very competitive and winning a good number of games in CUSA.
  20. Yes, we will, but perhaps not nearly as much as we first thought. Some really good players being signed and do not forget about the talent level in the "suit squad" from last season. All playing now and as you heard Monday evening, playing very well. Yep, we'll miss Loren, and we wish her well, but I hope that into a few games this next season we'll think "Loren who?". Hope so at least.
  21. I talked to Coach Benford at Apogee on Monday during the Caravan. He said we are in good shape with several good players. From what I have read Peters just returned from a visit to Arizona, was visiting OU next, then SMU and then should be making his decision. Coach did say that he felt very good about our chances to get some good players this signing period. So, keeping fingers and toes crossed.
  22. You don't think Apogee helps in recruiting? Have to disagree a bit. While early results may not reflect the change, UNT is in on a lot of recruits that in the past with Fouts, they would never haven gotten even a foot in the door. Couple Apogee with a few more wins and watch recruiting take off and watch UNT start winning more and more of the battles. But, you have to at least get in the door first. Apogee has definitely helped, and it is a fantastic recruiting asset for the Mean Green. Ask the coaching staff, ask opposing coaches, ask the recruits and their parents, ask HS coaches....all will confirm that Apogee is a BIG plus in the recruiting battles. But, no stadium can be the "everything it takes"....close, but no cigar. Without Apogee? Well.....
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