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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Nope not my ban...you must be on the outside of the "generational force field badge". Ha! But that generational thing got me with your <3 thing. Huh? I'd put quotation marks around it but Quoner might not get it. :-)
  2. But, but, but...you just don't get it! Maybe it's that generational force field green miner talks abut...it is like the "...'s" that you like so much. Play or don't play. Your call. May the force be with you!
  3. IRS, Justice Dept., EPA....need I go on?
  4. You definitely will not be proven wrong....plus 1 for you, Sir! But, that "crystal ball gazing" you did there was really not so hard. Tell me if it wil rain in Chicago enough top spoil my forst game at Wroiggly later this week. Now, THAT would be some good "crystal ball work".
  5. HMMMMMM>>>Have NEVER been banned. Who is giving you that info? Same folks you think are "in the know" on the board I assume. Other than that error and your misuse of "myself", I really don't know what your talking about. But, carry on. It's fun, no?
  6. Perfrct...always had you pegged as a Kia sort of guy.
  7. UNT's Basketball Pep Band gets paid I believe. And, I don't think it is the number of marching band members that has Silver's attention.
  8. Not a chance. Been there...done that...in my much younger days!
  9. This is chilling...no matter which side of the aisle you sit, this is chilling. Certainly an indication of an agency that has crossed the line. Problem is, I have no faith in the current administration doing anything about it as this administration has shown little to any interest in reigning in rouge agencies. Shameful, but also chilling. Both conservatives and liberals should stand up and demand together that heads roll and policies put in place to keep this from happening again in the future.
  10. Glad to see this completed with the hire of Coach Bray. Welcome to the Mean Green Nation Coach Bray.
  11. Side note...just remember, this is the football forum.
  12. Your experience is certainly 180 degrees different than mine. Where are your tickets? I do not recall ever seeing anyone passed out in the Club Section nor have I noticed any drunken folks camped out in my section nor Yucking it up" with other drunks. I suggest you consider moving your seat location if that is happening to you. The folks in my section spend the vast majority of time in their outside seats watching the game and cheering on the Mean Green. Come on over, we would love to have another intently interested in the games. Where the heck do you sit?
  13. Hmmmmmm...which one did you attend? I think I would trust your reporting should you have attended rather than some of these so-called draft exprts. Do you recall how fantastic the draft exprts did in the recent NFL draft? Not so good as I recall...in fact horrible! The Quinn man here could certainly have done better, if in attendance that is.....
  14. Yep...I am part of that "group of private citizens" you mention. Perhaps if a few more had done so, the athletic dept. would have had enough money to immediately pay for the lighting upgrade as well. But, why should the athletic department pay the full costs of the upgrade if it does not have full use of the facility? Shouldn't the AD, being financially responsible, request that the university share the cost of the upgrade? Why is that a problem? Seems the responsible thing to do and being a good steward of funds available. Short of that, we could start another campaign and maybe some others would step up with the funds. I have no idea what that might cost. But, like some here have said, I do think a lighting upgrade is in the works.
  15. Again...remember, the folks "arguing with you" about this were NOT THERE to hear the words spoken in their true context.
  16. Well, you didn't try very hard to find 'em. And, it's called sarcasm and the board is full of it. I guess you are good with the "snarky comments" coming from those who hold like opinions to yourself? Rightous indignation, man, love it!
  17. Says he of the "let me get a dig in at Benford" in every post I make and in any forum fames. I think we have the ultimate example of "pot calling the kettle black" here. Too funny!
  18. Congrats Ladies...another SunBelt crown for the Mean Green to go with this year's crowns in several other sports. WELL done ladies, wel done Coach Sheffield and company!!!
  19. Really? The folks who don't attend these events say that NEVER happens. Those who have seen the Q&A at these events from time to time...well, we must have just imagined it. Come on now...don't be bursting any bubbles with a few actual facts. It's not the time or place after all.
  20. I cannot believe that by now you have not found some way to blame this on Benford!
  21. Too bad. Thought UNT had a great shot...guess that was true, but came in second to Arizona. With his past decimal issues, I thought he would want to e closer to home than Arizona. Why Arizona I wonder? What made the difference for him I wonder. And, no, this is not a question for folks here as we have ZERO knowledge of this situation. All the blah, blah, blah it's Benford would just be a bunch of the same from a bunch of the same. Hopefully, Peters will mention what made Arizona the place for him to continue his career.
  22. Are you seriously this unaware of the "ownership" and use situation regarding the Super Pit?
  23. [quote name="UNT 90 Grad" post="724840" timestamp=" Minikram...out.
  24. Now THAT was way cool. No way I would try that! These two are really great!
  25. TCU made a few changes in their line up to take on the Mean Green. Bummer losing, but this program is definitely on the upswing. CUSA will be a step up in competition which I fully expect this program to meet head on and prosper. Nice season, ladies! Bring on CUSA!
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