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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Really sorry I missed...wife and I were at Sea World in San Diego with Froggy Style and That Houston Crazy...or was it GL2 Greatness...oops sorry, I mean our 2 and 3 year old grandsons...I get those mixed up as they all seem on the same maturity level.... But, all kidding aside...sounds like a great first show packed with some pretty good info. Congrats to the students for te great turnout at the pep rally. Here's hoping that the alums and fans also turn out in force. Really apply to have tat 6-game thing answered..well, for most of us anyway. Let's get this game on folks...be there! BE THERE!
  2. Absolutely... And as an opinion, I tend to agree with your sentiments.
  3. Still waiting for the numbers showing decreased attendance and revenue in college football overall to support your claim. Not at all saying I disagree, just want to see your data. Making statements like you did seems to indicate you did some research...probably not as your justification was yet another generalization or flat opinion. Have no problem if you say "in my opinion"..... But, you did not..you stated it as a fact. Again, not saying I disagree, just want to know where your facts came from to back up that statement. Interesting numbers I would think.
  4. This! Idaho has been practicing in some pretty warm weather as well. Turnovers should be a much bigger determining factor than the weather. But....I will take any advantage I can get for the Mean Green....so...turn up the heat!
  5. The most popular player on any football team...that's who! Ha! LOL
  6. So true...so true. Too bad about the jokes thing, but you just have to try to understand their motives. Same folks who crawled all over those who dared to even mention TM in a post. Hey, maybe those guys were just joking as well....about as meaningful as trying to say that Walton was not the butt of the "jokes".
  7. Glad to see this announcement. Derek is the starter and as many of us expected should provide some solid senior leadership for the team. Go get 'em #7, starting with Idaho on Saturday.
  8. Sort of explains that...looks like a CUSA deal after all....bummer. Thanks for checking it out. Just yell louder...sneak down until someone runs you off...have always found UNT students to be quite resourceful. Hey, Silver, a new tradition building here...students invading the seats near the visitors bench! Well, maybe not so much...but, resourceful students they are...
  9. I would assume he means folks being testy about the media blackout...but, who knows. Maybe we find out today when we get a tad bit of insight as promised. We can hope, right?
  10. Someone want to check out all the CUSA stadiums that play in CUSA THIS season and perhaps the last?
  11. How far are the WKY seats from the team bench? Wondering if that has anything to do with it? Don't know, but often this stuff is much more complicated than what folks on a message board often think it is and involves many many factors. Like I said, have no clue about the situation at WKY. Good find here with the seating chart. I also know that OSU has not moved their student seats which are literally right on top of the visiting bench at Boone Pickens Stadium in Stillwater...but that is thevBig XII. Different rules, different Conference.
  12. Don't think that's the way it went.....doubtful the point was to schedule Northwood.
  13. I predict a UNT win for the Mean Green Nation. Score? Don't have a clue...1point more than Idaho gets will get the win.
  14. Are not all these predictions based on last years's teams? Seems much has changed for both teams in recent months. Wonder how valid this stuff is? Idaho has a new coach, a revamped D and O line with several JuCos, etc., etc. And, UNT has made some significant changes as well. Going to be interesting come Saturday.....expect to witness a Mean Green Victory!
  15. Not a UNT rule or initiated by UNT....your beef is with CUSA as I understand the situation.
  16. Wow...much closer than I would have guessed, but, thanks to Matt's inside scoop, it appears HBU has a much better squad than I would have thought. Thanks, Matt...and Way to go ladies! Off and kicking...keep it up!
  17. Have no clue why/ how this I-pad of mine changed "occasions" to casinos! Good catch...I'll fix it. Thanks.
  18. Why in the world would that make you a bad fan? No, it makes you pretty realistic in your expectations I would say...more hopeful than some, less than others. Your call. Edit: Really people? Really? Seriously?
  19. Thank you Troy and Prospect Mortgage! Folks Troy & Prospect Mortgage are supporting the Mean Green and GMG.Com. If you need a mortgage, if would be great to give Troy a shout and throw some business his way. The Mean Green Nation helping the Mean Green Nation...greatness! Goog job Troy...thanks a ton!
  20. The Chicken Express folks are big Mean Green supporters. I am mainly talking about the one on Eagle Dr. As that is where I normally go when having a chicken strip and/ or chicken. Have talked to the owner on several Occasions. He has supported the fund raiser for the Cheer Squad and many ther "activities" around UNT...not all athletics related. It is at that Chicken Express where I had a couple of one on ones with TM and a couple of other men's BB players. Seems it was a hangout of sorts for these guys. I think TM had a lady friend that worked there at one time. Same guy wins the Chicken Express on Loop 288 but not the one just off I-35 at Swisher. Great guy...supports UNT and hires a good number of UNT students. Great chicken as well. All good.
  21. Once again, you lose the effect of a somewhat decent post by always going personal. So immature, but so typical of someone starved for attention and craving it so badly. Enjoy all the love you get from the rest of the "haters" bunch and those so starved for attention that they constantly cry out..." Look at me, look at me" on a public message board. I think the crowd at Stonewall Jackson would be really impressed with you.
  22. Nice start ladies...the journey to the CUSA championship has started!
  23. You know...that's interesting as I have seen signs on campus announcing the games the week of the game, and when I refereed Denton Soccer games on Saturday morning before the game, I would see a sign at the entrance to the soccer complex announcing the game! And, several times a year the UNT bounce house would be at the field...sometimes with Cheer Team members. Hey, not saying it's great stuff or anything...just acknowledging that this sort of thing has been done....don't know about this season as yet. But, for folks to continually post that this sort of thing is never done is, well, simply incorrect.
  24. Ha...so true...so true! Bring out the "participation" trophies! LOL
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