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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Didn't know you knew so little about Kingsbury and his affection for Tech. Much like Gundy at OSU. Doubtful Kingsbury would consider a move to UT even if offered. From what I have seen and heard, being at Tech means more to Kingsbury than just a bigger paycheck. Plus...since when has UT ever been forward thinking?
  2. No problem, we realize you pretty much stay confused these days. :-)
  3. Actually, I think playing Georgia, the 9th ranked team in the nation hurt as well. This team CAN win CUSA! Keep it up Mean Green. Really proud of the effort today against said 9th ranked team in the nation. No quit in these Mean Green. Thanks for making the Mean Green Nation proud today.
  4. You know, you were pretty OK until you started talking that SEC smack crap! Seems to me GA is lucky to get out out this as they did based on how the Puppy Dawgs played earlier in the season and early in this games. Speaks loads about the character of your team. Enjoy your lofty ranking as long as it lasts...you will be in a minor bowl this year based on your early results. You guys will get pounded in the SEC thus year. You just don't have the character to play when you get hit hard and early. Enjoy the win over that "little league" conference team who gave you more than you wanted and kept those "reserves" of yours off the field for the majority of the game. I'd say the season will, once again, see an underachieving GA squad. But, good luck...try to keep it classy the rest of the year. Really funny that you blame the weather. Seems both teams were playing in that weather. Good teams do not use weather as an excuse for under performing. Says a lot about where you think your Dawgs are. LSU may well pound you senseless if you play like you did today. Make all the excuses you want if it makes you feel better. You will need to warm up the excuse machine for the rest of your season.
  5. Just thinking that there are no possible Victoria Secrets models in that photo! I guess they don't grow em' big in Georgia! I do, however, see that FFR has found a great way to enjoy the game! Great photo!
  6. Would that be the dysfunctional UNT Alumni Assoc., as MoGreen referred to it in a different thread, getting the word out to folks? Ha! Couldn't resist. Too easy.
  7. Yep...has been tried with little to no success, but that was years ago. Might be time to reach out again in some manner. Don't really know how it might be done, but I do know that I have had TWU folks...even coaches...attend events I have sponsored supporting UNT Athletics. In fact, a friend of mine who supports TWU also and I am working on a joint event concept at this moment. Don't know what might come of it, but we are hopeful...early early stages at this time, but it holds possibilities.
  8. Did not say you did...just asked if you would.
  9. You know, after responding to MoGreens slap at the Alumni Association and doing my usual "glass half full" thing, it dawns on me what a positive change we see right here on GMG.Com regarding watch parties. Right here we have had threads about watch parties set up in: Denton -multiple locations Collin County Dallas San Antonio Arizona. So, how long has it been since we have seen anything like this in numbers? Long time I believe. So, sure not as many as some folks and smaller crowds than some, but it is a very positive sign of the momentum for support for the Mean Green that is building. And, in a few of these locations, we have dedicated folks who have stepped up to make sure these sort of events continue to build and become "must do" events for more and more alums. Well done, folks...really a great sign and speaks volumes about where the ship is headed for the future. Have a great time folks...Go Mean Green!
  10. Dysfunctional..no! Have tried...you may recall a PM message or two between you and me awhile back about this very thing. Have not identified anyone willing to step up and help make it happen in SA as yet, but looks like momentum is building for SA. Thanks for the effort to put this watch party together. As you know...takes time and takes volunteers and takes money and takes personnel. With the new support agreement signed...which you do know about I am sure...things will change for several areas. SA being a primary one, but taking pot shots at the Alumni Association will not help get anything done....did you not recently use the Alumni Association's facility for a graduation reception for your daughter? Do you only reach out when you want something and then go back to taking pot shots when it, for whatever reason, suits your interests? Wasn't Rob instrumental in helping you make that reception happen at the Alumni Association's facility? Having a conference member in SA will help tremendously and bring lots of attention to SA and, hopefully, alums will be able to create enough mass and interest to help make it happen for those interested in the SA area. How many showed up at the most recent watch party you organized in SA? Standing room only? Will be interested to know how many show up for today's event. Hope you will let us know. When we re-set the Denton Chapter a few years ago our first few events drew less than 25 folks...and that is Denton area. One must just keep at it. Noticed that your event was advertised by the Alumni Association. That's good, and there are plans afoot to keep building on the SA connections and alums. But, we do need folks who are supportive of our efforts to step up to help. Tough to build much of anything in any area where one of our most influential and successful alums continues to bad mouth the Alumni Association on one hand, while setting up watch parties on the other. That, to me, seems rather dysfunctional and rather counter productive. If one wants support, it seems odd to continually bad mouth those who are willing to provide that support and who are willing to work to make what folks in SA say they want to happen. Hope the event is a big success and that you will discover a few folks willing to help us help them build a great group of Alums in SA. With help, this will happen. With CUSA it will happen faster. With folks taking a positive approach to reaching out it will happen faster. Again, really appreciate your willingness to get these watch party events going. Wish you great success, and will be excited to hear how the turnout was for the latest one.
  11. Folks...stop obsessing over this...we know and the folks who count know. We were NTSU for a long time and while we had a bit of football success, so just roll with it. Nothing we can do except win a few games on TV and continue to get the word out. These TV guys are lazy and it shows. Send the college game day folks a note and let them know folks see how lazy they are...other than that not much we can do except to ignore this crap, support the program and laugh at these folks. Drives us all crazy, but it's better than not being mentioned at all!
  12. Yes...yes it is! Would you predict a UNT win over Georgia on national TV? Doubtful. What chance would you give if you were being honest? That being said, upsets do happen, and the Mean Green is ready for that upset opportunity. This team will play hard and win or lose, the Georgia folks will leave with a new found respect for the Mean Green and a bunch more folks will know who we are...so, good PR...sure, I'll take it.
  13. I have never understood the disdain for fraternity and sorority members from those like we see here on GMG.com. The members are often the most engaged in university activities including intercollegiate sports. And, these folks are often donors after they graduate. Why? Because they were involved in campus life and built lasting friendships who are also UNT grads. Sure, some act in different ways, but so do non-Greeks...or haven't you noticed? More Greeks support athletics than don't, but, sure they party on the hill and some never make it to the games. As to dress...well, the short shorts, boots and white shirts thing started with the sororities, and that certainly is not a bad thing, right? Would I like to see them all enter Apogee for games...of course. But, even those staying on the hill and helping to create a great game day atmosphere are doing more to support UNT than all the students who never show up at all. Just my opinion. Don't understand this anti-Greek attitude from some folks...never have, doubt I ever will. Remember, if they are on the hill there is a much higher chance that they will come to the game than there is for a student sitting in their dorm room, apartment or driving to Dallas. So, thanks to all the Greeks, and especially those actually going to the game, on the Hill helping to create a great game day atmosphere. I recall the days at UNT when this sort of thing was only a dream.
  14. So much to say about potential unrealized.
  15. Indeed it was. Have no clue why some think it is some sort of secret. Wherever folks want to watch the game together I would say that it's a good thing. The fact that so many different venues will be showing the game is also positive...in my way of thinking anyway. Beat the Dawgs!
  16. Welcome aboard! Congrats on your graduation...enjoy NOrleans and bring home a Mean Green win, and nothing else you "caught" on Bourbon Street while celebrating the win.
  17. While at DFW Airport this morning waiting to board a flight to Salt Lake City with my wife, a guy walks by me, sees the UNT on my shirt, and says "you guys had a great game last week". I said yes...thanks as as he passed I noticed a TCU emblem on the back of his shirt collar. Three other random folks made mention of the shirt and UNT as well...one with a thumbs up, one with a point to the UNT and a nod and another with a "go Mean Green". This is really great...wasn't that long ago when I would be at DFW wearing Mean Green gear and not a word would be said about it! Really great feeling to have folks be positive about UNT in public these days. Yep, good things are happening these days.
  18. Wife and I sipped a few cold ones at East Side Social Club this afternoon. Place is greatness...Congrats to Jeff and John for opening another great watering hole in Denton.
  19. Flyonthewall does not work inside the department. He is an independent businessman who has donated a ton of money and a ton of time to this program. If you want to call someone out, try aiming your arrows at those on this board who do not donate, never show up to donate their time, yet who like to tell everyone else how to do their job and what UNT needs to do. There are plenty of them on this board. And for the record...I tend to like your humor...as dark as it is sometimes! :-)
  20. Especially if McNease plays up to his potential.
  21. Hey...we can pay off Idaho and have a cool half million left. Excellent!
  22. Well said. Thank you for a rational approach.
  23. Thanks for the recap. Seems about right at this point.
  24. Yes, the Denton Hooter's on I-35 has stepped up to be the official UNT away game watch party site. Drink and food specials.... Really appreciate them for stepping up with this. Did you know that GMG.Com's only and UNT grad Green'NawlinsVet is a manager at the Denton Hooter's? Great guy...has donated on several occasions to the GMG.Com Flag a Football game silent auction. And, he remains a big UNT supporter!
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