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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. True statement.
  2. Foreigners never understand such things as Big Tex. :-)
  3. Excellent pick, Sir...excellent! Not to be missed. Make reservations early before you go! And for a casual meal might I suggest Acme Oyster House....
  4. Now, folks, that is darn yummy looking! That is some lip smackin' good looking tailgate food. The battle is joined!
  5. Am trying to avoid this topic in a public forum. You and I discussed this in private before a recent Coach Mac Show. Alcohol would be a challenge for a number of reasons, but will be discussed in the overall discussion of this idea...and, yes, we will be discussing it with the appropriate people. In reality...doubtful that it would happen this season, but I never like to say or work on a never proposition, so it will be in the discussions. The cost of a keg is hardly an issue, but thanks for the offer.
  6. Thought as much.....one can, however, hope! See you later this week.
  7. You bring up an excellent point. Thanks. I do believe the record becomes 3-13 after the Tulane game. I think this team has taken steps toward "learning how to win", and I think that will show itself in a Mean Green win at Tulane. Mean Green comes home with that elusive road win!
  8. I've been to Pink's but not Skooby's. I have heard folks claim Skooby's us better. So, OK, bring me a Skooby's and I'll buy you a beer at the event. Deal? :-)
  9. Yes please...your meatballs are HOF worthy...greatness in a pot! Yummy to the core! If there were a contest, I'd be willing to bet that those meatball as of yours would be well in the running for top homemade food creation! Greatness, Sir...pure greatness! Now, let's not talk about what's in them, right? You never talk about what is in meat loaf, hot dogs, red hots, etc. all yummy greatness... Don't spoil the moment talking about what is in the things! Ha!
  10. Yep, that's it. You going to attend? Hope so...and, let's hope it is a "big alumni event". Ha! I'll be helping to host it along with a couple of other folks. Am looking forward to it...spread the word...come and be part of the fun! Hope to see you thee. I'll be looking for you and hoping to have a problem finding you in all the crowd! Fingers crossed. :-) Edit: Bring me a hot dog from Pink's! That's near Hollywood, right?
  11. KRAM1


    Hey sorry..really...meant to give you a plus 1 and somehow hit the -1. My bad. Really think the post might be HOF worthy. Well played, Sir!
  12. KRAM1


    Did I mention that there was a difference between "there and their"... And don't try to blame that on your phone! Ha! Sorry to see UTSA implode in the 4th, but must say...UTSA looked a ton better than I thought they would. Clearly an improved football team over last season, and by the time UNT plays them they will be even more improved. But, then again so will the Mean Green be improved. Still say the Mean Green wins by 13 or more, but UTSA is no longer one of the "sisters of the poor" and you have to respect their crowd. Pretty darn nice even if they are giving away tickets which I am not a fan of doing. To me that tells folks your product is not worth paying for and does in no way lead to future ticket sales of any magnitude. But, hey, if UTSA wants to do it, well, it's their program.
  13. Yes, greenjoe is very active in one of our local Kiwanis Clubs. It is a very active club as well, and does much good work in and around Denton.
  14. How many diapers does he have? Would not surprise me if someone actually offered him a a scholly now! Didn't some university offer a 7th grader a scholly not too long ago?
  15. Now that's the proper attitude. Except for the forgiven part. Always better to forgive but not forget....don't want the same mistakes happening a second time, but I am told that forgiving is the right thing to do and is good for the soul. Hey, I am going to be in L.A. on Alumni business this next week. Where are you located Courtland? We will be staying at the Biltmore in LA. Would be great to get together for a beer or something if possible.
  16. Agree...right there with you. But, having dealt with alcohol on campus for many events, I assure you that it is a tad more complicated and involved and takes way more effort and planning than it should. Just ask some of our craft beer friends how many hoops they have to jump through to get licensed to sell, and then what they have to do to actually sell the beer in various venues. At the Oktoberfest we just did, we had Armadillo Ale Works and Independent Ale on site along with other beers. Neither could actually sell their own beer or even pour it for folks wanting to buy it. They had to sell it to the person with the individual license for this specific event and then the person with the license had to pour the beer and collect the money. No one from Armadillo Ale Works or Independent Ale could touch the money or their own beer that night during the event. Nope, not rocket science, but sure can seem like a SNAFU at times, and much more complicated than the average guy on the outside can imagine. Even when we have had beer donated for events, we have to physically go and pick up the beer. The folks donating it cannot deliver it to us even though they have said they would be happy to do so...then a TABC licensed individual must be on hand to distribute and/or pour the free beer...that person must open the beer/wine and either hand the can or bottle to you or pour the beverage in a cup or glass and then hand it to you. Yep, even when it is given to you free and when you give it away it just "ain't that simple" if you are going to follow the rules. And, trust me...follow the rules...all of them...UNT will if and when it decides to sell beer at Apogee. You are 100% correct! it is not a shuttle launch. Sometimes I think a shuttle launch would be easier than dealing with some of the rules for events on state property...and I have a bit of perspective as I was a nuclear missile launch officer while serving in the USAF. Ha! Bring on beer sales at Apogee! Heck, bring on beer sales in the new Union once built and operating! What? Is that asking for too much?
  17. Excellent. Who did you work it for? You gave probably said before, but I cannot recall. So, given that you saw Rice and FAU both up close and personal, give us your up close and personal opinion of how UNT stacks up and should dare against each.
  18. UNT is a MUCH improved team, but in no way should anyone take any game for granted or put it in the win column until the game is played and UNT has won. UNT has yet to show any propensity to win on the road with any regularity, and has not won six or more games in several years. Love where this team seems to be headed and where the program is definitely headed, and fully expect to be bowl eligible this season, but folks, one at a time, one at a time. And, every game is the biggest game in the history of the universe...starting with Tulane this next Saturday. Focus, focus, focus. Hopefully, the team knows that Tulane is dangerous and is not to be taken lightly by anyone...like was posted, they are 3-2. Hopefully, UNT will be 3-2 coming out of New Orleans next week. I can guarantee you that many Green Wave fans have the game with UNT penciled in as a "win" for Tulane. Me, I don't think so...Mean Green beat the Green Wave this next Saturday, but one at a time folks, one at a time. Put 'em in the win column AFTER UNT wins 'em! No time for UNT fans to get too ahead of themselves....other than that...The Mean Green take down Tulane by 17 next Saturday! Take that Green Ripple!!!
  19. Oops...no, no, no! Guess you missed the quotes, "my hard working friend", and "you know exactly what I am talking about". Maybe I should have said "who I am talking about". Am talking about all those who sit back and tell "they" to do this or that, complain that what "they" did was not good enough or tell "they" it should have been done their way, or make snide comments about efforts being made, etc., etc., all the while never lifting a finger to help, of course. I thank my lucky stars that there are so many more like you, who give tirelessly of their time, talent and treasure in support of UNT. Those, like you, are the ones who can be counted on to make things happen. Heck, you lead the way more often than not for the simple satisfaction of helping your university. So, no, no, no, Sir. Sorry to have not made myself clearer in the original post.
  20. Must be another of Cerebus' many personalities. Hit ignore button...tries to hard to impress the kindergarten crowd.
  21. Of course it does. Who would have thought otherwise. I believe you...I do! But, then your comment is pretty much stating the obvious, yes?
  22. Why feel sorry for La Tech? Go Army!
  23. KRAM1


    Nice crowd...compare that to the dismal crowd watching La Tech get beat by Army at the Cotton Bowl. Rain delays sure don't help attendance, does it compared to those dome games. Too bad for Army. Always want a big crowd whenever and wherever any of our Service Academy teams play...they are all truly America's teams! Go Army...beat aka Tech. FWIW...Army 28 - La Tech 16 with 1:30 left in the 3rd.
  24. Got to give the Puppies their due. Thought LSU would make road kill of the Pups. But, this was one fun game to watch. Back and forth they went in the second half. Congrats to the Pups on this home win. Still think LSU would win if the game were played at Baton Rouge....but it wasn't. It was between the hedges and the Puppies won it. Good for them. Congrats on a solid win!
  25. Well, you did post your schedule, and you do seem to stalk my posts always adding something of value for sure. Just keeping up with the guy who has the man crush on me and stalks my every post. It's only the proper thing. Where will you be this evening? Baking? How many suits will you be wearing? Did you help anyone take care of their babies today after you left the game? Again..you didn't answer...who was the La Tech QB today?
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