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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Game three ends on a buzz are obstruction call against the Red Sox to give the win to the Cards. Sox third baseman interferes with the Cardinal runner on an overthrow to third base. Winning run scores in the bottom of the ninth on an obstruction call! Have never seen this before and would have never thought a World Series game would end this way. Was it obstruction? Probably so, but Powhatan a way to lose a game! That umpire sure made a gutsy call. Correct within the rules as the run would have scored without the obstruction, but took guts to make the call...and he called it immediately...no hesitation at all. Glad the Cards won it, but Wow...just wow! Cards up 2 games to 1...let the Sox fans now start complaining loud and long...especially if the Sox go on to lose the Series!
  2. No excuses for not being at Apogee on the 31st. Well, maybe some...but, they better be good ones! Here is saying this team gas earned the right to see a big crowd next Thursday..they earned it with 3 wins in a row...two on the road! Be there...Beat Rice!
  3. Wow...great win on the road for the Mean Green! Sure too many turnovers, but when you win by this margin, some sloppiness might can be excused...55-14 is a big deal! Thank you Mean Green...this was a team win tonight. O-Line and D-Line controlled their sides of the line all night...Chancellor was...well Chancellor..Harris, Pegram, DT, L. Lee, Byrd, Trice, Canales, Skldany and on and on. Team win. (Sorry if I screwed up the spelling on any names here) So Miss had 39 yards rushing! Can you say dominant D for the Mean Green and career day for DT and his offense! So happy for these players and the coaching staff. Going to be standing room only at Rudy's Monday...BE THERE!
  4. And win! Remind me of the score before you get to pissy about a couple of stupid plays.
  5. Let's go with Harry's deal...sounds so much better...don't need any serious injuries coming out of this blowout!
  6. Int and fumble...not a good way to start the second half! Focus...Mean Green .... Focus!
  7. Yes, yes it did! Must focus! UNT not dominating the line right now, but early in the half...
  8. Agree...focus Mean Green. Focus!
  9. Well...hoping we prefer this game...or at least the outcome, but cannot fumble on the two and hope to win. Focus Mean Green! Get the kickoff and get that TD back!
  10. There is a reason, but not for discussion here.
  11. I am with LongJim...peddle down until UNT is up this much at the start of the 4th. Way too early to empty the benches.
  12. Happy Birthday to both of you guys! Your day...you own it! Make it a great one...and cap it off with a Saturday evening Mean Green Victory over So Miss!
  13. Is Beyond the Green considered a promotion?
  14. If the guy did not know UNT was 4-3 this year so far, I doubt he would know how many UNT grads were in commercial R/E in the DFW area. Doesn't seem too connected to me, but who knows...
  15. Yep...they sure did....as did all the other games mentioned. I wonder why folks keep talking about how we were promised HS playoff games at Apogee and have not had any when the facts are that playoff games HAVE been played at Apogee. I do not recall being promised a certain number of games or who will play there or games every year and on and on. We were told playoff games would be held at Apogee...they have been and it is likely there will be HS playoff games at Apogee in the future.
  16. Now that works! No better place to watch UNT football than right at Apogee!
  17. See just another reason why Houston sucks! OK...couldn't resist. Sorry Houston Mean Greeners. Surely there is a decent spot in that city and metro area of yours. Surely. But, here's an idea...depending upon cost...any have a home large enough for a group? Everyone might be willing to chip in for the broadcast cost and bring a six pack and munchies. Have absolutely no clue if such is even possible, but I just cannot believe that no place in Houston with have the channel on their sport's package. Must be tough being a Houston area guy! Move back "home" to Mean Green Land. That would make all things better! Yes, indeed, it would!
  18. KRAM1


    Where you been?
  19. State of Michigan has reported that those who have been able to get through and sign up for O-Care are finding premiums 40% higher than they could have found on the open market in Mich. prior to O-Care. NICE way to hold down costs, right? Perhaps folks should have read the bill before they passed it! ha! And today...the great leadership in the White House announces that the delay granted in the mandatory sign up deadline WAS NOT due to the fact that the system is a disaster, but rather so folks will not be confused over the penalty deadline for not signing up! RIGHT...and just who does the White House think will believe that load of BS from the White House? Not even big unions are buying into the "greatness" of this disaster of a health care law. Looks like O's pals in the Unions were as hoodwinked as everyone else...guess they didn't read it either before they threw their support behind the thing! Too funny...but typical of the sheep who want more and more entitlements and less and less personal responsibility.
  20. The problem with youth sports up through high school is spelled P-A-R-E-N-T-S! Always had more challenges refereeing youth soccer up through HS with parents...usually ignorant of the rules and acting like complete idiots...just like the parent who filed this complaint! Could not under the laws of the game toss a spectator, but I could toss the coach and the coach is responsible for the actions of his parents on a soccer pitch. So, told a bunch of coaches to control his/her parents or I was going to toss him/her. Usually worked...usually! And many times the coach said "thanks".. Gave them the excuse to nail the parent...which was usually the same idiot parent who caused most of the problems...always one of THOSE GUYS around! Heard the complaint in the Aledo football fame thing was filed by the Dad...not the Mom. Interesting.
  21. Happy B'Day, Lt. Enjoy your day!
  22. No, actually I think I see all three of you guys in that photo.
  23. Would UNT welcome back a kid who pulled a June Jones on it? Just asking.
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