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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. UConn played a really nice game tonight. Don't believe Kentucky ever led, and UConn stopped every run the a Wildcats made. Pretty entertaining game and enjoyable to watch having no real interest in either team. I guess Kentucky will now be looking for a complete new starting five for next season. Hello NBA!
  2. Come on Mike...it's getting really really old.
  3. Even if I spelled it out for you in VERY simple words you would miss it. Why try. It would be like trying to explain a republic form of government to Putin and thinking he would actually listen. But, thanks for grabbing that bait so quickly.
  4. Best thing ever written? What a low opinion of your own work. I guess I gave you way too much credit. Never had you pegged as a follower. Guess I was wrong. Carry on.
  5. Sort of tells you how great the folks are at selecting the best players to play on any given game day, doesn't it? Yet, they learn nothing from their past and continue with the same line of gobblygook. As UNT90 would say...it's a fan board...no problem. Not one person on this board has the player evaluation experience that any of the coaches on Coach Mac's staff has. They saw what many on this board did not see in DT...they will make the best choice this season as well. And, no, it was not "virtually unanimous"...you just listened to the gobblygook as it agreed with your original position.
  6. Don't think CBL needs any help in defending himself, he does a pretty good job of that for himself, but thanks for taking the bait while CBL just sat this one out for awhile. And, of course you missed the point...often do.
  7. Heard they were also charter members of GMG.Com. PM me and I can give you their screen names/avatars. Sense of humor anyone?
  8. Wow...been around much? LOL....just kiddin'
  9. You mean just the bitchers or everyone that actually cares? You know those that continue to buy season tickets, attend games, etc., as well as those who support the players by not attending games, etc. Yes, everyone who cares knows the difference...thanks for completely missing the point.
  10. Just FYI....UConn star and projected first round draft pick DeAndre Daniels never set foot on the UConn campus before signing with them. Seems to have worked out pretty well. You can watch the guy in the national championship game tonight. Not comparing skills at all, but if your criteria "must" is a visit before signing those UConn folks better think about firing that idiot coach they have.
  11. KRAM1

    In shock

    Tried to tell you! :-). Don't worry about the haters....world is full of them. They count for zero. So, carry on. Many here enjoy your perspective and understood exactly your original point.
  12. Oh, you could very well be correct as well...but the operative words here just might be "as required". If colleges did not require that they lived in student housing yet provide funds for housing..well, what then? I am guessing that lots of rules will change if this goes to paying players. So...pay them, but make them pay their own tuition and housing and medical and food and on and on.... Sure pushing the window here, but the players could very well be killing the goose that laid the golden egg for them and screwing up a lot of other non-revenue team athlete's opportunities as well. Going to be awhile before all this works itself out, but for certain things are definitely going to change in the world of college athletics if the Union boys have their way.
  13. Not if they are classified employees. Housing, tuition, fees, etc. all open to taxation as income. Especially if they get paid. It is going to be really interesting to see how this plays out because it has the potential to impact all scholarship and non-scholarship athletes. All the sports, revenue and non-revenue could well be impacted. Pay the football players? Think title IX...hello soccer, softball, swimming, golf, tennis and on and on. Yikes!
  14. Agree with you, but is his heart in it any longer? If his fitness is lagging this close to Rio and with team selection on the line....well, what does that say? Unless he is hurt, then he should be game fit NOW. If JK thinks he isn't that says something about "want to". The guy owes nothing...he has been the heart and soul of US Men's Soccer for sometime now and has given everything he's got. Number one for sure, but it is not out of the question that JK us making these comments about his fitness and commentators are questioning his position on the World Cup squad. I darn sure hope he is on the team, but only if he is there to contribute and in tip top shape. Too tough a draw to put anyone on the squad just because they were great once! Pulling for Donovan to make it, but would not fall over in surprise if JK left him off this time. Would be a big time controversy if he did and certainly leave JK open to "second guessing" by all the talking heads.
  15. My assistant money and ROTC stipend at OSU during my graduate work was taxed! And I was a darn poor grad student funding the full costs of may graduate education. You darn sure better bet if athletes are considered employees that their scholarship, meal money, shoes and everything else will be taxed. Your "poor kid" argument is a staw man argument. The IRS has no soul...it is amoral. These players better be careful what they ask for in this deal.
  16. Whether DW or any other of our starting QB prospects starts or not has a lot to do with their own "want to".... And that includes on the field preparation, off the field preparation and weight room preparation. Raw talent will not get it done at the D1 college level. The college football landscape is littered with athletes who thought they could make the transition to starting D1 QB based on "potential" alone. D1 ball IS NOT HS ball. I give you the recently departed BB as just one such local example. The starting QB for UNT will emerge from our top three candidates, and the starter will be the one in which the coaching staff believes will give UNT the very best chance of winning game in and game out. I'll trust in Mac and Co. To make that call. They are by far the most capable around these parts of doing so. Why not North Texas!
  17. Ever hear of this thing called the internet? Not nearly as easy to keep dear comrade from hearing the news these days and the previous years of opening Russia up to the outside world did much to change views. And, who is suggesting a "hot" war? Sanctions, if handled properly and with conviction could well do the trick. The "average" Russian is much more in tune with the outside world than in Papa Joe's day. Not so easy any longer...a "danger" Putin is very much aware of I might add. Anyway...like I said, we will all see soon enough.
  18. Methinks you forgot the pasting the old USSR took in Afghanistan. Russia's military is much weaker and less equipped. And the Russian soldier of today is not the soldier Stalin was able to blindly send unarmed into the fray. The Russian military of today is not Stalin's WWII military...and they know they are not fighting for the survival of the fatherland in the Crimea. Did you not follow what has happened to Russia in the skirmishes it has had with a few of its "breakaway" areas? Not the same military by any stretch. Putin knows this...he also knows that so far the West has shown a clear unwillingness to do anything significant in response. His bet is placed for the West to continue to show weakness and that he can get what he wants done before internal problems cause him more than a little heartache. It is no where near all sweet smelling roses at home politically or economically for Comrade Putin.
  19. Random Pit Bull attack reported in San Diego paper this morning as well. Three pit bulls in unprovoked attack on three adults. All three dogs shot and killed by responding police. No dog tags, no chips on any of the three. Nice doggies!
  20. Ask Kentucky. They probably know.
  21. The discussion that is missing here is the one about the very real risks Putin is taking. His military looks massive and well equipped. It is not. No way to win a shoot-out with the west and it's allies. Putin is banking on the fact of the West's reluctance to get too involved. Then, there is the fact that many citizens of Russia are not happy about this crap. The economy will suffer, foreign investment in Russia will slow, Russian goods will fall out of favor, tourism will suffer, etc., etc. too many folks here seem to want to only focus on the military moves. The Soviet Union did not fall because of armed conflict. Russia cannot afford another arms race with the West. Putin knows Russia will lose again. Question is...and always has been...how will the West respond? Weak or strong? Putin is counting on weak. So far he is correct. We will see how this plays out soon enough. The longer the West waits to impose any real sanctions, the stronger Putin's position becomes. But, inside the Russian business community and a good piece of the citizenry this is not playing well. We shall see...we shall, indeed, see.
  22. I had classes with Joe Greene back in the day here at UNT...he came to class. 'Nuf said.
  23. "Peace in our time".....hmmmmmmmmmm....now just where and when has that been heard before?
  24. Yep...some folks try to use the same crap-ola logic on the basketball board as well. As the saying goes..."you can lead a horse to water.....". At some point a player/student just has to "want to" play his best, give it his best effort, work hard, do the work necessary to learn the matter at hand, etc. at some point the individual must take the coaching/teaching and do something with it for him or herself.
  25. Where are you in about 75% of the other threads on GMG.Com that get derailed and just crapped all in? If this is right and correct for this thread it should be the others as well....and, I do agree with your thinking here.
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