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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. You ever check you PM's these days? Sent you one or two recently...BTW...how's the great NE these days?
  2. Hey, Billy...how's it working for that OU defensive rotation today against Clemson? Announcers said the team in white (OU) looks like a bunch of scout team players while the guys in Orange (Clemson) look like the varsity scholarship players. Too funny. Hey, I'd take pretty much any of those OU DT's here at UNT, but they are getting killed today so far by Clemson! As an OSU grad I can't help but laugh at that comment and enjoy the drubbing Clemson is giving OU so far...but, hey it's only 27-0 at half. Anything can happen in the second half.
  3. I called when I wanted away game OSU tickets. I was told we were not selling away game tickets and to contact OSU directly. OK, no problem. Did so and they mailed me the tickets in plenty of time for the game. I would assume, even if UNT were selling tickets that group rates would only be available through the home school's ticket office. I am 100% sure that if you want to attend, that you can still find plenty of good seats through the TT ticket office..,maybe even a sweet group rate. If you do end up going..,wear green and yell real loud!
  4. Recent article in San Diego paper discussed the fact that the number of fans for these "lesser" bowls was really not that important. What is important is TV viewership levels and the viewership levels have been good according to what ESPN wants in order to broadcast the games. Interesting I thought...the article even touted the possibility of televising games where no fans attended at all...where no tickets were sold and where the game was played only for a television/broadcast audience. I have to wonder what the cities who host these games think when it comes to tourist dollars for hotels, restaurants, bars/pubs, local taxi/train/bus service, city exposure, etc., etc.? Are we really headed this way? Me, I doubt it, but who knows as TV runs it all these days as we have seen with the Mean Green kick-off times the last few years. Edit: Really? Why?
  5. Hey, Billy, get back with me on that concept after you have about 30-40 years experience in hiring and firing employees. Sometimes, even after extensive background and prior experience research, as a hiring manager you make the wrong call. I know, amazing concept that hiring managers are not perfect, and sometimes the employee looks great and talks a good game and has a great resume, but just won't cut it on your "team". Happens...so, after you have recruited and interviewed and managed employees for 30-35 years get back with me on that "lead a horse to water" thing being all on the hiring manager.
  6. Hot breaking sports news here folks....UNT90 starting a new thread regarding scheduling! That's new, right? Ha! Just having some fun with you Mike...it's the holidays after all.
  7. Sort of like QB's who don't put in the extra time, huh? Something about being able to lead a horse to water, but......
  8. Happy you like your seats. As you, I love my Club seats and love the view as well. I have been to stadiums where the players look like ants and that is certainly not my Club seat view. Maybe my eyes are better...Ha! Anyway... No seat is better or worse than any other depending upon what one looks for in a seat. One thing that makes my seats for me is the friends I have sitting near me. So, whatever floats your boat when it comes to seat location...point is...just buy seats...somewhere anywhere. Location...your call.
  9. Actually, the Athletic Dept. has set a public goal of 2500 Mean Green Club members. It has been sent out through email and I have heard John Nitardy speak publicly regarding the goal. Edit: Well, I see, as usual, there are those here who just can't stand the truth. Typical. If you are a Mean Green Club member you received the email announcing the "Get 15" campaign along with the publicly stated goal of 2500 members. If you are not a MGC member and are spouting off here about what should or should not be done, then perhaps you should think about that. Memberships start at $25. John Nitardy has spoken in public about this goal as well. I was there to hear him talk about it and the reasons behind the new minimum $25 level. But, to those who find some fault in letting folks know, well....only at North Texas. Still don't believe it? PM me with your email address and I will forward the email to you...then you can sign on the link and join the MGC, right?
  10. I met the father of our 7ft recruit last night at the PVAM game. He was with Ken Lyons and Ken actually introduced me to him. Seems like a nice guy and had some very interesting things to say regarding his son's recruiting by some pretty decent schools including Okie State, George Mason, etc. and why he commuted to play for the Mean Green. His comment about the PVAM game was "we need more people in here". I started to tell him not to worry as we have a lot of folks supporting the players from afar and how much that means to the program and players. But, decided not to go there...just said I definitely agreed. PM me if you want to know what he said about the decision to go with UNT. No need to expand upon that here. I am looking forward to seeing his son play with Jeremy Combs and J'Mycel.
  11. Well, in just a couple of years we will need to claim there were 8,000 in attendance for this Creighton game if we count everyone who will eventually claim they were in attendance during future discussions.
  12. True. And many others were in town on weekend liberty. The Japanese, while doing some good planning in keeping the attack secret, made many many mistakes. Of course, the major one was attacking the U.S. In the first place, but missing the carriers and attacking on a Sunday morning turned a victory into a longer term defeat for the Japanese. Interesting how many in the Imperial Navy realized that defeating the U.S. was all but impossible, yet the Japanase war machine and conflicts between the Japanese Army command and Naval command worked to lead them down the path it did. Shortly after Pearl Hrbor, the U.S. Defeated the Japanese at the battle of Midway. From that point on the Japanese were on the defensive...never again to gain the offensive advantage. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor is a prime and tragic example of how a nation can let circumstances and internal conflicts lead down a disastorous and self-defeating path. May God bless all those who served in WWII and in all periods of armed conflict in our nation's history. The nation owes all our veterans a great deal. Many have paid the ultimate sacrifice so that this great nation of ours may survive. Remember Pearl Harbor...remember all who serve!
  13. Well, just for me... I can sit outside in my seats and not get wet when it rains, I can see everything that goes on during the game quite clearly, I am sitting near some great UNT fans who love UNT and support them win, lose or draw, I get a very nice meal before each game and can and do sit with some great fans and friends during that meal, The view is fantastic in my opinion, I can go inside if I wish...and get complimentary soft drinks throughout the game or purchase beer and wine and mixed drinks should I so choose...and I often do, My seats come with a great numbered parking spot close to the stadium, I get a complimentary game program at each game, In the winter my coat doesn't get wet when I place it behind my seat, I can stand up and not disturb anyone sitting behind me (my seats are on the back row for several reasons...most noted above), No cokes, beer, etc. ever get spilled on the stuff I store behind or under my seat, My wife continues to come to the games with me because she loves our seats, And...because I can and want to do so. It's a personal choice. Everyone gets to make their choice. No choice is any better than another...simply personal preference. Hope this helps.
  14. Dax Gramann (spelling?) has been less than expected for OSU. Walsh will be the starter for OSU next season. No bowl for OSU this year with Dax at the helm. "Highly touted" indeed, but at this point ... Highly over touted. But, one thing is certain, he has the potential and Gundy knows a thing or two about QB's. But, look for J W leading the 'Pokes out of the gate next season. Only reason Dax is starting this season is due to Walsh's season ending injury in game 2 of the season. The rust of not playing much for a good stretch was clearly showing on Dax this season.
  15. Someone get hurt? I would think that unless the Pistons are willing to give him some extended playing time that the D-League is a better option for his development.
  16. Preach! Yes Sir! These players are showing something. Let's see if they can continue to develop as a team. Potential certainly there with these guys.
  17. But, the experts said he wasn't recruiting a QB. How can this be? One thing is certain...those 25 spots need to be filled with play makers and difference makers. But, isn't that the case for every class? Here's hoping UNT places some focus on QB, D-Line, O-Line and DB's. If UNT is going to be a run-first program under Mac best get some new big-un's up front in the O-Line and some pass rushing crazies for the D-Line. Seems if Mac is going to keep this ship heading in a positive direction he needs more than one or two of this season's recruits to step into a starting role pretty quickly. Best to name a new defensive coordinator soon as well. It would seem to me to be helpful in these last few remaining recruiting days. I think Mac and UNT have lots to "sell", the hard part is closing the sale to those higher rated recruits that are local enough to have watched UNT's struggles the last several years leading up to the bowl win. And, then to see the somewhat unexpected fall off a bit this season. The recruits need to figure out if they are willing and have the interest in moving this battleship that is UNT forward. Good luck Mac and Company. The Mean Green faithful are .... Well, they are the Mean Green faithful. Bring 'em in Mac, Mac 'em in... P.S. Why the heck am I always out of town when the free beer gets passed out? Bummer......
  18. Funny...some other team hires an unproven assistant and folks all all over it as a fantastic pick...UNT does the same and "the sky is falling". For once I think UNTJim1995 is on to something.
  19. Thanks, Silver...at least you got it and played well. Plus 1 for you, Sir!
  20. Whoa...excellent. That, Sir, is considered a crowd! Well done! Go Mean Green, Beat UTSA!
  21. Hmmmm...give me UNT-27. UTSA -17. Go Mean Green! The Mean Green end the season with two nice wins to carry into the off-season.
  22. Buddhism? I see the usual suspects have been at work here....no sense of humor at all. Expected.
  23. Who started this silly notion that the SMU game would be considered a home game? This has UNT90 written all over it with some folks just running with it. The UNT90 mind warp working with some folks it seems. Too funny, but does make for good press.
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