I heard that there are a 'few' construction companies offering bids to build the new stadium. I would assume that the $1.5M we got was for drawing up the plans and not so much on the 'research' of whether we could afford it or not. Because going off of the past with the fan support, there is no way financially it would make sense. I also heard that while RV is ready to tango with the new stadium, there are other, more 'powerful' people, that must be influenced first and they are not currently on board with this new project. I do not believe they are waiting for TX dot to offer money to buldoze Fouts, this makes me chuckle. I think rather he is waiting to see the turnout of this season and the next to see what their new investment (Todd Dodge) will do to the program and fan support as well as season tickets. I believe that if this season and the next are successful and we have a great showing of fan support and we win some games, this will be what is needed to get the more 'powerful' people on board.