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Everything posted by meangreenacct

  1. To the person posting in regards to the APR issue...this is my almost completely uneducated guess, but I think the APR is only hit by players who are on scholarship and leave. That would definitely mean King, Washington and Stbblefield would hit us a point each. I do think if a player stays in school you are not penalized. I'm not sure if Fentriss is still here or not. If he is and is still in good academic standing, then I think we are ok.
  2. Any possibility that Riley redshirts next year if we have depth at wide receiver? Baring an injury to Vizza next year, he probably wouldn't play much anyway. Just a thought.
  3. What if you realized that not every letter had to be capitalized? What if you only used one question mark? What if you knew that the proper length of the ellipses was three periods? Just some questions that will never be answered since you clearly received a world class education at Tulsa.
  4. I definitely wasn't in support of the guy who shot the people in the back, but these guys had it coming to them!
  5. Your kidding right? The bridge was never funded by Congress? That may technically be true, Congress originally earmarked approximately $200M specifically for the bridge. Since there was so much heat over it, Congress removed the restriction that the money be used for that but still sent the same amount of money to Alaska. http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/09/22/alaska.bridge.ap/ Pertinent info from article - U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens and Rep. Don Young, both Republicans, championed the project through Congress two years ago, securing more than $200 million for the bridge between Revillagigedo and Gravina islands. Under mounting political pressure over pork projects, Congress stripped the earmark -- or stipulation -- that the money be used for the airport, but still sent the money to the state for any use it deemed appropriate. Stevens spokesman Aaron Saunders said Friday the senator was interested in how the state ultimately used the money. A spokeswoman for Young said the congressman would have no comment.
  6. http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/taxes.asp and Obama's tax plans: http://www.barackobama.com/pdf/taxes/Facts..._Plan_FINAL.pdf Sorry to hijack your thread Baby Arm
  7. Also I followed the links you posted, but could find nothing to specifically back up the claims other than the reinstatment of the estate tax. One article did say that Obama might potentially raise the capital gains rate - but nothing stated to 39.6% (which would be the highest marginal rate).
  8. Not trying to take a cheap shot at you Euless Eagle, but alot of the things that you posted are patently untrue. If tomorrow is a slow day at work I will go through your post one by one and post links. Some of the issues are true, but if you've paid any attention to the news lately you would know that 1. Obama's plan does not call for immediate withdrawal from Iraq 2. Obama's health care plan does not call for a nationalized one, but instead a program for American's who CHOOSE to can buy into a plan similar to what the congress gets. 3. I've never one heard Obama say that American't do not have the right to bear arms. He may have voted for bills involving restrictions, such as the assault rifle ban, but he most certainly does not support removal of all guns. 4. Don't believe he supports gay marriage, but rather civil unions 5. All the tax stuff has been debunked previously on this board (although he does support an increase on individuals making over $250K thereabouts). I will see if I can find the link on Snopes as well as the tax policy center (non-partisan) that breaks down the stuff you posted.
  9. Well his now public shortcomings not withstanding, many criticized John Edwards for running for President while his wife is terminally ill with cancer. I don't really see much of a difference here, it's wrong in both instances. Who is to say that her husband can't stay at home with their child?
  10. Honestly I don't care for McCain and I'm sure many of you can tell for my posts I sure don't want him to win, but for me this is definitely a non issue. Sh*t happens, and she is taking resonsibility for her actions, which is great. I think the only thing that this shows is premarital and even more pretinent, teenage sex occurs in all communities and socio-economic groups. Indicates to me that we probably do need more sex education (and I don't mean abstinence only!).
  11. 3-9, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE make me eat my words.
  12. http://origin.barackobama.com/issues/ This website seems to be a little clearer, at least for me...
  13. "I have saw him yesterday" Mystery solved.
  14. So are you saying Clinton failed as a commander in chief because of 9/11? I seem to clearly remember George Bush was President then. I hardly see how not being attacked since 9/11 makes him a success.
  15. Thank got it's not him (assuming this subsequent news release is right). So I guess that would seem to indicate Biden is the likely nominee? I suppose I prefer him to Bayh and Kaine, I think he compliments a perceived Obama weakness.
  16. That as well, and they have gotten neither so far. Might throw a few bucks his way later, but definitely no time to spare. Football season is coming up, I've got my priorities.
  17. I'm on the e-mail list to get an email and text message when the decision has been made, and I have nothing yet...All I can say is that is it's Bayh I will be pretty dissapointed.
  18. That's one of the interesting things I've learned in my brief work I've had to do in oil/gas exploration as well as my co-workers work in the refining sector. A client of mine is doing extremely well in the exploration market - they find it, extract it, and sell it - therefore these high prices are great for them. Their stock price has ranged from $30-$60 higher then where they were a year ago (basically double or triple previous price). My good friend however has a client purely in the refining business. Their stock has lost almost $90 during the year and they have had cash flow problem due to high input costs. Clearly not in position to expand capacity! So long story short, not everyone is making out like bandits. It's all well and good if you think "drill here, drill now" is a great policy. That won't do much good if we can't refine here, refine now as well.
  19. On the abortion front, I'm wondering if he was taking total number instead of per capita? Also, why leave off girls below 15? I'm sure there are abortions outside of that range as well.
  20. Rick, Actually the point is in your post you didn't even call him Barack - you decided to skip the first name altogether.
  21. That sucks, was really looking forward to seeing him play. I thougt he had alot of potential, but I guess he wasn't going to be in the rotation of 8.
  22. So since George Bush was President while the price has gone down you give him credit, then is it ok for me to blame him since he was President when it increased so much?
  23. Yikes...gotta love the fact that 99.9% of it is not based on anything Obama has said or proposed!
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