I think CEO pay has been a topic of discussion over the past few years, not just in the 9 months since Obama was sworn into office. I think the reason that it's such a hot topic now is people are looking at all the companies that are failing, then seeing what the top execs at those companies are making. I think more people are getting fed up by the growning gap between what top execs and "line" employees get. I forget the exact statistic, but if you compare CEO salaries versus the average employee, the CEO's are making way more compared to the average employee when compared to say 20-50 years ago. With that said, I am not necessarily for a cap on CEO salaries, at least not a government imposed cap. I really do think that the Compensation Committees for most Board of Directors have really not lived up to their duty of making sure compensation is inline with Company performance. I predict there will be alot of changes in this regard due to shareholder suits or other actions.