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Everything posted by meangreenacct

  1. I'm with you. I think both parties gave up something they wanted, so no one feels like a winner. I'm just glad they are getting something done so my 401K doesn't tank and I don't have to fast rising interests rates on any of my variable rate debt...
  2. Cool, I live in Allen. May have to try and swing by if I can off work earlier enough to make it home before the start of the game.
  3. Deal is probably non-guaranteed, so not completely unusual. I think some of the other guys they listed with 3 year deals were UFA as well.
  4. I wish Vito would stop being all doom and gloom about UNT...
  5. I think your second paragraph might misunderstand his point. I think he is saying everyone who bought the lottery tickets payed tax. I.E. every person who had $100 spent on lottery tickets paid tax on them, their already taxed money makes up the prize pool he wins and he subsequently pays tax on the winnings, making the proceeds double taxed. The fallacy in the arguement is that you could apply the double tax standard to every single transaction in the economy (basically). I pay taxes on my income when I earn it, I go out and spend it, which eventually becomes either a corporate profit or goes on to pay part of someones salary, which in turn is taxed again. I can see both sides to the debate on the estate tax. The only thing the bothers me is the inference that way more people are subject to the tax than really are. I have no problem if a politician is against the estate tax, but at least have an honest discourse about who the tax really effects.
  6. I have a hard time shifting most of the blame to illegal immigrants/anchor babies. In Texas our two main sources of revenue are sales tax and property tax, don't even illigal immigrants either directly or indirectly pay both? They buy stuff, so the incur the sales tax. They also live somewhere, so they pay property taxes at least indirectly through their rents. Now I won't pretend to understand how any federal dollars are handed out, but I would assume it's partially on the basis of heads in school, so in that case if they are in school then we probably get some kind of credit for them.
  7. Where did he really attack your family? You brought your family into the discussion, and then he said if your son believes the crazy nebulously cited "internet history", then he would also be wrong. I don't consider it attack on someone to say they are wrong, maybe some with a "revisionist" view of the word attack may think otherwise.
  8. That was only who was interested in the 76-100 group on the list. They have release 26-100 now and we are listed amongst quite a few... http://www.dallasnews.com/sports/high-schools/headlines/20110627-updated-football-recruiting-rankings-see-nos.-26-100-in-dallas-area.ece
  9. This is a different game. This is the last warm-up.
  10. The other thing is the international teams have typically played with each other since they were young, progressing from Under 17 team, to Under 18 team, etc as they get older. For the most part we don't follow the same model here as they place a higher emphasis on representing their country.
  11. I don't think that was "in the Idaho Statesman", it was in a blog on their site. It also did not support anything from the first two links, it basically so no word on the subject since the issue first came up. I would hardly call that link a credible journalistic story.
  12. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2011/feb/09/chain-email/chain-e-mail-claims-foreign-trade-zones-are-chines/ Discussed in here is similar to what is proposed in those "articles".
  13. What does this first link have to do with the others? I see no mention of China having "eminent domain" rights? Even many of the commenters on your first link say that it's a bunch of garbage, which seems reasonable since in the last two years I have not heard one mention of it from any reputable new agency or Fox News. CBL - That link was too funny, looked like what I read on the comments in the first linked article by EE.
  14. My guess would be the two recent runs in the NCAA tourney coupled with the fairly storied basketball tradition. They have always recruited well. The question is how well will the be coached when they get there and how much turnover in the players will they have. They had a top 150 player last year who was off the team by mid season (Snap Peters) and I believe they had another top 100 player (Boyd?) from either last year or year before who never made it to campus. Great recruiting class for them, but I have definitely been happy with the results JJ has had with less touted classes and am excited to see what he can do with this hopefully still not completed class.
  15. Not to immediately contradict what I just said, but I think there is one question mark in Hogans game. Can he up his rebounding? We really need more than 4 boards a game out of our post, so hopefully he will be able to step it up.
  16. Other than Hogans I see alot of question marks with that line-up. Although I love the defense he plays, based on what we saw in his first year on the offensive end, I wouldn't pencil in Alzee to start. I think Chris Jones has much more long term potential so I believe the coaches will give him every opportunity to run the point. I actually think Alzee will see time at the two as some of the backup PG minutes may go to Norris. I also think based on the improvement we saw from Holmen towards the end of the year, that there is a good chance he will start as well. I think obviously when Mitchell becomes eligible we will find a way to get him on the floor, that may be as the starting 3 or playing the 4 in name only as we go with a smaller overall lineup depending on matchups. As others have pointed out I also expect Jordan Williams will get alot of PT. If he can adapt to playing the two that would be even better for us as it would give us the flexibility to potentially have J Williams, Franklin, and Mitchell on the floor at the same time. That could definitely cause some matchup problems for other teams in the Belt. We will see what happens, but no matter how the lineup shakes out - definitely exciting time to be a Mean Green fan!
  17. Way to go Tony...keep up the good work!
  18. I was born in New York...and I still HATE the Yankees!
  19. Dunbar would be gone by then. I believe this guy graduates in 2012...not saying that makes it true.
  20. Or do you mean, just keep harboring them? Not sure there will be much change either way.
  21. Sounds about right. Don't forget the assistants Jim Beam and Jack Daniels.
  22. Come on guys, we're losing sight of the real news of the day...There is a freaking royal wedding today. Can't we all just get along for Will & Kate's sake?
  23. I also don't understand the big deal because the certificate that he produced previously meets the standard required to get a passport.
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