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yyz28 last won the day on August 10 2012

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About yyz28

  • Birthday 07/05/1976

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    McKinney, TX

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  1. No, Rick used the right “your”, as in possessive. “Where are YOUR mods?” Perhaps consider learning & using proper grammar before coming here and trying to shove the superiority of YOUR (possessive) college down our throats?
  2. Boy, you really need the last word on this, don’t ya? The 6A bands making state finals are the best funded. Period. As someone in “the biz”, you know this. Sufficed to say, this former member of this band is proud of how the current generation represents us and our school. It is quite clear you don’t. Your vote has been recorded. Your expert opinion fully delivered to all. Your foul language has made your point with intellect and class. Congrats. Go Mean Green! Go Green Brigade!
  3. If you do it for a living, then you know that financial contributions have an impact. I’m aware of our status as a music school. That’s part of why I came to UNT. Hence the reason I know a little something about it, beyond the money I simply donate.
  4. Yeah, I never suggested that, but it does indicate one’s level of investment. To each his own, I suppose. Go Mean Green!
  5. I tend to agree with the need for a fresh face in this role.
  6. We must be watching different bands. The band is fantastic. Sorry you don’t enjoy them this season. I’m sure you donated to the fundraiser for new horns promoted multiple times this season, since you’re so passionate about the band?
  7. New Mexico Bowl would be my preference, but I’ll show up and support UNT no matter where they play their bowl. I’m excited for the team, band, cheer team and dancers for the opportunity!
  8. You do realize, of course, that for a banner primetime game like this, the bands miked, right? Our band plays after every first down, they’re playing bits to disrupt the Opposing offense, they have been wonderful in person this year!
  9. I can’t root against my team. Just can’t do it. I’m frustrated. I want better. But a ball game means a whole lot, not just to the football team, but the band, the dancers, the cheerleaders, and everybody else who participates. With all due respect, it isn’t about what the fans want, it’s about creating opportunities for the students. God knows I get as frustrated as anybody, but I just can’t get there, rooting against this team to fail, even if at a fan it set up a potential better tomorrow. It’s about the students first. Us alumni and fans have to come second.
  10. I think the band is fantastic. The show was amazing this year, the band was loud in the stands and I thought the pregame was fantastic. I wonder how many complaining have donated to the Brigade or contributed to the program. The drum line is clean, the horns are loud. There were some coordination issues with the press box/dj’s this year, but I know the time these kids put into band. It’s massive. I’m a proud alumni of the Green Brigade, and I’m proud of how the band represents us old-timers today. Thank you, Green Brigade, for supporting the team and your school, and for the dedication you show week in and week out.
  11. Not to defend this, but there have been 2 clear instances of PI not called on this drive.
  12. You’ll be smarter than me then. I’ve been enduring this for 30 years. …and compared to some on here, I’m a “whipper-snapper”.
  13. This is the most North Texas thing I’ve ever seen.
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