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the green rokemi

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Everything posted by the green rokemi

  1. ha ha ha very funny, the key word in what you said is "RUNS"
  2. the more important question is... What will LA Tech's travel budget look like in the next couple of years
  3. that's great, I hate listening to games on KNTU...I am always hyped up listening to a game and then they go to a commercial that is really mellow talking about some elevator jazz show or such it ruins the mood...
  4. and Cinci as a I recall had a basketball game that night...what kind of poll is this? I don't even know what the selections are ("NO Bowl any other bowl game" or "i.e. Ft. Worth Houston Bowl"?)
  5. I will not cheer for a California or Florida team to beat a Texas team ever...well unless maybe it is coach Fran or TTech maybe
  6. I read he was completely cooperative with the police, so I hope for the sake of his family it is false...
  7. PMG, you might find it interesting that I have an autographed copy of Mickey's book "The Golden age of Football (The 50's)". Mickey is also a great author as that book and the Bear Bryant book he wrote were excellent... as far as commentating tandems...Ralph Strangis and Darryl Reaugh (sp?) are the best... worst...Bill Walton...
  8. U2 toad the wet sprocket starflyer 59 (the london) Suede Bernard Butler the world inside sunny day real estate Just bought the new Juliana Theory album! oh, and for the Denton connection- Lift to Experience
  9. I am hoping that this is only a misunderstanding because what my friend heard is what they heard and maybe RV said what he did not realizing the tone of his speech...I am wondering if he is leaving for personal reasons and not necessarily for another job....
  10. a friend of mine who is working for the University left a message for RV to call back about making an appointment to meet. when he called back he said he was leaving and that they would make sure that my friend was taken care of....(and it was not in the context of leaving for the day nor leaving on vacation) This post is not meant to start a rumour, has anyone heard this or has the board already discussed this?
  11. Burn jerseys are cool (red and black), I think the sidekicks are still purple, you didn't mention the Desperados...and in no way should the Mavericks have kept the M with hat, that was as ugly as the way they played a few years ago...
  12. plus RV has a heart for UNT and he has vision, to insult a man like that for beginning to lead us out of the dark ages of this school is grounds for a code red....almost.... oh yeah, RV also kept Dickey around for another conference championship
  13. that's awesome! but for some reason I believe we have had an alumni there before, but I could be wrong...
  14. it makes sense to me, if you can't control your crowd someone will do it for you....the last thing we want is for some major incident to happen and UNT be known nationally for it... hmmm....the next step is to serve alcohol at games and viola! we have better attendence...
  15. will the students actually get a chance to vote on the law school?! Didn't they already fail that right?! Shane is correct in that the paper can do that...do I think it's an ignorant editorial? yes... what is the problem with students trying to keep UNT in the dark ages? Does the music department fan club not understand that outside of the top musicians in a certain genre we are not known for the music program?
  16. those student loans are killer
  17. MGF, I know that is his name I am just assuming that it is possibly a cheerleader who has registered on the board using the coach's name, but who knows, maybe not, if it is I would feel disappointed in their choice of words...
  18. I don't think that was the coach of the cheerleaders because willie's right they do have megaphones and if the coach doesn't know that, well...? Cheerleader- defined as a) one who leads a cheer 2) one who cheerily leads 3) one who leads cheerfully...
  19. well Keith at least you could hear "something" I was at the game and sat down after they started playing because I could not hear them...(no song at a huge stadium should start off with flutes and woodwinds) I thought last years songs were great, what happened?
  20. SWB you are on about the cheerleaders, and I can't tell if they are tired of apathetic crowds or if they just don't care, but they definately do care about hiding pom-poms from scrappy (did anybody see how long that scenario lasted?), while we are at it...when a timeout is called at an intense moment of the football game why does the band play a mellow jazz piece? geez, talk about killing the mood...why can't we play the theme from "Conan: The Barbarian" or Marilyn Manson's "Beautiful people"? wearing sackcloth and ashes, the green rokemi
  21. and hopefully by doing this, eventually those department alumnus will give back and support the university more than some of the biggest alumnus from the departments we are known for now, which it seems the only people who know us as a music school are music people...(I thought it was known for it's education program...)
  22. Well the writer forgot two points about Simms in the article...1) he took the sack (seven of them) instead of throwing the ball away...2) after the game he whined about how mean our defense was....Our school is trying to convince the world that we can hang with the top dogs and not be bottom feeders, by writing this article it looks like we were so lucky to play Texas and that it was a privelage to play them and that we are just in awe that we even set foot on the same field as Simms, well excuse me, Simms was just lucky we didn't knock him out of the game...
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