Wow! I didn't know all of this great stuff was happening. I also didn't know that a medic from Iowa would be privvy to things that are happening all across Iraq and not just where he is stationed...unless of course he was given these "numbers" for a reason. I wonder, is there a media conglomerate so liberal and so powerful that they could control all facts, all photos, and give them a liberal spin? The "liberal media" idea is about as tired and wrongheaded as the idea that the entire Republican party is controlled by the conservative christian coalition...either way it's a way to paint facts with a tainted brush. I think all of these things are great...and as long as we keep our soldiers there things will continue to be great. Unless, though, some of our soldiers take up permanent residence there things will not stay this way. The stability of the middle east cannot be achieved and maintained in a few years...when Bush says "we will stay as long as it takes" just understand that this statement is open ended for a reason. And, again, our current regime...I mean administration, my bad...wants to bury their every mistake around election time for what reason?