The fence doesn't have a gate though, it has the illusion of a gate. And that illusion is kept around for two reasons:
1) Most importantly to the "elites", it keeps programs like North Texas (and their fans) believing that "if we just do this or that and get things to break right, we could actually compete for a championship." It's why you hear asinine things from G5 coaches like "our end of year goal, a national championship, is what we strive for." Every team in G5 is the nerd that is told that, if they play their cards right, they might get invited to the prom queen's post-prom party...because maybe, just maybe, she'll finally admit she's loved us all along. 🙄
2) If you pretend your system has a way for the little guys to compete for a championship, you hamstring the most glaring anti-trust arguments. "Your honor, we haven't built a monopoly in college football, just look at Boise that we let play in the first round of the playoff"