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Mean Green 93-98

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Everything posted by Mean Green 93-98

  1. I took a look over there--they sure are talking up a lot of smack.
  2. I'm not sure if you were actually intending to give a defense of Rather's actions, or just trying to figure out what motivated him to do what he did. I doubt it is only the fact that he viewed combat as a journalist that made him seek anything he could to discredit Bush. Clinton was a draft-dodger, but do you think Rather would have gone to such lengths to discredit him? There is nothing more there than the fact that Rather is a looney liberal (Link), and looney liberals hate George W. Bush. Regarding the Vietnam era, my father was in the National Guard and he didn't know anybody.
  3. CBS Sportsline.com is advertising "Watch live (NCAA Tournament) games online for free." I'm not sure if there's some catch somewhere, but here's the link: Link
  4. An excused absence will still set the people behind who go to the game. That is, if there is something important that day.
  5. Not a gambling man, but if I were, my vote might be a little less biased. As it is, I'm on this bandwagon whole hog.
  6. Going to go with conventional wisdom on this one and say Syracuse.
  7. Thanks, Objective (TAMU) Aggie. Your posts are always an encouragement.
  8. Sigh...repeat a misrepresentation often enough in the ears of the feeble-minded, and it's not too long before it becomes Gospel truth to them. And that doesn't only happen south of the Rio Grande.
  9. He was an amazing singer. Man, what a range!
  10. Is Rick V fan-friendly? When my wife and I went to the OU game a few years ago with our newborn twins in tow, those dumb okies wanted to charge us for two extra full price seats for our babies who were going to be sitting on our laps the whole game. As a North Texas fan who was used to much more accommodating seating policies, I was a little disgruntled. But suddenly, out of nowhere, our fearless and bold AD Rick V jumps out and takes the 2 tickets we have and swaps them out for another 4. How many other ADs would take up for their fans like that? Might not sound like much, but I will always appreciate the gesture.
  11. Is that the actual uniform?
  12. Meatloaf has supposedly been more relevant than Don Henley in the past 20 years, yet you have to refer to an album released 30 years ago? That wasn't too long after the Eagles released Hotel California, and The Long Run came out after that. Not to mention the numerous hits that Don Henley had through the 80's, i.e. coming within a range of 20 years. Nothing major against Meatloaf, but there is really no comparison.
  13. Could you repeat that in phonics for me, please?
  14. Wouldn't spread sets demand some different blocking schemes than a pro set? There are obviously gaps in a spread formation that you have to deal with.
  15. I think the ad just said it was the ESPN network's first televised game of the year. I would imagine that ABC or one of the other networks would have a marquee matchup to start the season.
  16. Why not? Even if he doesn't win the starting job, having a QB on the roster that KNOWS TD's system can only be an asset.
  17. Okay, tell me about the Democrats' brilliant strategy for winning the War on Terror. Run away, run away. Yes, some boneheaded mistakes have been made by the Bush administration, but the Democrats provide no hope at all. The only people they're willing to attack relentlessly are unborn children who can't defend themselves.
  18. Yes, it would be great to have one of those Democratic sissies in the White House who would further cripple our population by making them dependent on government aid, and give the U.N. veto power over any legislation that does not conform to European norms. Sounds great, Einstein.
  19. We need to send that guy out to the Middle East.
  20. Good idea. Mack Brown would make a good assistant under Todd Dodge here at UNT.
  21. Nothing is settled until next February. If he goes to UT, I wish him all the best. But I would love to see him go to UNT, and we are definitely in the running.
  22. I was not a big fan of the Texas Stadium games. Opposing fans would outnumber us 3-1, it didn't feel like home to the UNT fans or players, and what we would effectively do is swap out a home game on our schedule for an away game. It will be great when we have our own stadium that can host marquee games like that.
  23. I thought Corbin Montgomery's "alias" was Corbin Epps.
  24. Right there with you - root for the Rangers, White Sox, and anyone playing the Yankees.
  25. Seems like I have read a few posters on this board who have told Riley Dodge, "Son, I already have a quarterback."
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