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Everything posted by Cool

  1. Per Mayo Clinic, Gangrene refers to the decay and death of tissue resulting from an interruption in blood flow to a certain area of your body. Some types of gangrene also involve a bacterial infection. Gangrene most commonly affects the extremities, including your toes, fingers and limbs, but can also occur in your muscles and internal organs. Your chances of developing gangrene are higher if you have an underlying condition that can damage your blood vessels and impede blood flow, such as diabetes or atherosclerosis. Treatments for gangrene include surgery to remove dead tissue, antibiotics and other approaches. The prognosis for recovery is good if gangrene is identified early and treated quickly. Please, let's not start lowering expectations to dead tissue realities before the season even starts. Coach Dodge and his players will do well to surgically remove themselves from such low expectations for 2007 to increase the odds of recovering. I personally don't care if they go 0-12 this year. I'm showing up evey game to do my part knowing that they have what it takes to potentially go 12-0, and they do. A&M knows all too well the power of the 12th man. Can we give these guys a 12th man? It's a lot easier when fans are radical win loose rain or shine. This team is finding heart and has more talent than most realize. I have been to enough practices to know that TD and his staff are not preparing these guys to lower their expectations so that they won't be disappointed, and neither should we. I am one person monitoring this board who actually believes it. I certainly understand those who will have to see it to believe it. The world always needs that gift to keep us grounded in our mediocrity. Let's do our part to blast ourselves far beyond where we have been before. Please don't wake me if I land with Dorothy in Kansas (12-0). realist or not, let's all have some fun this year. It's a new day.
  2. Word on the street is that he commited to Oregon because he likes the uniforms. There is a lot of time between now and Feb. (signing day).
  3. Bama is a poor example. The problem is that the official branding of UNT does not include the word Eagle anywhere. If I see an elephant in any shape or form I know its an elephant. The "bird of prey" used by UNT could be a falcon, hawk, seagull, or nearlly anything. Oh yea, it could be an eagle as well. If you are not from UNT then all you would know is that the mascot must be some kind of bird of prey. It's all a matter of p erspective. To the outsider it is very confusing so if you want to build a stron brand, it should be cleared up. The key to branding something is to make it simple enough that anyone can get it first pass. Apple Computer uses an apple.....wow. Compare that to HP if they were to have a round piece of friut that was "occationaly" dropped next to their name on occation. Imagine if the shape was without color but it typically looked something could be an apple, peach, mango, plumb, or 10 other choices. Is that more confusing than Apple Computer? Bama has a huge tradition and a simple mascot. Nobody confuses an elephant with anyting else. Maybe a nameless squirle would be better after all.
  4. Few openings would be able to take TD from this job, particularly if RV & UNT are prepared to keep up with market value for his ability to breed champions. After last fall its not surprising a system like TU would think all coaches can be bought for a few more bucks. If their new coach has a winning season perhaps he moves for the third time in as many seasons for a few more bucks. I don't think we have to worry about TD making a horizontal move for a few bucks or an elevation in exposure. To think he would turn down the top job at Texas would be a foolish bet, unless he can build UNT to a similar status by then. I think he will stay as long as UNT and the fans give him the support he needs to succeed.
  5. The Assist. AD said the kids were from LD Bell HS. My sheet says #4 is Evan Fentriss. I think he is the kid who started for Rice as a true Fr. but will sit out next season due to the NCAA transfer rule.
  6. Agree, Meager and Tune are improving every week and are starting to get comfortable. Fentriss definitely sits out due to NCAA transfer rules. I saw him play Texas as a true freshman last year on TV. He had some incredible catches and got some huge kudos from the broadcasters. He knows TD's offense well and appears to be encouraging the other WRs in learning...good sign. There are number of guys who are starting to make some great catches and that will continue to improve, particularly if they get to practice 7 on 7 this summer. Timing and repetitions are key to the spread. They are all getting more confident and starting to look more natural compared to week one when everyone looked a little awkward. The O line will determine much of our success next year. So far they are looking good as well. Can they handle OU? I was in Norman in +/- 2003 when UNT almost knocked off OU first game of the year. I believe OU went on to win the national championship that year under Jason White after a narrow escape. Go Mean Green.
  7. Both the offense and defense had very impressive moments. A few things to remember when watching these coaches scrimmage. Nobody knows how to defend Dodge better than his own defensive coordinator. These guys know each other well and Ron cuts TD no slack in trying to frustrate his offense. I had as much fun watching those two cuys play chess. A Dodge offense will typically finds it easier to execute in a game than in practice against a coach who knows almost every tendency and trick in TD's book. The defense also gets better week by week in learning to recognize plays, etc. With that considered, the coaches and players alike are doing an excellent job integrating the forward pass. Really, everyone should be encouraged. This is obviously an offense that is totally dependent upon timing and execution to move the chains. Several balls are still just a little off target and some are being dropped, neither of which is acceptable to TD. This will improve. There were some awsome catches today by several players. It's a game of patience and improvement week in and week out. Timing and execution will improve drastically over the remainder of spring, and particularly over the summer with 7 on 7 practice, etc. I don't think you will recognize any of the Qbs by fall after TD trains them and they get their timing down. IMO the QB race is far from over and is anyone's to take. Execution is not optional by Septemer and someone will step it up. This team is progressing well all things considered. Some of the existing talent at WR are looking great. I don't think we will be as dependent upon the incoming class as people thought. They may round off some edges but we have some young men who can run good routs and flat out catch the ball. Emotion can improve some but overall good scrimmage.
  8. Today is 'signing day" for College football. Although many top high school stars have committed the day is always full of surprises. The man who knows where the Texas schoolboy stars are headed and whose college program stepped out our stepped down is DallasBlog's David McNabb. Today at 4 pm David will host a live program of www.blogtalkradio.com. His special guest will be Todd Dodge, the legendary coach of the Carroll Dragons that the University of North Texas believes will guide them to the big time. Coach Dodd will be available for call in question around 4:45. You may call in with questions for David or Coach Dodd at the following number: 646-652-2605 Link for live interview and Q&A with Todd Dodge @ 4:00
  9. Wait, Rivals indicated TU was an option......how could he possibly be coming to UNT? Thanks for redeeming us TD as I was beginning to wonder if you could actually compete with TU (kidding).
  10. Why turn GoMeanGreen Forum into a TU PR site? That coach was from the area and he will obviously take some kids out of here. Spend a few minutes surfing the last January posts on the Rice site and you can be concerned for any committing heading that direction. Best of luck to them. Has anyone ever found one that UNT was offering? http://www.ncaabbs.com/forums/cusa/phpbb/v...pic.php?t=45792 I knew the fans would be pissed, but I was assuming I could find something positive from a player’s perspective…not the slightest. Correct me if I missed one. I know it’s not the same situation but contrast that to SMU players when Bennett was recently on the blocks. They had key players (QB included) threatening publicly to quit the team if he was fired. Maybe TU will be a farm team for us down the road.
  11. Unfortunately corporate money is like the chicken and egg or cart before the horse. Corporations typically pay for current eyeballs and seldom gamble on a "build it they will come" concept. Local businesses that would benefit from increased traffic on game days should be all over this; however, they represent a small crowd. That's where affiliation relationships like the Goldfields and the thousands of others from UNT come in. It takes people that have a vested interest beyond what is justified as by % return on investment. How many big donors does it take for a movie to bring in $150 million at the box office, zero? It takes about 21.5 million people at $7 a ticket who want to be entertained. TD will be bringing the entertainment. The challenge in then near term is believing without seeing. It’s only 150,000 tickets if the price averages $1,000 per ticket, 40,000 if they can average $3,750/ticket. That's possible with some doing $25 on the low end and others doing up to $10,000,000+ on the high side. I think the high end will come to finish something off if they see the ground swell of lower level support getting things going. I once read that where your money is your heart is also. I think it's time to bring some hearts back to UNT.
  12. That's it! They sell the house and buy a residential penthouse condo on top of the new stadium. It worked at Texas Motor Speedway. Think of the peace and tranquility (windows closed) and the awesome view of I-35 in every direction. Go to the roof and get the sound of the speedway 24/7. Please, show come class and gratitude for such awesome people as the Goldfields. Heap praise where praise is due and make it easy for them to do more. It’s not how much you have but rather what are you doing with what you have. I don’t know what % of their wealth is represented by $1.5 million but if enough others gave the same proportion its likely the stadium would be funded this month, as would everything else in RV’s vision. As for UNT, nothing will work until the grass roots takes over and the little guys do all that they can do. There are well over 150,000 other alumni that can help UNT who have not donated a penny. How much would it take on average if 100,000 donors funded a stadium? How much more awesome would that story be than doing it the way most schools do (Mr./Mrs. Big Bucks). There are enough graduates and fans from UNT to fund this stadium within a week. I personally think Al knows that and is trying to give RV a shot to get things going. Anyone game?
  13. A former article indicated Lewis and TD are like brothers and I'm sure it's tough to part so soon. TD hires good coaches and he will always encourage someone do what is best for them. We need to get accustom to it as that's just what good coaches do. Fortunately that's what attracts the best prospects and TD is secure enough in himself to simply reload a coach like he does his players. I don't see a huge loss here other than the good fit he was for the staff.
  14. We are saying the same thing, just pick Mean Green or the word Eagle for branding. The fact that I (representing a typical new fan) was confused is the problem. Comparing an elephant emblem (obvious one of a kind animal) to a picture of a generic bird of prey emblem and branding it is the problem. The reason to brand is for the people who are not familiar your school or product to get familiar as easily as possible. I am a fledgling so do miss the opportunity of a first impression here. If the first impression is confusing then don’t complain when the rest of the world outside UNT has no idea who you are. My point is that unless you happen to attend UNT you would have no idea their mascot is an Eagle. It’s a bird until someone tells you it’s an eagle. The bird emblem is as generic as a paw print. Is the paw print a lion, tiger, panther, wildcat, bob cat, house cat, you get the picture. I’m not suggesting that UNT drop the eagle as a mascot. I’m just suggesting that they either let the general public know the bird emblem is an eagle or leave the bird off the brand. Nowhere in the branding is the word eagle used which leads to the confusion of whether it is a hawk, falcon, seagull, eagle, or ninja sparrow. IMHO, leave the eagle picture completely out of the branding and focus totally on branding Mean Green with UNT. Does Alabama have an elephant on their helmet or Crimson Tide on their uniform? Maybe 2 out of a hundred people would know that the mascot of Bama is an elephant. Why? They have not branded the elephant. They have branded Crimson Tide, Roll Tide, etc. So, if you want to use this unusual Bama team for your nobrainer example then at least compare apples to apples and replicate the branding of the Crimson Tide…..Mean Green. The ultimate test for any brand is how quickly it sticks. Less is more. Make it to where someone as ignorant as Cool can get it the first time and you’re probably good. Remember, the fact that I (representing thousands of potential new fans) was confused is a problem. If you want outsiders to refer to NTSU for the next 20 years keep it confusing. Touche?
  15. Great link but it only confuses me more. There continues to be dilution between Mean Green and the Eagle. The Oklahoma Sooner’s are never confused with Big Red, a slogan often used in cheers. Shouldn't we be the UNT Eagles....cheering Go Mean Green? The fact that the "word" Eagles is never used is confusing at best. How are people to know what kind of bird is on my shirt? It's like Texas being the UT Hook’em Horns. No, they are the Texas Long Horns and their mascot is the Long Horn. You will hear people all day long use the slogan Hook’em Horns, but the are Texas Long Horns regardless. Are we the UNT Mean Green with a random bird of prey on our helmet. I say either loose the bird and brand UNT Mean Green or keep the bird and make it UNT Eagles. The slogan Mean Green would then be synonymous with Big Red or Hook’em Horns. IMHO Mr. Eagle either needs to be named as the mascot or he should be removed from the equation. Am I the only one confused here?
  16. I think we all generally agree the university needs to decide a name/logo and color they wish to brand (I personally like interlocking NT) and create cool clothing at different price points. The UA is important for recruiting as it helps the winning that is necessary for the recognition. Nobody cared about Boise State until they put together a winning program that could knock off a BSC team on national television. If you can afford UA, get it, if you can’t, get something else. Who knows, maybe TD can score an UA deal for students.
  17. Don't let a poverty mentality miss the richest point. UA doesn't sponsor just anybody. They have the coolest uniform going right now and only the "coolest teams" get to wear them. There are players committing to UNT right now because they will get to wear UA next year. Maybe that's an exaggeration, but its part of the complete “cool” transformation package TD is bringing with him. Be cool and pay the extra money and support UA for supporting TD and UTD. That’s how the sponsorship cycle works.
  18. This is where having a HS coach with D-1 experience (both playing and coaching) will pay off. In HS you have to start every season with what you got. Some times you have a good O-line, sometimes your don't. TD is a master at coaching what he's got. That will be key next seasons until he can recruit and coachup what he ultimately needs to rock & roll. Also, when you have 4-5 WRs to cover every play its hard to put pressure in the QB like you can when you know your playing a team who struggles to throw the ball. This ain't last year.
  19. He is shown in this story as well. http://insidehighschoolfootball.com/(X(1)S...CookieSupport=1
  20. Dorothy, here we go again. Close your eyes, click your heals three time saying, "I gotta change the way I think." Everything just changed and the uniforms will as well. Remember that you now have one of the coolest coaches in the NCAA who just left one of the coolest high schools in the US. I can only imagine that UNT will probably have the coolest uniforms known to college football. TD understands that he is in the entertainment business and that uniforms are a critical part of that. The SLC logo has more recognition than most Div-I schools. From what I had heard TD leaves no detail unturned. The uniforms were probably designed last year, if not three weeks ago. They may not be what everyone would design if given the opportunity, but I have to imagine that they will be in keeping with the new "cool" factor hired at UNT. Trust him with the details. My time is limited and my posts will be few. You committed ones need to be challenging old thinking and comments like football fan's reply to your post and letting him know that the cool factor is on the rise at UNT.
  21. Oh....season tickets x 4
  22. I'm from Dallas and my only ties to UNT have been a few friends who have attended recently and a few business associates who are graduates as well. I realize that those on this site are already the committed ones. Some times those who are close to something for so long can loose perspective and only see things relative to the past. I felt like sharing a fresh perspective for you guys from someone who has been standing further back. I grew up around a big time program and know what it feels like to have that in the air. My gut tells me that things are lined up well for UNT to step up to the next level. Jumping in is another way of encouraging even the already committed to not be afraid to raise the vision for UNT least you always be considered the third choice in DFW. It won't be easy but it can be fun. Best of luck.
  23. Eppy4life - Definitely no relation to TD. I didn't intend for my optimism to pump me up as someone who has inside scoop, I hate when people do that. Put it this way, he probably wouldn't return my phone call any more than he would yours. How close is that? Almost anyone who has objectively followed HS football in Texas could come close to this optimism. If you could simply sit down with your new JP or any other former player then you would probably be sounding the same wake up call. Don't listen to a coach who blows his own horn. Listen to former fans, players, and parents and you will hear the good bad and ugly. Talk with other coaches like Outlaw from Lufkin and you'll know why three of his players are at UNT this weekend. Talk to Pat Summerall who lives in SL and has seen his share of coaches (I haven't talked to him about TD but others I know have). Like many, I was probably looking for at least something bad over the years just to know he is a somewhat normal coach. There is no greater compliment to ones reputation than what others (including peers) say over a long duration of time. If there is any profession where one true colors get to shine its coaching football. The rare reputation is exactly why I have been a TD fan.....and now NT fan. IMHO only…UNT has every ingredient to launch a powerhouse. Change the way you think and raise the vision because fans have a lot more to do with it than most think. TD gets players to play above their potential. Fans are a big part of helping players do the same. I’m sure TD will be painting the vision real soon with recruiting, facilities, uniforms, you name it. If you have to see it to believe it then sit back and watch. Otherwise jump in because the water is warm.
  24. I know several people who know the core of this staff. I have observed the coaches from afar and talked to many players, parents, and fans over the years and the tune is consistent to what I posted herein. Raise your vision UNT.
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