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Everything posted by untjim1995

  1. Just curious, do we know that Dodge is worrying about journalists? If so, how do we know this?
  2. I was a manager during his first 2 years at UNT. Simon was a different guy--trust me, coming from someone who had to work with him everyday, he was mentally unstable. One moment, he would be very genial, almost paternal. In the very next moment, he would turn on you, like someone with paranoia issues would. As a matter of fact, one day at practice, on a beautiful fall afternoon at Fouts, he made me go into the stands and ask a female student who was studying in her psychology text book and taking notes, to leave immediately. He was certain she was a spy. During the LSU game in 1995, he was on the sideline screaming at the ref, saying that the white official wanted him to call him, "Massah" since he was certain that the ref was racist and hated him. He got called for an unsportsmanlike-conduct penalty and just as the half ends, he turns around to me, who was carrying the cord to his headset, and just throws it right into my face, busting my lip open. Doesn't say a word about it until I go up to him on Monday afternoon at practice to say that this was just crazy. His response was, "I heard that happened--very unfortunate." Like I said, he was just unstable. Never was one to apologize. Ahh the stories that could be told from that time frame.... I feel no sympathy for the man getting fired--absolutely none.
  3. I picked KU in this one because I felt that they did have a great team, and although VT has a better reputation, KU got to hear how they didn't belong in this game for a month. The surprise was that KU's defense and special teams more than held their own against Va Tech. Maybe it is a fluke and OU, Texas, and Tech will kill them next year, but I don't know that for sure. I think KU has a chance to beat both Texas and Tech next year in Lawrence, but the OU game in Norman is still too high for them, I think. I do know this, if they had gotten texas or tech this year, I feel that they would have beaten them both. As far as building a program and getting the most from his players, Mangino has been doing that for a long time now up there. Its just that this year was finally a break-through for them. This whole scenario is my dream for us here at UNT with Dodge--and I believe it will happen here too!!
  4. I agree with your assessment--it is getting awfully expensive to run a Division-I football program, though. When the other metroplex teams will pay millions for a coach and even more millions for superb stadium/facilities, I just hope that we don't say that this game is too expensive for our university. Unfortunately, with the last 30 years being our history, if certain mindsets get put back into place, I could see that being discussed in Denton.
  5. I cannot agree more. If KU had done anything right in the first half of that game or if there was about 2 more minutes to go in that game when KU got the ball back, I think they would have won that game. Reesing is a gamer, and although the schedule was not great, they won at K-State, A&M, and OSU. By the way Texas lost to two of those three, and Tech lost to one of those two, so just because KU didn't play Texas or Tech, doesn't mean they got all the breaks on their schedule. Kansas has to play those two teams next year in Lawrence, but they could have beaten either of them this year--road or away.
  6. What do they worry about right now in regards to the system?
  7. You, know, I don't know if this is possible, but I have wondered out loud for years why the non-automatic BCS leagues don't just break away and do a playoff system of their own. It would be really fun to see the top 8 teams form the 5 non-BCS leagues play in a three-week playoff. I think it would generate alot of revenue, especially if the games are played on campus. Then have a championship game in a neutral site. Basically, its a glorified copy of the I-AA playoffs (sorry, FCS playoffs). Why not? I mean the BCS isn't going to let anyone else in anytime soon. I am sure that the money is the reason why this wouldn't work, but it takes a miracle for our leagues just to get a bigger piece of the pie as it stnads now. And, in the end, it could force the BCS leagues to come up with a playoff system. Any thoughts?
  8. If I were you, and I had become so jaded about UNT as you have become, I would probably stop following the team. I mean, really, what good does it do for you to point out that you aren't happy about getting a new stadium anytime soon? Guess what? EVERYONE HERE FEELS THE SAME WAY!! We all get that you hate the results from last season--and most of the seasons from the last 30 years--guess what? EVERYONE FEELS THE SAME WAY!!! We get that you hate the SBC--again, bingo, WE ALL WANT OUT TOO!! At least answer the question of why you have become so bitter about UNT? If it is for any of the reasons just mentioned, you aren't alone--talk to someone about it. If it something else, state it to us all. Otherwise, for your own peace of mind, find another team to follow. We aren't on the same level as SFA or Texas State. If you think we should be on the same level as UT, Tech, or even TCU, then go pick up the tab on the other $20-50 million or so that we need to become competitive with those programs. All I know is that the AC and the stadium plans have been in the works for many years--trust me, no one is lying to you about any of it. Beating.
  9. No offense, but he will never recruit the talent there to compete week-in-week-out with Texas, OU, A&M, Tech, or OSU. Don't get me wrong--his BCS talent that he will get at Baylor will be better than his UH talent, but it should be, especially if you are getting $1.8 Million. It is just too much to ask Baylor to run the gauntlet of the Big XII South as a private school. The coaches at these schools make more, use the "Baylor can't compete" tagline against them in recruiting, and use history to show that. His OOC schedule is not exactly easy over the next few years, either. They get Wake Forest and Washington St in Waco next year, while playing at UConn. In '09, they go to WF and play UConn in Waco. 2010=@ TCU and I believe this is when they will play Notre Dame at Jerry World. I just don't see him ever getting better than 6-6. If he does get to 7-5 and goes to a bowl, another BCS Public University will snap him so fast, it won't be funny. I still think he ends up in Lubbock before it is all said and done--and maybe sooner than anyone can imagine.
  10. It was in 1991 and said FUGAR--Gene Richter, if ZI remember correctly. I was on the field, since I was a Equipment guy, and didn't get it until I got back to Denton and read the NT Daily. Yes, the whole drumline was suspended--and should have been. Very stupid move--and beneath the level of class the Green Brigade is known for.
  12. This post is right on the money. This guy stirs the pot just to get off on the debate that will follow. Anyone that gets suckered in is just making his day.
  13. TFLF, I have yet to understand why you post here. If you know how much everyone looks at most of your opinions as BS or ridiculous, and folks PM you to tell you this and you flaunt the fact that you don't answer, why do you waste your time? Its obvious that you should look at other endeavors for your internet postings. I actually am telling you this because I think you are hitting your head against a wall that, quite frankly, wouldn't be worth it too most. Maybe you like being a contrarian, but it says alot about someone who comes around when pretty much no one agrees with or defends your posts.
  14. What do you think happens if the university decides that it will not impose the stadium fees on the students? Would we just stay status quo and continue in Fouts at a D-I level or would it eventually be the end of the program? Would UNT ever go without football or would it recognize that we need to have it in some form or fashion to keep some of its alumni happy? I often get asked these questions by others when talking about our program. These questions aren't just directed at Rick, but to anyone who has any thoughts on the subject.
  15. Just out of curiosity, what was running through your mind when you were watching this game with 700 other people in a 30K stadium? I ask this ebcause I always enjoy your responses and your knowledge of UNT. Also, did you ever get close to the point of thinking that we weren't gonna make it at the D-IA level back then? I had heard it was gonna be real close for the univesrity to keep the program going if our move up failed--but that was under Hurley's reign.
  16. I will always remember seeing JaQuay set the school rushing record... in front of 800 people. I literally had to run down a few bleachers, and another fan had to run up a few rows, for us to high five each other. I have to admit, that this made me laugh a little bit at just how hard it was for you to get a high-five from another fan!! That must have been one sparse crowd. What game was this and why was there such a small crowd?
  17. You know what? This is the single best post I have ever read on an internet board that deals with college sports. Nothing can explain my feeling about UNT any better. Bravo, because you just hit one outta the park. I, too, got thru school on my own hard work, and am the only college-degreed member of my family. I now have a son and another on the way, and they will understand just what UNT did for me--and for them, too. When I see us get killed by a big-name school (tonight) or just lose a game to a school that most people have never even heard of (i.e. FAU), it just kills me because I want us all to enjoy for just a moment what it must feel like to have a team that we can brag about because of true success. (BTW, It must have been so amazing to be a UNT fan back during the Fry years.) And, I often think that it may not be in the cards for us to ever reach those heights again, as we really just don't have the resources that so many of our more-noticed brethren (i.e., Texas, A&M, Tech) have. But, to me, UNT represents a fresh start--a place that represents opportunities-for everybody. That's why.
  18. UNTFan23, Another major thank you for showing us how to ignore a poster. It ahs been so great not to have to read this person's idiotic posts. You are my hero. untjim1995
  19. I just wanted to give you a much needed thank you for putting up that ignore link on your replies. That has made life much sweeter by not having to read the diatribes of certain posters that change their mind as the wind blows.
  20. I couldn't agree more after watching the game in person tonight.
  21. I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but after watching the game in person, our entire defense is just too small and too slow to compete with a QB of Willis' ability. We could not put consistent pressure on Willis, tackling again seemed very hard for some reason, and our DBs are just not I-A right now. Now that I got that outta my system, please know that this game was a great game to be at for so many reasons. Atmosphere was AWESOME, intensity was terrific, and there was absolutely no quit in either team. If the folks on th Hilltop can't see why we need to be playing each other every year, then I guess they are doomed to never get over a 15K home attendance average anymore. Just a terrific game and a blast to be at, except of course for falling short. Just made me realize how different this Metroplex rivalry game was compared to going to Ft.Worth in the Dickey-era when "THROW THE BALL" became a legendary chant with our crowd.
  22. That season made absolutely no sense. We won 2 games--@ Tech and at home over Big West champion, Boise State. Very un-Dickey like. I guess he figured out that he shouldn't give any extra effort toward those big-name schools going forward!!
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