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Everything posted by untjim1995

  1. It’s funny you bring this up. $78 million dollars to pay someone to never coach again at their school. Think of everyone that could have been helped by that amount of money, whether A&M students and faculty OR actual poor and needy people. Instead, Jimbo Fisher’s great grand kids are taken care of forever. The portal is what drove me away from attending the sport or really watching it much anymore, but the NIL and that crap the Aggies—and others—are pulling with coaching buyouts just makes my decision easier. I believe that paying players at this level without any kind of cap or restriction or contract is a timebomb. God bless you if you want to pay for it…not me.
  2. I feel like the spread itself doesn't lend itself to hitting/tackling in practice, as well as the fact that Texas HS Football has become glorified 7-on-7 for years (thanks Mike Leach), so this shows up really big for a team at our level, where our quality Dc's and talents just gets poached away every year.
  3. He really isn't a good communicator, kinda mumbles when he talks to anyone. And at a place like OU, they got funds to get rid of him ASAP. so this is no surprise. I suspect Venables isn't too far away from the grim reaper, either.
  4. Maybe so, but our track record in games like this is not good
  5. If we score here really quick, I’d just try an onsides kick…we can’t stop them on defense
  6. Our dozens are way better than their dozens... Sadly, I'd venture that more people with UNT degrees and credit hours will be tuning into the Texas-Georgia game to root on "their" team down in Austin than would dare to even look at our score.
  7. Its almost as if most G5s not in small college towns or cities without pro sports just can't get much support...who knew?
  8. It's there, but the track record suggests that winning either of them will be really tough. If things are truly different, we will at least split these two games before we get to Army.
  9. What was his NIL at Arkansas?
  10. Yes, that was a typo
  11. I think the bigger questions are why do the students and alumni not care or loathe the existence of the program, as well as what would it take to make the people change to caring… We are never going to see a change in the value proposition for the students here. It’s a money making machine. And money that is made today, not many tomorrows down the road that nobody is really worrying about in academia funding. The music and arts window will always be our main focus because it is known throughout the country and world in those circles and it costs very little to run. So the next question is what would drive people to love this place and want to come back to see a game. I’ve come to the belief that marketing on this needs to be a two-fer—Green Brigade and a game. You gotta meet these people where they are. If this is what the university is, then promote the heck out of it and get the arts/music folks out for shows and concerts that are lined up in the concourse. Have concerts after games. Think of what that does to Denton’s arts and music scene that is beloved by these people. Quite honestly, if that doesn’t work, nothing will at the point.
  12. Yeah, he thinks nobody notices how much he loves SMU
  13. The SEC commissioner already said they aren't going backwards, which the B1G completely agrees with, too. I think the reality is that these two will pick apart the pieces of the ACC and Big 12 that are worth something to them and they will abandon the NCAA. Best thing that could ever happen, too.
  14. "You guys"...
  15. I'd venture a guess that this season, more UNT students and alumni watched us play on TV against Tech than will ever attend a game this season in Denton...because they know Tech students and alums. And they saw us losing at halftime by about 40+. Similar to the last several seasons against SMU, the one game that UNT students and alums act like they care about football every year, we would just get annihilated. I mean, not even competitive. So again, we know how it is here in the DFW Metroplex. People care a lot about old SWC teams not named Rice. And when we play them and get manhandled, we lose 90% of the people for the season. Playing Wyoming and Tulsa at home aren't gonna get UNT students or alumni rushing up I-35 to get to those games, in Denton or not. SFA did better because we know people who went to SFA, we don't now many students or fans of Wyoming, Tulsa, or most of the AAC's teams. What I've come to is that bitching about attendance is a losing proposition. If fans don't care to follow our teams, sobeit. But Grant McCasland found a way to win with support that averaged about a third of the Pit's capacity. And he went on to a bigger job. No reason that Morris can't do the same thing, too. But Littrell didn't care about the fans because he was an introvert, McCarney went insane trying to figure out why people don't care about UNT football int eh middle of the most fertile hotbed for the sport in the country, and anyone else before this had to deal with the decrepit toilet known as Fouts to get people to come to a game, while being a mile away from the action.
  16. They’re in first place in a much better league than the Big 12, where you are last currently…brutal
  17. Sadly, we crap the bed when we play teams that our students and alumni care about almost every year. When we played SMU, they almost always annihilated us. We play UH or Tech, get absolutely crushed. It gets old. But I quit going to games because of the portal. It has ruined college sports for our level of play. Add in the NIL and it’s just not a game I’m meant to be a part of anymore, especially with kids at home.
  18. He’s been banned on most of those boards. He’s admitted it. So he has found the one place that won’t ever ban him and he comes on here to talk noise against us, since he knows they have scoreboard on us. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. He’s the guy who leases an apartment and still drives by homeless people and laughs.
  19. The Fake Lonnie Finch continues to deliver...bravo, sir
  20. I don't blame you for coming around here. Nobody else in the Big 12 is worried about you.
  21. MWC was very smart to get these two. Basically, the PAC is gonna have to go hard after Montana/NDSU in my opinion.
  22. What a huge get for that league…if they add St. Mary’s, too, they will be a great hoops league.
  23. That was also known as Dickey Ball
  24. The thing with SMU is that they also get this weird kind of sympathy from the CFB media for the Death Penalty. Even though it was well earned and well deserved, the media, both local and national act like it was just terrible. It’s like people thinking Bonnie and Clyde were some kind of heroes for robbing banks.
  25. On Tuesdays during the CFB season, the Ticket covers the big games of interest. At the very, very end of the segment on the morning show, if UNT is mentioned, which is about 50%, it’s George givng his opinion in about 10 seconds, which is 10 more than the afternoon show gives us. Again, the entire program exists in the giant shadow of power schools and we can barely get a mention. We lost the one game that matters to these people so I guess that does it for UNT football coverage for the entire year.
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