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Everything posted by AJR2010OX

  1. The DUI chant was aimed at #5. He got one earlier this semester
  2. go to youtube.... type in my new haircut... homeboy looks like guido from the video
  3. Wow, do we really have no OOC home games? That blows...... tough sched, again.
  4. Hey man, the students did our job tonight. We packed the student section, never left (except when I had to do musical chairs at halftime), and were loud. We had to coax the geezers to the left of us to stand up.... cause they really didnt until the 2nd half. We're getting there, we need to alumni to show up every game, and bring your kids to cheer with us!!! By the way, everyone liked the DUI chant right??? I mean, thats what most other colleges do, you gotta get to the opposing team. Best atmosphere I've seen at the Pit! Thanks for comin out everyone and see you on Saturday!!! We finally stormed the court!!!
  5. I dont care how controversial Barnett or Neuhisel was. I'd take a coach with a proven winning record with some character flaws if that means my team is going to be downright awesome for the time im in college and beyond.
  6. All it takes is a winning tradition.....if all UNT programs consistently win, people will come out of the woodworks and support. And there wouldnt be complaining about racism in the football program cause all everyone would talk about was our winning and how many AP votes we should get each week instead of "Dodge is from SOuthlake and hes a racist blah blah blah" Winning.... its a better medicine than those advertised on TV
  7. The Mavs bench is the deepest its ever been. This season hinges on Harris and Howard. If they screw up so does our season.
  8. I know this is week old news, but congrats to the Mens XC team for a good finish in Jonesboro. Patrick Strong was 2nd i think, and Frank Ngeno was 10th. Team was 2nd overall. South Central Regionals is this week i think in Fayetville
  9. It's Green out the Game that night too. Tailgating starts at 5. Lets see if the ladies can win this one and their last one against SMU
  10. I'm just gonna throw it out there that I think those painted up North Texas girls are slightly.... underage You want NT's best? Check out the soccer team, they got some hotties.
  11. Tim Tebow anyone? Chase Daniel?
  12. come to all the tailgates. I know my fraternity will be out there (no not getting hammered) and other student groups I'm in. Just walk around and get the free food. On another note, everyone go to the float parade. It's an interesting them this year... 007 Unbreakable Bonds.....
  13. I know this may sound hard to do... but all we have to do is win for about 3-5 consistent years, maybe even pull a South Florida and jump high in the BCS, and maybe we'll get an invite to CUSA. I mean it worked on NCAA 2007... went 12-0 for like 3 straight years and was in the Big 12. But that's all it takes. A winner in the DFW metroplex will be enough to attract potential conference suitors. By the way, we have to ensure our other programs are up to par as well.
  14. Having known him since middle school, playing with him, and seeing what he did to our team the year they won the 5A championship (I went to Plano West) I'm gonna say Fulce woulda been a good pickup for NT. He fits the mold of a mid sized athlete. And I would think that year in the Virigina Military Academy did something for whatver lack of discipline he had. Unlike Sturns, this guy's a winner. He played for Inman, who coaches character. And obviously he's going to an academically reputable school in Marquette, who has a tradition of basketball excellence. Quite an upgrade from UNO.
  15. I've always noticed this about our fans. When I went to UT for the game against them, and went to other games, the opposing bands had other songs to play besides the fight song. And the students knew where to cheer. There are smart fans out there, like me, Michael, Josh and Trey, who go out, paint our faces, cheer for our team at the right time. Sadly, this is what you get when you go to an arts school. I'd also like to point out, this is Texas and most people in our graduating classes went to one of the following: UT, A&M, Tech, Baylor, OU, OSU, KU, Mizzou, Arkansas, SMU/TCU. We get a lot of the kids who were near the bottom of their class, and dont care about anything. Some come from successful high schools and hate losing, so they transfer. So, a smarter student body= smarter, and more creative fans. And yes, you can bash me for this post. I remember during homecoming too, when the Texas-OU game was on. Most of my friends didnt bother to participate in the pregame festivities/go into the game for the first quarter as the game was still goin on. Once we start winning, and winning big against teams that everyone in Texas recognizes, then you'll see a chance. It takes time. I bet for basketball we have at least 7000 against OSU.
  16. For proof of this look no further than SMU. Top 5 Men's Track program and a great cross country program (most of their runners still run in the Dallas area) only to be cut in 2003 for Women's equestrian...... and they don't even have a baseball team Our men's soccer was a great program, but I'm just giving another reference. Personally, I could care less about the score on our gender-equity report. Texas probably received a "C". You think they really care?
  17. I dont know, it just said she signed with NT. Regardless of her rank, she brings a winning attitude to NT.
  18. Let the speculation start on who UNT Mean Green is......
  19. So I was perusing through the high school section of the Dallas Morning News (the separate cutout) and saw that Ashley Akin of Plano West Senior High is playing for NT next year. She was on a doubles team that went well into the state tournament, and a team that has won 5 out of the past 6 state team tennis tournaments. Good signing for NT.
  20. ok i made a sucky thread. It was from a debate I had awhile ago. Oh well, thread done
  21. Athletes that are being recruited should notice something like that. I think his 363 wins, national championships, and 42 years at the same school speaks for itself. Its good to see there are coaches who still care about making men out of their players (yes, Dodge is one too) then sacrificing integrity for winning games (Miami, FIU, OU, SMU way back when)
  22. Appreciate the support. Seriously, though, what we need to do as NT fans is set up shop near Dallas/Arlington. Have an NT exes booth near where the big party is at. Also if the Cowboys arent in it, show up in your Mean Green gear, and just hope the Philadelphia Eagles arent playing. I think if we have tailgates set up all throughout the week, people will notice. Student Wise (ill be graduated by then) we should get the Daily and NTTV and KNTU out there all week. Why not? Get them real time experience in media and get us exposure. We sure as hell know SMU and TCU wont be doing this... i think. Is that good enough for you?
  23. I dont think we can do a whole lot. The action is centered in Ag-town, Dallas, and Ft Worth. Might we house some people? Possibly, though its a long shot. We could spruce up Denton to make it more attractive to partygoers who dont want to pay high prices in Dallas though.
  24. Ok, so on everything I get it says "UNT is a student-centered public research university".... How the hell can you be student-centered and a public research university at the same time? You're either one or the other, and frankly I'd rather it be student centered.
  25. bingo. I have yet to see one school completely dominate everyone in everything.
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