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Everything posted by ShopMeanGreen

  1. The score/video board could be raise to where the botom is 10 foot above the deck, affording plenty of viewing room. I understand the push for the club level but I think the price is too high. The donation level is fine but ability to buy ONE ticket puts it out of reach for a lot of people. Some people can't give that much so may likely not give anything unless there is some small "make me feel special" benefit to it. Todd
  2. This whole thread makes me sad. I can't understand why the breaker box would be bolted shut unless someone actively didn't want the tower lit. Why would someone do that??? Because they didn't know better or just didn't care. I have a story with the Talons and would share at some point. I have a concern with whoever the faculty sponsor for the Talons is. That should be a link to Admin, Maint etc to make sure the box is not bolted shut, supplies are ready and precious traditions are properly cared for. Some of those things can't be replaced. Why anyone would have to jimmy their way into the box to turn the lights on is beyond me anyway. Can someone tell me how the Talons are currently structured (funding, sponsor and what department) I think The Athleic Dept should be responsible however they prob don't want it but likely would be willing to have alum support. I don't want to take money away from the athletic dept but I would guess they are a few of us that would be willing to spare a couple bucks to make thing run more smoothly. The new stadium is a perfect time to revamp the Talons and I'm willing to jump in to do whatever I can. There should be some structure near or in MGV that can be lit along with the tower, both can be lit by the Mean Green player of the game remotely. A new tradition. Todd
  3. Careful...check the Civil War, Virgina and Grant
  4. I have posted this a couple times before but will again. UA produces the blank football jersey. Another company decorates the jersey ie adds numbers, names and logos (yes, prob also owned by the same). All orders for football jerseys are place by the end of Feb. The company selling the decorated jersey will produce no less than orders totalling about 300 jerseys. The sales rep told me he could only pre-sell a few dozen jerseys to all the NT outlets. That represents about $10,000 in wholesale orders. I asked if I could place an order for the minimum they would produce and in return have an exclusive for the jerseys...I was told no. In reality I would pay a large amount to have the jerseys produced and then the rep would also sell to the bookstores allowing them to buy as few as a dozen. I only sell online and before home football games and until there are enough UNT sales to warrant opening a spirit shop or enough retailers carryng NT stuff thats the way it will stay. The University, CLC, UA any everyone else that usually gets the blame for this has nothing to do with it. It all boils down to George Washington and the fans letting him go. Hope this clears up some confusion, Todd
  5. No. That would replace the Sun Belt as the media's whipping conference.
  6. Yea kinda noticed that. I stand by the statement that without Ann Richards Baylor would be a non player. Have you seen any Rice Baseball...not enough to save them.
  7. With the State of Texas trying to bring more universities up to Tier 1 status, Houston and North Texas need to be in BCS conferences. The only way this will happen is with politcal pull. NT has never seemed to have much in the way of political power but there may be enough legislators that can get the big picture. There is no reason UH and NT shouldn't be fine in the Big XII. The only difference in TT (of pre Big XII days) and NT or UH now is politics. What does Baylor contribute to the Big XII??? Ann Richards made people see it her way.
  8. No UA
  9. The House committee was in session until about 8:30 last night. I couldn't tell if the bill was discussed at all or not. I think the isuue of changing TX A&M Kingsville to TX A&I took a LOOOOONG time and they just didn't get to it. The Higher Education Committe (House) is in session today but they don't list it as being broadcast today so I don't know if they pick up where they left off or not. A lot of the bills seem to have the line about taking effect immediately with 2/3 vote or Sept 1 if not. I take that as the ability to put a bill into effect right away without having to go to the Gov etc..IDK. The Senate Higher Education was in session yest as well but I didn"t see any broadcast of it. I don't know how long it takes to get info on the web site as to what happens in committee. I hope someone from the Univ is there pushing the agenda. I looked at the committee members and didn"t see a solid friend to UNT although there may be a closet supporter.
  10. Not sure what your point is but my thoughts are this... If the Texas House and Senate act on a bill which is based on the "LEGAL" student vote held previously and they vote FOR the bill it probably doesn't make any difference what the opposing students do... should be a done deal. I certainly would NOT give the legislators any idea what is going on with the opposing students and they would not likely hear about it or have any intrest in it . I do think it is important for the Texas House and Senate to hear how important this is to the University as a whole. I am in West Texas and you can bet my reps will hear about how wonderful this will be to the University and how the students voted FOR the referendum. I don't mean to dissmiss the students but the vote passed...period. I think the state is wrong in requiring the students to vote in the first place. The BOR and elected state rep's job is to do what is best for the University NOT the students (sorry, understand that statement ruffles feathers)
  11. I would like to know more about the legislative process as well. I think this is the time for the alumni get involved and get in touch with the legislators.
  12. DD is a KSU alum, he might be available.
  13. The ONLY reason you can add Tech to the list with UT and A&M is the progress of the Athletic Dept over the past 10 years and the Legislative muscle they were able to pull off in Austin (ie strong alumni support) to get invited to the Big 12 or as it was stated here "The Big Time". Mike Leach was making fun of A&M's Corp which is not tied to the military. He called it a made up deal so he wanted to start a made up "Pirate Academy" in response to the "Corp". If you enjoy making fun of A&M (which I do) Lubbock is a good place to live. A&M has given Tech a lot of grief over the past few year, due to the usual outcome of the football game each year. A&M insist that Tech is not a rivalry however, much like SMU is far superior to NT and not a rival.
  14. 0-7, fee passed, how many more details do you need?
  15. Was that in the form of an official protest or just blowing smoke?
  16. Agree. Some of the coments make me realize that one must open their eyes and their minds in order to see the big picture. 20 years of life experiences wouldn't hurt either. My favorite quote: "Never let the ignorance of others blind your vision for the future" Dr.B
  17. Great point. I am sooooo sick of GOOD ENOUGH! NT is the best public music school in the country, can't we improve something else for a change? Todd
  18. Lots of talk about how great Texas Tech is. Wonder how they got that way. Smaller school, smaller community and it's in Lubbock. Can anyone venture to guess SWC or Big 12. The whole community is behind Tech and it aint cause of the Pharmacy School (insert any college here).
  19. Sounds like it just wasn't fun anymore so... "I quit". Would be nice if the real world worked that way. Being MEAN GREEN isn't much fun right now but I'm still here. If there was a family issue etc would be nice to know so we could support him but just doesn't sound that way.
  20. As a Father and a Pediatrician I can easly answer this question but first need a little more information... Do you have a death wish?
  21. I can't even think about a score but I would feel much better with at least 18,000 in the stands. I'm stopping by 6 nursing homes on my way...I can still outrun most of them. Watch the canes though...long story.
  22. CFN has NT ranked at 118, Idaho at 119...on Sadie Hawkins Day...does that mean were #2. Just looking on the bright side.
  23. Great idea...wouldn't be necessary if we had a spirit group designed to support athletics...kinda like the Talons used to be.
  24. Anyone know if this would go to the state House of Representatives, Senate or both? When does the next session start? I can't find any info on their web site about sessions. I did find something about UNT starting a Pharmacy School at UNT Dallas which was news to me. It was dated last year so time probably ran out on that as well.
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