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  1. They just said if UNT wins because the Pit has a scheduling conflict we'll play at OK State in Stillwater, that sucks!! Talk about a huge difference in environment and home court advantage. Seems like whatever is scheduled there should get bumped for the game!!
  2. Glad to know that now, although I thoroughly enjoyed chewing Spectrum a new one!! Very therapeutic!!
  3. Great teams, very high quality squads.
  4. I think that's a really short sighted move. With interest rates down and the fact it will probably take at least 2 years to get into. Plus with things looking like they're starting to turn around I think it's a great time.
  5. It seemed like we were just off today. Not discounting UAB but it just seemed like we were really flat. Was it just a case of being to amped up?
  6. (Please note my use of upcoming sarcasm) As a proud member of the statistical majority of incoming freshmen at Texas Tech University (over 80% of incoming freshman at Tech will not finish their 4 year degree) i can personally attest do not discount the allure of the strip!! Lubbock is a dry city, so you have to drive out to “The strip” to purchase alcohol. It literally looks like the opening scene from the series Vega$ with all the lights and neon.
  7. My question is with the men’s BB team having two games in FL this week, do they come home or charter multiple flights? i would think it would be cheaper to stay out there and just come home Wed after their second game, but from a student and missing class perspective I’d say do the two flights so missing class is minimized.
  8. Definitely looks like the lines have gotten improved size!!
  9. Great game going on tonight on ESPN 2. Wichita State leading 34-27 with 16 mins left in second half. Wichita just had a 7-0 run.
  10. Does anyone have a connection with Mr Ryan? I think we could set up a fund with a amount that we could establish a fund that could support a minimum stipend to every player on the team. Elevating it to an even more attractive playing destination. We could tie the stipend to a neutral rating service I.e x amount per star. I'm not talking crazy amounts just something that could be sustainable.
  11. JD and Sanoe rock!! They're awesome!! Best $5.41 i spend every month!!
  12. This is truly embarrassing, with 5:36 left we spoiled be winning by much more than 7!!
  13. Pretty sweet to get respect from SI. https://www.si.com/onsi/armed-forces-sports/news/ncaa-insider-predicts-army-to-flounder-against-elite-north-texas-offense
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