After the game last night I turned on the radio to listen to my nightly sports radio before going to bed. I tuned in to Fox Sports Radio which was airing the Tony Bruno show. Well as you can guess the topic was college football. Tony was discussing how bad the SC-NCSt game was, along with the Oregon-Boise game (before THE PUNCH). After he was done bashing those guys he mentioned the big win by North Texas. Then again on the next segment he mentioned the big win by North Texas and then again. So within 30 minutes he mentioned our win 3 times, laying there I could do nothing but smile. The point is, is that we were actually getting some props on national radio. After being so bad for the past 4 years it felt good to hear my school getting some love on national radio. This was a great win for us and yes I know it is only one game, but we pretty much came out of nowhere and shocked everyone, including myself. IMO this was the biggest non con road game we have won since we beat tech 21-14 in 1999. Did anyone else get to hear the comments on the Tony Bruno show, and if you did, did it make you puff your chest out a little like it did me?