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Everything posted by Stix

  1. Did you happen to catch ESPN's highlights of that game? UT has a Tristan Thompson too: http://www.texassports.com/sports/m-baskbl/mtt/thompson_tristan00.html weird, very weird...
  2. Found this thread using a google search: Diet Coke Boy Injury Prone? Eagle-96 gets a +1 for that - interesting that you can give +1s on old posts!
  3. What, we're replacing Ed "Straight Arrow" Gennero with Wally Rig? The analogy doesn't hold - Paul Blake was recruited by Wally, he wasn't Ed's son...
  4. But there's nobody in the stands - was this at the end of a game???
  5. Yeah, I thought it was a picture of DD at first - and thought that was Diet Coke boy behind him!
  6. Yeah, thought it was odd.
  7. Never mind that idiot. I'm wondering who Ben Kercheval is. I like his reply: His "about" page says he went to UNT. Is he a GMG member by any chance? My linkhttp://benkercheval.wordpress.com/about/
  8. terrible mental error by the Troy QB just before the half. He should have taken the sack instead of trying to throw it away - the clock had run out. Instead, the S.C. defender manages to get the ball before it hits the ground, and runs it back for a TD. 56-7 instead of 49-7.
  9. Troy just used the same play as they used on us (1st play of the game) to score a TD. 35 - 7
  10. local station has picked up the game from the SEC network. I'm guessing it's also on in DFW. It's 28 - 0 S. Car. at the end of the 1st qtr. Ouch.
  11. Let's give all the teams participation trophys.
  12. There was beer, although you had to go to a different side of the tent to buy it (different vendor, I guess). The food was supposed to be Goode Co. BBQ, but Hurricane Ike had just hit, and the AD had to scramble for a replacement caterer. James Coney Island was a pretty good substitute. Just wish the game had played out differently...
  13. I see what you did... So the buick is broken down, but being taken out of the garage since the Dodge and Ford are gone. Are there any other coaches with automobile names out there that we could hire? (Please don't tell me there's someone named Yugo).
  14. 7100 per Hank & George
  15. Actually, I did. I was attempting to insinuate that SMU could afford him.
  16. It didn't say anything about him having diabetes, did it?
  17. I think that's the name of a bank, one of their sponsors - "that's a First Tenessee First Down".
  18. +1 I was thinking the same thing!
  19. What if Eleanor Roosevelt could fly?
  20. Now that tradition has been breached, how long until Boise unveils an all-blue floor?
  21. Let's make sure Santiago stays clear of it.
  22. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth_Buzzi I knew this (I have the video - Richard Moll of "Night Court" fame is also in it): But I didn't know this: Oh no, another Southlake connection!
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