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Everything posted by Stix

  1. How about Iowa State? Does Mac still has enough friends up there to make that happen?
  2. 5 in Sugar Land, including houstonmeangreen & my father-in-law who graduated in 1954. Could have been 9, but the wives & my friend's HS age daughter all were no-shows.
  3. North Texas Green Machine? No comments necessary on the photos!
  4. http://www.chron.com...but-3830877.php I really wanted to title this "Breaking News - Houston Chronicle web site features article on NT football without us playing UH or Rice"... OK, so it's an AP article. OK, so we're playing LSU, and ever since Katrina, there's lots of Louisiana immigrants living in Houston.
  5. I had already invited some NT alum friends a few weeks ago to watch the game at my house, so not this time. Besides, I really don't want to watch the game anywhere where I'm outnumbered by LSU fans. If anyone wants to drive out to Sugar Land to join us, send me a PM. My general thoughts: Texadelphia - I love their sandwiches, but I think it's a lousy place to watch a game - no big screens. And the last time we tried to watch an NT game there, they promised they would have it, only to find out that the game was blacked out in Houston, and they hadn't even checked the schedule. So I have no confidence they will do anything for us. SRO - I loved having game watching parties there, and the manager was always good to us, but the safely of that mall parking lot was questionable 6+ years ago, and has to be worse now - even the JCPenney has closed. And we would definitely be overwhelmed by LSU fans there. So I guess for this game, anyway - to each, his own.
  6. not that I'm able to go, but... what??? The season hasn't even started! I better go call the ticket office about the UH game.
  7. Stix


    I'm OK with him waiting until next year if that's what it takes for him to play top chelf football.
  8. Do NOT overlook Ohio. Ask Todd Dodge.
  9. I'm pretty sure Mac said last night that he'll have to sit out this season.
  10. #52 Luke Muncie Joni Mitchell
  11. Any suggestions for a Houston location? I know we're pretty spread out - Conroe, Kingwood, The Woodlands, Champions, Sugar Land, Clear Lake...
  12. I can believe it, after hearing the speech by Rep. Mike Kelly of Pennsyvania on the floor of the House of Representatives.
  13. The Trophy Nissan Trophy!
  14. I was ready to give you a +1, then realized there was no button, then realized who posted it...
  15. why isn't your bike green? Thanks for the pic.
  16. No, the stadium was built by the city of Houson for the Houston Dynamo soccer team, with the understanding that it would also be TSU's home field. Check out Google maps to see what TSU has now. It's not even High School quality. What I don't understand is why TSU wouldn't have worked out an agreement with UH to use Robertson Stadium a long time ago, given that the schools are literally adjacent to each other.
  17. With NT being the team of Mean Joe Greene and Diet Coke Boy, what makes you think you could get a Pepsi?
  18. Until my wife or I hit another $1 video poker jackpot, I guess I'll be sticking with my 65" rear projection TV. At least it does 1080i. So paint me on velvet... ... Elvis and Jesus, the dogs playing poker, and Willie and me...
  19. No, we won't run out of people, we'll just become an Idiocracy, and then the Garbage Avalanche of 2505 will occur. ...brought to you by Carl's, Jr.!
  20. That song has been going through my brain every time I saw this thread. Yes, it needed to be done.
  21. This week Sports Authority has a buy one, get 2nd at half price sale on stadium seats. The ad shows the cheap, crappy seats, but they actually have the ones from "The Stadium Chair Company" on this sale - and they have them in GREEN. I did have to go to two different stores (in Houston) since there were only two green ones at each store, but I got four of them. http://sportsauthori...code=TSA-120812 http://www.stadiumchair.com/
  22. I think "family weekend" is designed for the families of UNT students to come visit for the weekend, not for families of mean green fans to come to the game. Come for homecoming - watch the parade on the square, eat at Denton County Independent Hamburger, go to Beth Marie's for ice cream.
  23. The Stars? Not the Texans? Or is that something they have in common?
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