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Everything posted by Stix

  1. As for tickets, as @UNTLifersaid in the game thread, nobody ever checks your ticket once you're in. Here's the link to the tickets / seating map page: https://riceowls.com/sports/2018/7/17/tickets-m-baskbl-tickets-html.aspx?id=13. Sometimes I've bought the GA tickets, and sometimes the "Upper Side" tickets, and usually end up siting in the mezzanine "seats", behind our bench. When I say "seats", they are plastic "seats" fastened to the concrete, with no backs. Only the $30 & $35 "Chairback" seats are real seats. I don't remember whether the GA seating, which is essentially a balcony, even has seats.
  2. With tipoff being at 7pm, I think meeting around 5 - 5:30 is about right, with plenty of time to walk over and buy tickets if you leave Little Woodrows at 6 - 6:15. Here's the google map for walking between Little Woodrows and the Tudor Fieldhouse: There's really no parking in front of Little Woodrows or along Morningstar drive, and you have to pay for the parking garage in the shopping center anyway, so I usually park in West Lot 5, as close to University Blvd as possible (for whatever Rice charges - $10?), so that I have the least walk back to my car after the game. But to each is own...
  3. Tarleton State University is TSU?
  4. Me too, and before I read it, I was wondering if it had something to do with Aune.
  5. How about... ShMUckers
  6. Who is this "Wodewick" you speak of?
  7. Because it was abandoned shortly after Hayden Fry left for Iowa, as if to erase that whole era.
  8. Tell Washington State 70s, actually...
  9. Don't know why the University location didn't have to change the name. It's a franchise owned by a guy (Mike) who worked for Ken at the original when he was an NT student in the 80s, and decided he wanted to run his own place. So he opened one near TWU.
  10. How about Little Woodrow's? Actually... I'll check with Claudia at the Alumni association to see if an event is being planned.
  11. I'll be there. There usually is a good number of Mean Green fans at Rice - both alumni and family & friends of the team.
  12. TSFKAA (The stadium formerly known as Apogee)
  13. Well, it opened before 1979, and closed well after 1983... @UNTLiferlikely knows more. They had the BEST chicken fried steak. One website still lists it -LOL: https://www.activediner.com/texas-pickup-cafe/restaurant/denton/tx/us/map/319450
  14. Texas Pickup, NY Subway, Flying Tomato
  15. You called it!
  16. The practice fields should have been named for Andrew Smith, not DD. Mattress Mack should have realized that - after all, MM paid to transport the entire team to Bay City for the funeral.
  17. Future member of "the best drumline in college football"
  18. Make that Necessary Roughness... There was another movie comedy back in the 1930s about a fictional TSU football team: IMDB: Pigskin Parade Yale invites the University of Texas to compete in a charity football game--but a secretary fumbles the communication and extends the invitation to tiny Texas State University instead. Joe-Bob says "Check it out".
  19. https://blogs.library.unt.edu/unt125/2016/06/26/fight-north-texas/ The lyrics to the new song, called “Fight, North Texas,” were:
  20. I remember reading somewhere that "Texas State" was reserved in case A&M wanted to change their name, like was done in some other states (OK, NM, maybe others). That could have been the case in 1960, but by 1988, I doubt that was the case. Personally, I think we should always be known as "North Texas" for athletics.
  21. Sad. But we probably wouldn't have brought much more on a Tuesday afternoon.
  22. Why isn't it at the Cotton Bowl stadium?
  23. I was anxiously waiting to see what your reply would be... It did not disappoint.
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