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Everything posted by Stix

  1. That would be INCREDIBLE for me - my H.S. buddy went to Northwestern! I'd have to get him down here from the D.C. area.
  2. There's got to be quite a story there. When's the last time a coach resigned without it being for medical reasons? Not counting to take a better job, of course.
  3. Why does everyone ignore #9?
  4. Harry, I really like the "Ignore" feature.
  5. My understanding is that the administration rigged the student election to name the "new" mascot. To this day, my wife calls it "Effie". (Sorry, EppyForLife, wherever you are)
  6. But why, some say, the moon? Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask why climb the highest mountain? Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic? Why does Rice play NORTH Texas?
  7. Yes I did, check your PM for my reply
  8. on each flag, right click, and then click on "Properties" - they're both from www.collegeflagsandbanners.com, so each is apparently an overlay over a generic wrinkled flag image. Just checked - no they don't have a flag like that for Baylor. But look - the same wrinkles on these:
  9. http://blog.chron.com/sportsupdate/2013/10/rice-nose-tackle-stuart-mouchantaf-out-for-north-texas-game/
  10. As long as the students come out, and the student side and the lower bowl in the end zone are filled, and there are at least a few in the wing, it won't matter how sparse the alumni side is - it won't be seen on TV. I'm hoping the students come through for us!
  11. Our game is not by itself. UH is playing USF at home on Thursday at the same time as us, and it's on ESPN. UH gets more press than Rice. EDIT: And as meangreener said, that's hardly any.
  12. So now they're the Houston Cougar-Lizards?
  13. Is there a relation to Bill Veeck in the Rice AD? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eddie_Gaedel
  14. Stadia Grill came through for us. The manager was there to greet us, and put the game on several screens surrounding our table. The only downside was no sound, but they have wifi, so I was able to pull in KNTU on my blackberry. Too bad the online delay had it a full play behind the TV. We were joined by Austin Orr's parents, Scott and Valerie (hope I've got that right), who were rewarded with some good plays involving Austin getting on TV. Lots of screens, good food, plenty of beers - I'll be back. Although I'll be up at Apogee the next three games, anyone looking for a place to watch should be well taken care of if you go there. Unless I find a way to also go up to Tulsa, I'll be at Stadia Grill on Nov 30th. The schedule shows that game to be televised on "Fox Sports", and doesn't specify whether that means Fox Sports 1, FSSW, or FCS Central - whatever it turns out to be, I'm sure that Stadia Grill will have the game. They have a private room in the back - if we can get enough of a crowd, I'm sure we could get that. http://www.meangreensports.com/sports/m-footbl/sched/ntex-m-footbl-sched.html
  15. We called Dickey's team (the offense, actually) "The Buick" - what does that make Mac's team - "The Mac Truck"?
  16. DISH does not have Fox College Sports - at all.
  17. Actually there is a Fuzzy's Tacos in Missouri City - just down Hwy 6 a few miles from 59. But I haven't been there - haven't been to any Fuzzys yet... If anyone comes to Stadia, look for me - I'll be wearing a Mean Green t-shirt.
  18. bump - anyone coming to Sugar Land?
  19. Confirmed! At least as much as possible. I called and talked to the manager, and after 10-15 minutes he was able to verify: - they have Comcast as well as DirecTV - they have the FCS Central channel on Comcast - the Comcast guide for FCS Central does list the game I would suggest that anyone wanting to go to one of the other Stadia locations call and verify for that location. BTW, the "Westgreen" location is in Katy. Stadia Sports Grill. https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Stadia+Sports+Grill,+Lone+Star+Drive,+Sugar+Land,+TX&aq=0&oq=stadia+sports+grill+suga&sll=29.55281,-95.3919&sspn=0.015418,0.022166&vpsrc=0&gl=us&ie=UTF8&hq=Stadia+Sports+Grill,&hnear=Lone+Star+Dr,+Sugar+Land,+Texas+77479&t=m&z=17&cid=999270820520135931&iwloc=A
  20. It's not a joke - Obama, Hillary, etc. have always said what they want is "single payor healthcare", i.e. government-run, and that this is just a step towards it. Yes, Obamacare is designed to fail. Think about how such a complex law just got dropped on the Congress. It had to have been being worked on for years behind the scenes - perhaps since "Hillarycare" failed in Bill Clinton's first term. I'm surprised that so few have talked about the "Hillarycare".
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