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Stix last won the day on December 1 2017

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About Stix

  • Birthday 09/22/1960

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  • Home
    Sugar Land TX
  • Interests
    B.S. 1983 Major: Computer Science Minor: MusicMarching Band 1980-82

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  1. Memphis (State)... Texas State?
  2. Eric Dickerson says "Yes".
  3. Well, @ArkstfanIS a lawyer 🤑
  4. I thought this was going to be about a high school associated with Notre Dame University, dropping the "Fightin' Irish" nickname. And I was going to make a snarky comment "What are the going to change it to? The Hunchbacks?" Kind of in the same ballpark... 🙄 They can change the school's nickname if that's what the community wants. But no one should be forced.
  5. Doctor Wu, perhaps?
  6. So... "The Slam"?
  7. But is the game going to be played at DATCU? EDIT To answer my own question, no, it's at JerryWorld. 🙄 https://shrinebowl.com/
  8. Does that coincide with them hiring Bobby Knight?
  9. Would this be sufficient incentive for Marshall to go back to the MAC, and fill the void left by NIU?
  10. And ever since, people have been wondering why it's named for the 38th U.S. President, and not the 43rd.
  11. Or, the University of the Northern Territories 😜
  12. I stumbled onto this on the Fox Local app this morning, wasn't looking for anything NT-related: https://www.fox26houston.com/news/houston-high-rise-penthouse-theft-200000-person-items-stolen I expect it was an inside job. It probably isn't related to other burglaries of sports stars, unless they confused him with the other Tristan Thompson, who I see plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers. For those who search the internet for NT memorabilia, keep a watch out for anything which could have been his. I doubt the Hall of Fame plaque would show up, but the championship ring might.
  13. Friends University?
  14. I was going to suggest a golden armadillo, but I think you've got a winner. It could be golden... But what to call it?
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