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  1. this. I'm guessing he had the authority to check into and out of plays when he was at tech. He should be fine
  2. Condolences and prayers
  3. It would be gross incompetence if we don't have a signed agreement (of some sort) in place.
  4. That's what happened with Dodge. We had tov wait for his playoff run to finish. This guy better be worth the wait and contractually bound to us . . . this week
  5. Offense also did a good job of possessing the ball allowing the defense to rest
  6. According to this he makes 900K a year so we would have to pay some serious money if we're going to go after him . . .interesting. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=10&ved=0CFQQFjAJahUKEwi1m4Gtw_LIAhUH12MKHUD3DII&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.saturdaydownsouth.com%2Fsec-football%2Fsec-dominates-list-of-assistant-salaries%2F&usg=AFQjCNH-cbrNOXC3zLndi1idgPuYUmo3OQ
  7. yes. My parents get it but I don't know the channel. I do know you need the sport's tier
  8. what hot shot up and coming AD wants the hire that's going to define and it at the very least affect his / her tenure made by someone else right before they come in Conversely if the "hot shot" coach comes in and is going good he won't have to worry about a new AD
  9. actually I know exactly what I'm talking about. If you fire the AD tomorrow you start a national search for a new. They aren't going to hire a football coach until the new AD is hired. If you take your time and do due diligence you be lucky to have a new AD in place by the end of the year. The new AD will be involved in the hire of the new football coach. He/she will have to do due diligence on a new football coach. That will run us past signing day which I believe is the first Tuesday in February. Finally most coaches aren't interested working for an AD that didn't hire them. I've said this before - I'm not an RV fan but I'm also not a hater. He's got less than 2 years in his contract. This hire will make or break him. If you trust the president to hire his replacement today why not trust him to make the right call right now?
  10. If we fire fire the AD today we basically lose a recruiting class and our best shot at all the best available coaches as we ensure that we won't have a head coach until next year. Does anyone really want that scenario?
  11. relatively young couple but they didn't look like college football fans. He was just reading news stories off his phone . .
  12. So am at hobby airport today switching planes heading to Harlingen and I hear this guy telling his wife " can you believe North Texas," is so bad they lost to Portland state 66 to 7 and fired their coach. They suck!". I couldn't resist. - I told them "tell me about I'm a season ticket holder" and then I explained how we're trying to make things better and how we recently win a bowl game. In other words, we fired our coach because we expect better. It turns out they are from Denton but have only been to one game at the new stadium and really didn't know much about the program. In fact they knew nothing of our bowl successes in 2013. They also seemed stunned that anyone would follow unt so closely. Just an indicator of how far we have yet to go. Humbling and depressing to say the least. Here's to hoping the new coach makes a big splash (name wise) reaches out to the community and turns things aroundv quickly.
  13. I read on ponyfans that Utah did it in 2005 for the fiesta bowl but I agree this is not a good idea for more than one game.
  14. no doubt . . . Impressive. And if we were to stick with an interim HC then it would make sense to start looking for an AD but it doesn't sound like they are going to do that. Thought I read that the search for a new HC would start immediately. Also I heard yesterday on the radio broadcast that PS had 15 D1 transfers into their program. I know DM was big on transfers but I really hope we are able to build with recruiting. If so, we will need stability at the AD and HC level. For what it's worth I thought canales did well with his last interim gig and I'm looking forward to seeing what he does now. Likewise he gives us the measure of stability we need during the transition assuming he does well.
  15. I'm not an RV supporter. I've . Always felt that he was learning on the job. But. . . He has probably raised more money for UNT athletics than all of his predecessors combined. I suspect this fundraising is what has even made DM's buy-out possible. Assuming we have the money to buy out both (which is unlikely) we would have to start a national search for AD first so the AD could hire the new coach. However, It's imperative that we hire a coach before mid December so as to not further adversely affect recruiting. As a result, I believe it's in our best interest to leave him in place . . For now. But - there should be a hiring committee involving the prez. Additionally, RV should not be allowed to make the hire on his own and they should not offer a 5 year Contract for the coach. Likewise No more extensions for RV. The president should address his status after the new coach Completes his first season.
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