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Everything posted by sports88guy

  1. I had to read the email a couple times to see if I was missing something, what’s the point of even doing a gift if that is what it will be
  2. My wife and I became season ticket holders for the first time last week. I graduated in 2010 and honestly had not been to many games until last year where we made it to half of the football games (and my wife’s first time ever to a college game) but decided to go all in and show our support! Love what is going on with not only athletics but the school as well!
  3. Anyone know that it will for sure be on channel 642 for Directv? I just went to it on ours and the virginia/duke game is blacked out on that channel for me, not sure why it would be but hopefully the UNT game is not blacked out
  4. Good catch, my fault that area code is 972. Thank you
  5. Hey Marty i can take care of it in our office tomorrow if you want to give me a call. Just call (872)912-3111 and ask for Kyle. I will be happy to help get you some tickets to the game on Saturday. For anyone else that is interested just give me a call and I will be able to get you taken care of. Go Mean Green!
  6. That's right the Wranglers are first in our division and former UNT and current Wranglers kicker Garrett Courtney is also the number one rated Kicker in the IFL. To help get more UNT fans out to support Garrett i would like to offer special ticket pricing for all UNT fans. All you will have to do is call (972) 912-3111 and mention that you saw this on GoMeanGreen.com I will be offering Endzone seating for $15 (yellow sections, regular price $23) and sideline seating(except for 115 and 116) for $25 (green sections, regular price $37). If you have any questions feel free to send me a message on here, give me a call, or an email at kwise@allenwranglers.com Next game is April 23! Come out and watch the Spring Game this weekend and next weekend come to Allen for some Professional Indoor football. Games are played at Allen Event Center. Kyle Wise 2010 UNT Graduate and Allen Wranglers Director of Ticketing
  7. Tonight is the first regular season game for the ALlen Wranglers and former UNT kicker Garrett Courtney. Come out to the Allen Events Center at 7:05 today and show your support. Two great seating sections when you go to the box office will be: The chick-fil-a family 4 pack: 4 tickets, 4 chick-fil-a meals for only $49 "The Fuzz" section. Garrett Courtney's own cheering section, at the box office say you want to support the Fuzz and you will make that ticket go from $23 to $20. Not only do we have Courtney representing UNT but also the staff is made up of many UNT Alumni. Thank You and go Mean Green.
  8. anyone that might be interested in bringing a group out to the games please let me know so we can get you set up, the atmosphere and the way the Allen Events Center is set up allows for all seats to feel like they are right in on the action. You can send me a message on here or an email to kwise@allenwranglers.com if you want more information or would have a group interested.
  9. Hey when you get a chance check your messages i sent you a private message
  10. There is a new Indoor Football team in town with the Allen Wranglers. My name is Kyle Wise and i am the Director of Ticket Operations with the team and also a 2010 graduate of UNT. For more Mean Green influence on the staff our Media Relations Director is also a 2010 UNT graduate. Not only do we have some great ticket packages going on but will have a great game day experience. We are looking for more staff members and will be holding try outs for the National Anthem singers, a public address announcer, and a play by play announcer. Would love to have as many of these positions filled by the Mean Green Community. If you are interested in any of these postions or know anyone who would be, we are holding the open house for the tryouts on Feb. 9th at 6:00-8:00 pm at the Allen Events Center. If there are any current students interested in doing an internship we are also looking to add more interns to the staff. Below i will list the team website as well as my email if anyone has any questions or would like more information. Thank you for your time and Go Mean Green! www.allenwranglers.com Email: kwise@allenwranglers.com
  11. just got done watching the press conference for the first time since i had work earlier but after watching it he made me proud a UNT graduate, i also am really interested to see how he tries to build up the team to the students, i graduated this past summer and now want to go out and get my season tickets for next year after this...really looking forward to seeing the reast of his staff and what type of recruits he can bring in
  12. I am amazed with how the team has played for Chico, the players have not changed but the attitude and winning has, coach chico has to be rewarded for this, not only do i think that we will go out and beat monroe next week but i think that chico would be able to go out on the recruiting trail and show that he can win games at this level but also his pure love of UNT is very evident, at this point would love to see him get the chance to run our program and take it to great heights....all the "big name" coaches got started at sometime, why cant coach chico get his start as the next big name coach...some talk about levitt making usf relevant and i see chico being able to do the same thing here...th main i see is that the players love playing for him and he is getting more talent out of the players
  13. I honestly feel that UNT could become what Boise is, the way to start it though is to start winning, i will admit i was not here during the early part of this decade when we were going to bowls so i am not sure how the community supported the teams then, but a winner will always bring out the community support, look at the "rangers" fans that have come out during this playoff run, people like to support a winner, becoming a winner will help bring in more support from the community. In my four years at UNT that i recently finished up i did start to see more UNT support at various locations around town, this all was happening during a bad 4 run stretch on the football field, winning will be the start in changing the culture of Denton
  14. Was wondering if any one out there is thinking about moving to McKinney in a couple months because im looking for someone to take over my lease at the Estates of McKinney starting January 1st. The apartments are very nice and i have enjoyed my time at them but have an oppurtunity to move closer to work and live with a couple UNT graduates. I would really appreciate anyone who is interested or might know of someone who is looking for something like this to either send me a message on here or email at sportslife2010@aol.com This would be perfect timing for anyone graduating in December who is looking to move to McKinney. The apartment is a one bedroom/1 bathroom and is on the second story. The rent is $663 a month plus roughly 15 for water and trash. I would be willing to cover the electric for the rest of the lease as a thank you for taking it over. The apartment is undurnished and the apartments are about a year old so it is still kept up really nice and has all new appliances. The complex has two pools, work out facility, gated community and each apartment gets a covered parking space. For more information about the complex you can look at its website. I would really appreciate any help that i can get from anyone who might know someone who is interested. Thank you for you time!
  15. i agree with the fact that we wanted to not allow the new riley plan to get on film just yet, its smart to hold him back and break out the new plays at home this weekend against rice....also looking forward to using our TE's this weekend to break that open....honestly though we need to use Dunbar and Hamilton as much as we can because watching that game they looking like our two best playmakers
  16. sounds good kt, will be coming with ya to the pourhouse...excited for my first season as an alumni
  17. yes i am the same one who worked for the Marshals this summer. I am also a member of the teamwork database and i also plan to attend the baseball winter meetings this december. I am continuing to look for entry level work and thanks for the help.
  18. I thought on the old board that we used to have a job forum area but did not see one on the new and improved board. I am a recent UNT grad with a recreation and leisure degree. I am looking for entry level work in such fields and would really appreciate if anyone knew of any leads or possible job openings. If you would like you can send me a message on here or to my email at kylelwise@aol.com, i appreciate any help i may receive.
  19. Just got the word that we decided to change it to DOLLAR beer tonight, just more reason to come out to the stadium and enjoy some good college baseball
  20. Hope to see alot of UNT shirts tonight at the game, game time is once again at 7:05 and the stadium is located at 6151 Alma Drive, in McKinney
  21. Yes i do but also have my UNT decal on there also
  22. yea sorry forgot to add the game time but it will start at 7:05
  23. My name is Kyle Wise and i am a UNT student working for the McKinney Marshals baseball team of the Texas Collegiate League. This saturday is our last game and we have been getting alot of groups for the game. I was able to get Mean Green Great Johnny Quinn out to throw out one of our first pitches. I would love for us to have as many UNT supportors out to the game as possible. Tickets are normally $5 for adults and $3 for kids 5-12 and seniors 55+, but if you wear a UNT shirt at the game this Saturday you will recieve $2 off your addmission price. If you have any questions please let me know and i hope we get a ton of Mean Green Fans out. The stadium is located at 6151 Alma Drive in McKinney (right off of 121). ***Also another added bonus is that we will have beer specials of $2 beer for a 16oz. *****For any businesses we are offering free addmission to the game if you are able to bring a table to have information about your organization on it and we will allow up to five people from that organization in for free. If interested please send me an email at kylelwise@tclmarshals.com
  24. We have also just decided to make our game on Aug 7 College Sports Night. We will be offering $2 off tickets for anyone wearing a NCAA team shirt. Just letting you know that i am also going to be senging this information to TCU, SMU and other Texas school alumni groups in the DFW area. I would really love to have as many Mean Green fans out at this game as possible. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask me on here or send me an email at kylelwise@tclmarshals.com. Also since we have just planned this event i dont have any quantees but i am planning to work on getting some UNT football players out to throw out the first pitch. If i get enough feedback about this event i could also turn it into a strictly UNT Night. Our stadium has a capacity of a little over 1,000 so if you feel we could get a large group of UNT supporters out to the park please let me know. ***Bonus we are planning to make this a $1 Beer Night also***
  25. Our website is www.tclmarshals.com and all the games will start at 7:05
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