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Everything posted by LittleMeanGreenMan

  1. OU UT X2 Arkansas Tulsa Superdome X2 Cotton Bowl X2 La Tech LSU SMU X3 Fouts Apogee
  2. Rico was on the sideline at Houston game, on his feet, interacting with teammates.
  3. Why can't the NT Daily properly support the football program? What a shitty headline.
  4. I sport the Green every Friday.
  5. Lighten up, snowflake. Have no clue what happened behind closed doors. I think the football team has proven itself disciplined.
  6. I just call the MGSF, i don't go through the online or the ticket office.
  7. I am going! I have a customer right outside of Berkeley so will definitely be having a Friday meeting the day before the game. I recommend staying in Emeryville. Pretty much every hotel chain is represented there and there are some decent restaurant options. Only about 10 min from the campus. My favorite restaurant in the world, Chez Panisse, is in Berkeley as well. If you're into food, get a table.
  8. Seth is going to the Packers. Someone told me.
  9. Stop bitching. I am going to use 25k AA miles. Not too shabby.
  10. What other programs? What are your "sources" telling you? You say in your clickbait headline that he is being vetted by Tech, but in the article say that he isn't being heavily considered by Tech. What other "multiple programs"? Please elaborate.
  11. So as I said, not a real candidate for either job.
  12. I swear Vito has a secret desire for Seth to leave. Only guy writing Seth as ties into these jobs.
  13. Pretty sure this happened at the Sun Bowl, don't think it was a "baseball game". Count me in.
  14. I don't think Corby knows his ass from a hole in the wall when it comes to sports, but he has given the Mean Green some love. He was pretty heavy UNT on twitter the weekend of the Arkansas game as well.
  15. I agree we should have some replica jerseys for purchase....both football and basketball. But, our merchandise has come a LONG way. I can recall days, not too long ago, where CHampion and Jansport were the only brands of UNT gear you could find. We have Nike Drifit, under armor, columbia, oxford, cutter/buck.....and it all looks pretty kick ass. Still room for improvement, and it will improve, but strides have definitely been made!
  16. old news. no #hit
  17. If Seth goes to Lubbock, I would imagine Graham would follow?
  18. winning the belt at fouts.....
  19. I CANNOT WAIT FOR SATURDAY! With the buzz surrounding this game, the NATIONAL expectations we have, and the news that a sellout is approaching, this is a MUST WIN GAME!!!! If we can get a rowdy, fun crowd and get a W, that momentum can be carried a longggggg way. A loss will put students and other 'on the fence' fans back into oblivion. Lets get this!!! Go MEAN GREEN!!!! NOW IS THE TIME!!!!!
  20. Homewood Suites French Quarter....Hilton points.
  21. I am grateful for this thread. It is serving as a reminder as to why I never get on this website. Half of you guys are real characters, I tell ya. I'm so terribly sorry that our BOWL GAME isn't up to your standards. It is really unfortunate that we will be playing for our TENTH WIN in a place that doesn't suit your needs. There is truly no pleasing some of you. It is really sad, I feel sorry for your wives. We have been absolutely irrelevant for about 12 years. I would argue, even with our Sun Belt trophies in early 2000s, maybe we have never been relevant. Even when we were winning the Belt, we would go to a P5 school early in the year and get beat by 60. It was as bit of a joke. Those days are over. This thing is legit. I am so proud as an alumni, fan, season ticket holder and Mean Green Club member to be able to brag about this team and what they've done. I wouldn't be surprised if those of you complaining don't financially give back to your school - there comes a sense of ownership when you do, and a certain pride. I feel like my investment is bringing me dividends. With the attitude of some of you, we don't deserve Wren or Seth. They've done nothing but succeed in a short amount of time. There aren't two bigger up and comers in college football. If and when they do depart, they will leave the program way better than they found it, setting us up for future success. Keep complaining about the New Orleans bowl. I will be the guy with a hand grenade rooting on my school, regardless of where or who they're playing. I am grateful that we are competing for championships. I am also confident that our bowl locations and opponents will improve as long as we keep winning. We are at the very beginning of a long process. An out of control rant to basically say - stop complaining, enjoy the ride, and be thankful for what our guys have been able to accomplish.
  22. Anyone that complains is an idiot. 1-11 then turn around and get a bowl bid. Who cares if we will play Army a bunch over the next few years. Seriously, who cares. In recruiting battles we need as much exposure as we can get. Being in a bowl game on espn is a GREAT thing. Regardless of who we are playing, what time of day it is, where the stadium is, etc. Stop complaining about ticket prices, or where your seat will be. Get excited that your team is in postseason play, cheer them on, and stop bitching.
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