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Everything posted by untcampbell

  1. Email me and I will forward my email to you, if you want to send in your response. untcampbell@yahoo.com
  2. rome@haveatake.com jimrome.com
  3. Said something to the effect that "these kids are really good, no matter what some people are saying about them."
  4. Just getting online to read all of this but congrats on the first "I told you so" blast. Classy.
  5. I think I know the play you are speaking about...even more fun was watching us line up, then another 30 seconds pass by before we are called for a false start. Tasty.
  6. My sign will be: I found Coach Dickey's lost merkin.
  7. I think it says that this will be another game for which he doesn't make the trip up from his home in Flower Mound to see us play. What happens on the field every week is really all that needs to be said. IMHO, what MJG does or doesn't do is no different than what any other alumni does week in and week out.
  8. We're number 1(20)! BLT
  9. Ticket in the am 1460 The Game (FOX) out of Burleson to hear Rome middays Ticket in the pm (Reminds me of an old pharmaceutical motto: Doxidan in the PM for a BM in the AM.) Mix in Stern (love the replay capability), CNBC, along with occasional 22 on Sirius NPR when I am out of town. Loves me some Radio! All day, and all night.
  10. I am going to be there. My kids enjoy the game too much not to attend. And somehow, I enjoy being there also. Even if it is just to cuss out the coaches. My only wish is that the fireworks get cancelled so my kids can get on the field and play as quickly as possible after the "game." One positive about next week is that daylight savings time ends this week. The only thing worse than an empty stadium at night is one in the broad daylight. I blame no one for not attending. In fact, your message may be heard louder than mine. I used to laugh at the constant "I'm done" merry-go-round, but it really sickens me to see so many loyal fans say goodbye. This program doesn't miss losers like Scotty. Those types weren't happy when things were relatively good. I am simply mad at the situation, not any fans. Fans have to be earned, and retained. Hard work to do both. There are a few players (all of them, really) out there I really want to see do well, even if it means overcoming leadership that makes it difficult. To you, boys...salute.
  11. Jay Dub, Stan R, NT91, Cowtown...come say hi some time. There is now a group of regulars that show up in that section and it is fun to be around them. And many nights, we have a better view than most in the middle. We have seen countless JMo up the middle and WR screens that gain little...even the wraparound draw would be a welcome sight at this point! From the stuff I am spewing, you know I know very little about football...just having a good time with friends, supporting my school...happy idiot that I am. Look for me in Section H. I am the one guy in that section without kids because mine are always moving down to the rail. I am also the guy who starred in Platoon and... The Andy Griffith Show.
  12. All new fans: You are not allowed to have positive view points because you don't know what HELL us long time fans have been through. That is pure bull----. Posts supporting the coach have gone down drastically, new fans or not. Many support the team regardless of the coach. We all know the problems with this program. A win is a positive for the program. Deal with it. By the way, I got about 10 calls or congrats from neighbors or friends that congratulated NT on the win (most had no idea HOW, but knew of all the OT's). Stand tall.
  13. Good points UNT Flyer. Emotion was seen on many fronts: one thing I was amazed about was all the noise coming from the student side when Hop lined up to kick in the 5th OT, I believe. I was asking my buddies why our fans would be yelling so loud when OUR guy is kicking. Turns out it was the ENTIRE FIU team yelling their asses off on the sideline. And when you looked over at them, they were lined up and tiered like it was picture day. I was impressed with how TEAM they were. not a great display of football, but on my top 10 list of most fun I have had seeing NT play: Others off the top of my head: 2003 NT win vs Baylor at home, 52-14 1997 win vs Utah State, 51-48, Matt's last (anyone see they beat Fresno State last night for their first win of the season) 1997 NT win over TT, 30-27 The two SMU wins of 1990 and 2006 1988 wins over TT, Rice and...Texas 2002 NOB win vs Cincy gmg
  14. Section H (the Pizza Section) got to see TWO great goal line stands. How many plays did we run east-west and never get back to the line of scrimmage? Are we that slow, or are they (0 and 6 they) that fast? Was it the drive that tied the game that we got most of our yards from the penalty flag? We were discussing the geometric impossibility of being able to score via the penalty flag, because, assuming an infinite amount of penalty flags, you can only get half the distance to the goal each time. Thus you must score by running a penalty free play, or declining the penalty, should you ever be able to push the ball over the goal line. What an incredible display of emotions after the game: In the middle, the on-field celebration of fans and team (thanks for not taking down the goal posts). And in front of Section H, strewn with exhausted, crying FIU players. And then, FF Rick going over to a few of them and patting them on the shoulder with a "good game." 7 overtimes, 14 drives that began at the 25 and not one touchdown...hmmmmmmm. 9 FG attempts in a game...that is a season for some teams. 4 FG misses in one game...that is a season for some teams. Funniest thing about the game running as long as it did: No jersey numbers will be mentioned, but how hilarious was it when THREE of our players came running to the North end zone, disappeared under the stands, only to emerge with a "What a relief" look on their faces. By the way, Man Law was broken when two of the players went to the "mens room" together. Player number one may also have had a case of diarrhea pants, judging from the way he was walking on the way back to the bench and the amount of time it took him to emerge from the stands...and yes, I do understand how long it takes to get those stupid football pants off. Recommendation: stay away from the funnel cakes. It was fun listening to fan reaction during the overtime: "Can we just agree to tie, and go home" "Someone please score so I can go home (like we were chained to our seats, and couldn't leave voluntarilly)" "That guy is taking a piss." Best sign that a coaching change is in order: 15,153 fans for homecoming. I am amazed (and grateful) at the number of people that come to the games (noticed this last season and through games one and two this year) that have no apparent ties to NT, but have kids and enjoy a relatively inexpensive night of college football. Especially obvious in Section H, but I talk to other families over at the JMG club zone. This is a thank you note to RV. Should we ever build a new stadium, I would like it to be U-shaped. And the open end should be where ALL Mean Green tailgating occurs. Picture a huge, open area, pie-shaped with the narrow end coming up toward the end zone, tiered with rows wide enough to put up tents, where people can set up, cook, eat, drink AND watch the game. It would be fenced to keep the drunks off the field but would require a ticket (or student ID) to get in. Essentially we are talking about the DECK, but a BYOB deck. Nominal charge for reserved space allows you truck/car access to get your grills down to your space no later than 3 hours before the game (with pick up at least one hour after the game ends). Section H witnessed the debut of Johnny Quinn a few years back, with as I recall a couple of spectacular catches right in front of us. I remember yelling, "that kid's a FRESHMAN!" What I would give to see our all-time best QB (debate: Ramsey/Maher/Washington/Case, others?) passing to that guy. Single best buy in college football: Junior Mean Green Club. $15 per kid gets you a shirt, bouncy house fun and, most important, being on the field to welcome the team back from half time. My kids, and the friends they bring, just absolutely love this. Second best value: Section H Family Pack. I will know we are where we want to be as a football program when the game is as much fun as the pre-game/post-game. When ALL tailgaters actually come in to SEE the game. Isn't it weird when you drive up to the stadium two hours before game time, and find the Green lot about 20% full? Fans on the front row in Section H, are about ten yards closer to the field than fans sitting on the front row at the 50 yard line. Still too far, but closer. Some tailgaters (namely the group in the Green Lot North end, among others) can see the game from their parking lot view of the big screen. Those who have tickets do go scan them, I am told, whether they ever go to their seats or not. Did anyone notice that during the pre-game introductions, announcer dropped Super from Jamario's name? Announcer apparently made him earn it, as Super was added back on after a long run. Mighty remains a part of Johnny Quinn's name...always. Favorite 2006 poster: chrisfisher. Keep it positive, bruthuh. Please pardon all words spelled incorrectly, and grammatical errors...this post is too long to edit.
  15. I got his autograph after the game (geek that I am), and he told me, "Thank you sir, for coming to see us play." Class act.
  16. I too long for those days when we just lost by a little. Win.
  17. Probably had more to do with the kharma of an..."In other news" post. Nope...just coaching.
  18. ...to lunch. He will be back about 3:45.
  19. This gives me tired head... I prefer to retitle the post: Doing the Meth.
  20. "beatin down by this board? no beatin down by DD? yes I'm otta here too...later, when we get a clue about coaching." See you in an hour.
  21. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/sortables?st...r=2006&sort=ypg But only 111 in scoring...that must include defense scores.
  22. You historians out there: How many times has Coach Dickey had to (actually did) admit something like this, or "It starts with the Coach," or "We (the Coaches) need to be better prepared, and be better at preparing our team." “[Akron coach J.D.] Brookhart did a much better job of having his team ready to play than I did,” UNT head coach Darrell Dickey said. “Their team was very focused and intense and ours was not. It starts with the head coach. Their coach did a much better job than I did.” I know it ranks far behind: "These are the worst facilities in the NCAA." "This is the toughest job in the NCAA." "We know we are going to have to play the defending national championships every year." But it seems like I hear it a lot. How many times can you go back to your boss and say, "I am not as good as my competition," and keep my job.
  23. Title of this string: Akron Favored Other pertinent links attached: www.theskyisblue.com www.voyboardhatesnorthtexas.com www.goodprogramscostmoney.com www.presidentbushwontbereelected.com www.obvious.com
  24. Any idea what the price is from the ticket office (UNT)? I am likely bringing the 2 squids and am trying to cheap it as much as possible. This is one that was circled because I haven't been to Skelly before. The win this week makes it easier to say we are in. Only 23000 came to their opener vs. SFA, but this is homecoming. Opponents sit in sections U and T. Hope to meet a few NT folks at the game. Scott Campbell Class of 1982 Flower Mound Section H, Row 32, Seats 18-21
  25. SMU's strength this year is their front 7. I love that we were 7 of 13 on 3rd down conversions. NT answered the SMU TD with an 8 play, 80 yard TD drive and a 13 play 90 yard FG drive. Difference in the game. We gave up no sacks on the night, though WW certainly influenced that number. Wasn't it great to see the personal fouls, and the effect they have on drives, take more from the other team than from us? Quinn nabbed footballs out of the air at full speed, low, high, behind him. I remember fondly calling out, "That kid's a FRESHMAN" after his unbelievable catches then. My kids went over to say hi after the game...very nice young man (sorry for generic dad-speak). Did Brandon Jackson even have one ball thrown his way? And more of the generic dad speak: Did anyone see that tall blond speaking to Burress family after the game. Unbelievably tight skirt that said something like "Do you believe?" on the front. Never got around to the back personally. Clearly the most talented player on the field. Spoke to one of the press boxers after the game, and he said she was an active part of the conversation most of the evening.
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