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Everything posted by untcampbell

  1. I used the website's kharma to win my bowl pool... gomeangreen.com #1 untcampbell #30 UNTNATIONALCHAMPS-2022 #33 (ex-letterman Jeff Katon) of 256 entries. Thanks, gomeangreen.com! GMG
  2. http://recruiting.scout.com/a.z?s=73&p=8&c=1&nid=4308519 Not ranked by Scout but has his strengths and weaknesses listed. Schools of interest (this profile is dated): Wake, Texas I am sure he is proud of the ad that got attached to his profile. GMG
  3. Scout did not rank Michael but he was offered by Air Force in the summer of 2009. GMG
  4. As for efficiency, look at Tasty, King and Mean Green Matt. All are getting a +1 about every 4 posts. Well done, boys. GMG
  5. Man, that guy always wins. GMG
  6. Looks taller than 6'0" and would be a great opportunity for the new staff to gain a toehold in Denton. GMG
  7. Rick, I tend to stop the discussion when the debate devolves into one-line sarcastic retorts. But what you put in post 143 totally misrepresents (to be kind) the intent of my post on the "VIP" board (it used to be called the PRIVATE board, I believe). I fully realized that I couldn't AFFORD to buy four seats on the Club level before I bought them. I bought the two that I could afford, really as a perk add-on for the level of support I wanted to provide for the stadium. I also can't afford to buy 20 seats up there for the friends and family that often join me at the game. So we, along with those 3-4 other families, will continue to buy tickets in the family section and enjoy the game from our seats. I have absolutely no regrets about supporting a stadium that I have been asking for since 1982, give or take a year, with my donation. So really, I wasn't trying to "rearrange out of" my predicament. I asked if any other fans who had bought a couple of seats would be interested in "pooling" their seats, giving up their access for some games in exchange for having more seats to some games. Thought it was a reasonable idea...guess not. GMG
  8. Every seat added would have increased the cost of the stadium and, in turn, the price of a ticket, pricing even more good old days fans out of seeing the games. I am going to credit the Athletic department for their due diligence in balancing out what we allegedly want and what we (the University) can afford and what WE (the fan) can afford. GMG
  9. I asked for a new stadium. Lots of people did. Still, there is no entitlement to new stadiums for universities. Even though the students (must have been the rich ones that passed this...yeah, yeah I know that those that voted won't be here to pay for it) come out of pocket for HALF, the rest has to be paid for in some manner. Stebo, you are screwed (if you move, lose your job, etc) only if you had no interest in helping to fund the stadium for which so many of us asked. I am a notorious cheapskate. But when NT stepped up, I did too. As an aside, I had every intention of splitting the cost of a suite with some friends. When the pricing came out, I realized it was out of my league. In fact, so are Green and White Club seats. I came in where I could afford it. Most on this board are going through the same math I did to find where they can help, and how much seat they can afford. I am sure it is a sticker shock to those that wanted to stay in Fouts or wanted a new stadium but didn't want to pay any more for it. The good news: if you buy ANY seat in the Palace Across the Street, your view will be better, and more comfortable, than ANY seat at Fouts. GMG
  10. The smaller classes are playing at a stadium in Mansfield....wouldn't it be nice to have those games in Denton next year? GMG
  11. Stebo, You are not buying a PSL, you are making a tax-deductible donation to the stadium. After you pay your donation (3125/seat over five years for the Silver section), you retain the right to your seats as long as you continue to pay the annual MGC donation and buy the tickets. If you die, your family can assume the rights but there will be a transfer payment due (cost not yet decided). One note: the actual cost of a seat, $58.33/game, is a real value for the quality of seat and amenities you get for it (gratis food and non-alcohol beverage, climate controlled comfort if the weather merits, priority parking benefits, etc), and you get the option to purchase similar seating for other events held at the stadium. GMG
  12. Just don't toss a stuffed tortilla out there. GMG
  13. The deck was built, in my opinion, to make that P.O.S. Fouts a tad more livable until the Palace Across The Street could be built. No different than waterless urinals, frankly. We wouldn't need to drunk up our visitors if the girl they were looking at was hot. Now, she will be. There will be many places inside and outside of the stadium to gather your friends. But all who attend will feel much better about their "home" than where we were. EDIT: And for those that do invest in the stadium through a club level purchase, there will be open air tables and chairs directly behind the Silver seats at the North and South ends of the Club Lounge. Deck-like experience with a view. GMG
  14. LB coach will be announced today, per the chat.
  15. Guess they want people to buy the club level seats. Good plan. GMG
  16. And a quick glance at the all-SBC team shows he did it with 1...ONE....guy that got that recognition, a second team Sr LB (though another LB made honorable mention). Must be the scheme! GMG
  17. Angelina Jolie wants your baby = some guy on this board is going to be pissed, call it sloppy seconds (or thirds, etc) or say her boobs sag or they don't like her religion, hair, lips, eyes, 40 time, etc. But, GMG
  18. MM, My understanding is that the Family Section will be in the Wing. GMG
  19. Chris, The rows of seats that essentially serve as the "upper decker" emerge from the club seats, as you suspect. Maybe 5-7 rows. I don't recall seeing a second upper deck. They will serve Club seat renters, for those that are at the game for more than the booze. I am really looking forward to seeing what that view looks like. GMG
  20. Guys, I am not being sarcastic with this...but when was the last time you have heard the word honor used in conjunction with Mean Green football. I am confident that the word is used in the locker room, but I admire this Coach for sharing words like honor, respect and WINNING with those outside the room. It feels different around here...it feels like a program making a quantum leap forward. Coach Dan is the Man! GMG
  21. SMU, MTSU, NMSU, UTA (the only multiple sport rivalry we ever had)...I would throw in LaTech if we every played. But of all of those, I can only give you an explanation for one: SMU. Forgive if this comes across as class envy, but that is not it. One pivotal moment for me, for which I should be discredited from the start because I can't remember the exact game: Believe it was the 1981 SMU/NTSU game at Texas Stadium. The Pony Express dominated, and we lost something like 34-7. Towards the end of the game, Dickerson broke for a long one. During the last 10 yards of his run, he turned around and backpedaled into the end zone, while pointing his finger in the face of an approaching DB. That, in itself, was a pisser. But in context, it was later exposed that the "pointer" was bought and paid for, that all that early 80's success was ill-gotten excess. I have no problem with SMU getting the death penalty for that epic cheat. Ironically, I can side with the SMU fan that says they were singled out and that "bigger" schools have gotten much less for at least as bad. So it is circular...the Dickerson persona, the James legacy (to me, he is most remembered as a helicopter parent), the Death Penalty. And then, SMU fan positioning himself as the little guy, i.e. mid-major, thus putting SMU in the same boat as us. And with a footnote, I like June Jones...nice purchase. GMG
  22. I can never tell if the yelling around me translates to what happens in the rest of the stadium, but our section (you know the section with the ambluance just to its left), started a "RILEY, RILEY" cheer as he was being rolled off the field. It was the best send off, in my opinion, of any of our "out for the year" injuries, even knowing that the year was done. On a night that I thought our fans did their best in many years, this was the moment I felt our fans did their best. GMG
  23. Rick, by the time it was all said and done, how many made it to the Meen(t) and Green(t)? GMG
  24. Every time the MGC puts together an interesting or attractive "members only" event, it only increases the value of forking up to be a part of the MGC. This is a great opportunity for a nice-sized gathering of the loyal faithful. More of these, please! GMG
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