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Everything posted by untcampbell

  1. Man, how do you know this stuff? Very inside, you are.

  2. MIght be this this incident: http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2015/12/05/denton-pd-searching-for-hit-and-run-suspect/ Couldn't find an update, but at the time, one person was in critical condition, the other had an injury not considered life threatening. GMG
  3. Fun to watch. Think this guy signed with Syracuse, deemed the only 4-star recruit (not sure which service...Yahoo has him as a 3-star) in that class, and was subsequently ruled ineligible based on high school grades/courses. Would be a 2017 signee, I believe. Finishes JC eligibility after the 2016 season. GMG
  4. This article was specific to the College HOF. I think it would be great if we could support Mr. Pennington's efforts (I believe he is a UT alum, by the way). GMG
  5. Kevin Sherrington wrote a nice story today about Richard Pennington, currently based in South Korea, who is advocating Abner Haynes election into the college football HOF. In the story, it says that NT has been ranked in the AP poll twice, both during the 1959 season while Mr. Haynes was working his magic in the backfield. I thought that NT was ranked in the Fry years, that we were in the top 20 two years in a row and did not make a bowl in either year. I had heard that this, among other things like fan support, was the frustration that sent Coach Fry looking to Iowa. Can anyone enlighten me? GMG
  6. It must be a tremendous burden to have to assess what type of guy each poster is, and then have to remember it. Put me down as a guy who has some empathy for your cause, admires your tenacity and questions with wonderment the amount of free time you have to deliberate and pontificate on the subject, but has grown tired of the unending, monotonous effort to tell the same story 7500 times. GMG
  7. It may also indicate that Littrell has options, and he is comfortable with them. GMG
  8. So knowing English is in, how does that affect our chances of landing Kincade? GMG
  9. Would love to get CR's take on Manziel. GMG
  10. TM gets the +1 since Harry won't take it! Nice observation of Harry's research, TM. GMG
  11. Context, bruthuh. Thompson had one of his best games but Ball State fumbled 3 times and was intercepted twice. Thompson wasn't on the field for any of those plays, as I recall. It was a team win, with an assist from a brutal sun that Ball State players (and most of the fans that attended) stood in for the entire game (#ThanksRV, said with a stick to stir up the ant bed named 90). GMG
  12. I get your point, SE. Our best teams in "recent" years won with strong defense. That said, I am not convinced a strong defense would be enough to propel last year's QB crop to average (with due respect for the effort put in by them all). Vizza, yes. Meager, yes. GMG
  13. We won a few games with an average Thompson and Hall. Mix in a little leadership, confidence, durability, want-to and toughness, and THAT is why they get praise. It just illustrates where we can go with just an average quarterback. It appears we will see a few of those here now, some maybe even better than average. GMG Edit: To clarify, the italicized average refers to the above noted QBR's for Thompson and Hall and does not represent my assessment of Thompson and Hall's QB talents.
  14. Didn't see the game, and sadly had BG in my bowl pool, but for those that did, does the GS defense get any credit here? Only team all year to hold BG under 28 (even if by one). What did they do to slow down Matt Johnson, other than TOP? Was Jinks on the sideline for this one? GMG
  15. Thanks for capping the HE....that clarifies it is not a SHE DC. GMG
  16. Well, one of his brothers went to North Texas. Him and another brother coach at Sweetwater. Anyone take a look at that roster? I love players that are coach's sons....and I am glad we have a coach that is a coach's sons. GMG
  17. I don't think anything says tradition at North Texas like finishing up another losing season with a post-Thanksgiving weekend final home game (the last of five scheduled) with 2000-3000 of your best friends. It has been on my calendar for many years. Fan of North Texas will know he is not on the bottom of the CFB scrotum, er totem, pole when we put an AD in place that can negotiate a schedule of six or more home games, most on Saturdays, spread relatively equally in September, October and November at fan-friendly start times that allow for a little pre-game tailgating and don't require a Halloween costume to fit in with the band "uniforms." GMG
  18. Thank you. GMG
  19. The State Department put out an alert this week that said something like "be careful and aware in large crowds." Apogee was the safest place in America on Saturday afternoon. Security to fan ratio was about 1:1. And no one cared enough to behave out of order....well, accept Carlos. GMG
  20. Enlighten me a little bit....how much discussion does a school have with a candidate before the interview. Just strange to hear about two guys who have yet to interview being called "finalists." How do you qualify a guy as a finalist who has little understanding of the North Texas "intangibles (good and bad)?" GMG
  21. Thanks. If I have to watch a Lincoln commercial disguised as the Monday morning press conference for the next X years...dang. Please find someone else to associate Meacham with, or give me Eric Taylor. GMG
  22. Having spent a little time in Logan, I would have a tough time justifying a move to Denton as an upgrade. Beautiful town full of people that support the program. Better athletic conference. A program that has proven it can and will compete against, and sometimes beat, its in-state rivals. Maybe you don't have to pay a coach as much with all those advantages. Would have been worth the effort when the search began....but we are allegedly close to hiring someone now, right? GMG
  23. Son and I will be there, and one of our other tailgate regulars. We will spend about 3 minutes in our family zone seats, then move to the seats under the club seats and alternate the three of us between there and the club seats. In all honesty and understanding this weekend's scheduling and attendance is absolutely horrible for our football program, some of my favorite games at NT are these last games of the year, in miserable weather with a handful of truly die hard fans. I have this inkling that we play some of our best games in front of our smallest crowds, regardless of last game or not. Selective memory, but the MTSU game a few years back and the 1997 Utah State game come to mind. And as rare as a win is around here most years, you have to be selective. GMG
  24. Good luck UNTFBPlayer on Saturday (and beyond). See you there. GMG
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