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Everything posted by untcampbell

  1. Good luck on the surgery....I hope it goes well. What specifically are you looking for? I'm not such a good shopper, but I may be able to assist. I am going to be looking for former linebacker Brendan Campbell's jerseys, #38. GMG
  2. I find it distasteful to see on a message board negative opinions expressed about ANY recruit that is coming to visit our campus. Appreciate the last few posts offering a voice of reason. We do enough on this board to highjack the efforts of this program through the constant trashing of the AD, and by inference, anyone who was ever hired by him. Let's give the coaches the opportunity to do their jobs, at least until they give us reason that they can't. Flame away.... GMG
  3. And Frisco, and UNTHSC in Fort Worth, and UNT Law. GMG
  4. (Drunk post alert) C'mon, SE. Attending practice is only something to gripe about when you are told you can't go. It really isn't about going. GMG Sober now: Scrimmages....that is a whole different enchilada.
  5. Welcome. Use your eagle-eye to focus in on those that bring value, insight and pertinent information. I would guess the current ratio of value:pablum is 1:5 but that may be generous. There are a few consistent high value posters. Learn them and ignore those you find not useful. Usually a thread will get highjacked so most of the time, you will find no substantially relevant information beyond the first few posts in a thread. Stay focused on whatever reason you became a fan. GMG
  6. If you don't want to pay, go to the free venues. If you don't mind paying for a little different vibe, pay. It is like some people go to clubs without a cover (recorded music) vs those that have live music. Choose. Go. Or don't. GMG
  7. Thanks Rick for taking time to post softball. Twitter is so great for many reasons, but it is great to get in game updates. We shouldn't lose to UTA in anything and this year's softball team rivals mens hoops as one of its best teams. Happy to see the girls gut this one out. Jessica Elder allowed baserunners all night but shut the batters down with ducks on pond. A roller coaster of a year, but no questioning the effort, heart, grit on this team. GMG
  8. Probably just as likely Shanbour is #2 as Morris is #1. GMG
  9. I demand the right to +1 this post, Harry. Thanks. GMG
  10. I don't want the coach that wants a job with no accountability, no expectations and little pressure to succeed. I don't think that is the reason SL took this job. GMG
  11. Thanks Brett. This is great information. Appreciate you making it available. GMG
  12. Littrell referenced today's practice was the third on twitter. GMG
  13. Saints better today, and I am a bigger fan than I already was. GMG
  14. I will give you $50 for them, each. They are worth the price you post, but I will offer you the price at which you value them, with a slight premium added for your consideration. GMG
  15. Schkade scores the first run vs. Nicholls and NT is up 1-0, top third. Her hit streak goes to 16 games and every game she gets one is a new NT record. GMG
  16. North Texas goes to 9-6 on the season with an 8-4 win over Tennessee-Martin (10-6 after the loss today). SS Kelli Schkade now hitting .436 in the leadoff position, having hit in every game. She got her 7th home run today. Lauren Craine got off to a rough start, giving up 4 in the first, 3 earned, but gets into the fourth without giving up additional runs. Jessica Elder goes shutout from there for the win. Lots of team speed in the field and on the bases. Outfielders cover a lot of ground. Team is in great shape, S&C! Playing two on Saturday vs. Nicholls and TN-Martin, then Nicholls and Houston Baptist on Sunday. GMG Nice work from Mean Green Sports to provide these highlights:
  17. I was in the Mansfield store three weeks ago to buy some running shoes. The news was just breaking about SA and the stores were starting to go to Clearance. Things were being moved out to other stores and inventory was blown out on most popular items. And this is when discounts were in the 20% range. This won't take long so grab it if you want it. GMG
  18. Was it his first? GMG
  19. MJ, count me in. GMG
  20. My family of 4 will be there. Flights booked. Been to both games in the past as I have family that are West Point grads. We will get there this year for parade. This game has been on our calendar since the series was announced. GMG
  21. Creighton is 5-7, having beaten Boise, Campbell (2x, dang it) and Western Michigan, before taking Sam in the opener today. I was lucky enough to be part of a nice crowd for NT's home opener before seeing the second half of WBB...what a finish there! Then caught a bit of game two from right field before heading home in prep for the Cowtown HALF tomorrow. Men's baseball took two from SMU, by the way. Men's basketball, women's tennis not so much. but overall a good weekend for NT sports. Thanks to @meangreensb for the classic rock emphasis during game one today. GMG
  22. The number I have heard is that we are 82% sold for club level seats for next season. I do not know if that is more or less than in previous years but I don't believe they have ever sold every club seat. I would have no problem being interviewed if I wasn't renewing my seats. Would someone in the AD put the "heavies" on he who decides to chirp in public? Doubt it seriously. Whether the AD is leaning on the club level seat owners to fund the deficit in lower bowl seating is up for debate. As a buyer of both club and steerage seats, my total donation to the department is less than in the past five years when I funded my 5-year stadium commitment. But part of that is buying fewer tickets now that my kid goes to North Texas. We have a revenue decline, both in fewer tickets sold and as the timing of the funding campaign has ended. This was a smart transition to seek additional funds from those already inspired to give. Those that can and want to will carry on, and those that don't won't. If you stuck around through the last couple of years, I would think a new coach/staff/philosophy would inspire enough hope and excitement to keep going for most folks. GMG
  23. There was a table set up with literature. Mike Smith and others were there. Don't think we gave away any freebies, but our folks were there to talk NT spurts. *Dan, you still in the US? GMG
  24. At 55, I end up watching a MWC game after a long day at Apogee, but I get it Wardly. I would love to go to Logan, SLC, ABQ and Honolulu to see the Mean Green. It ain't 9 pm there at kick off! GMG
  25. I agree with another poster (can't recall who) that the MWC is the most stable of the conferences. I would love NT to be a part of it and having as many of the other Texas teams with us would make it palatable from a travel perspective, but I suspect that they are happy with 12 teams and I am not sure the Texas teams are as content with the stability that the MWC apparently offers. GMG
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