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Everything posted by untcampbell

  1. Watching from KC. UNT basketball looks good on TV. GMG
  2. Well done, TripleG. GMG
  3. Props to @emmitt01 and @FirefightnRick for a nice pre-game atmosphere and tailgate. Good way to start a basketball evening. GMG
  4. I just remember Pete Incaviglia hit a bomb out of Mack Park field that landed in the adjacent apartment parking lot, roughly 500 feet from home plate. When you divide what I believe was TWO scholarships amongst a baseball team, it is a) a club sport for all intents and purposes; and b) enough to give each player McDonalds coupons, free Taco Casa tacos (then priced at 29 cents) and a Big Chief notepad. And yet, driving out to Mack Field and watching them was a delight. And every once in a while, magic happened. Title IX shut it down, along with a great Mens Soccer team, for the lady sports. As it turns out, I get immense joy, more than from baseball or mens soccer, watching our softball team. GMG
  5. For the record, Cal Baptist beats Baylor 2-1 to win the Baylor Invitational. Got credit for including the religion in the school name. GMG
  6. @Adler made the highlight video too. Well done, fan man. (thanks for providing the Top Ten also, sadly minus the top One) GMG
  7. Any link available to the Top Ten for today? Thanks, GMG
  8. Good to see Tatum hitting well early on. She struggled last year, IIRC, but strong in the field. GMG
  9. Feels like just like every other year. From my view, it has been many years since the "Spring Game" felt anything like an actual game. But I still liked to be there. And will attend this year's practice also. GMG
  10. Acute sadness that I can't make it for this one. Can't wait to hear you report: full spectrum dominance. GMG
  11. The actual definition of not a tournament. GMG
  12. Most of our games could be played in the library and no one would be upset at the crowd noise. Stadiums/Arenas = Loud Libraries = Shhhhh Just asking the question: Coaches always piss about fan support. Would they be happy with 9900 fans at the Pit or 30000 at DATCU all reading books, studying for finals? GMG
  13. Did Skylar give up all three runs, or did she come out earlier? GMG
  14. Many have no interest in using the PEB or the music hall. I get we are talking about specific students and not facilities, but we pay for stuff all the time that we don't have any interest in. USAID, it turns out, for instance. GMG
  15. We did kick Grammy's ass after all. GMG
  16. So are we a football school now? Or a music school?
  17. It is easy to visualize those big crowd losses because there are a lot of them, but the truth is we lose a lot of games in front of small crowds also. I do think many of our most memorable games (football) happened in front of our smallest crowds. Lance Dunbar vs MTSU always comes to mind but maybe it is just the spirit of camaraderie when there are only a few of us standing in the rain, freezing our arses off or even decent weather games played by a really bad football team. I am a yeller and it is kind of fun to see someone in a distant section of the stadium laughing or clapping at something you say....because every fan that speaks in anything louder than normal conversation can be heard anywhere else in the stadium. And when there are only a few people watching and your team gives you (relative) football gold, you feel like each and every one of those with you is a friend and shares your passion and commitment to the team. GMG
  18. Maybe the red eyed Hodge picture is responsible. Can you remove it now, Mods? GMG
  19. "As for the game....for anyone that's been following Mean Green athletics for any amount of time, the outcome was painfully predictable. You could see it coming from a mile away. I don't know what it is, but any time we go out of our way to hype a game (I would not go as far to call this an "opportunity" game), we under perform and lay an egg in front of a nice home crowd." Marketing's fault. GMG
  20. Not September. Don't know that we know if it will be Oct or Nov. GMG
  21. Morning Headlines: Basketball School Wichita State Shockered by Loss to Basketball School Upstart North Texas UTA Officially Designates Itself Basketball School After Fears of Being Left Behind by Other Basketball Schools Basketball School DePaul Cherishes December Win Over Basketball School Wichita State after Third Straight Loss to Other Basketball Schools; Basketball School Seton Hall Up Next GMG
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