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Everything posted by UNT96

  1. Hey Smurfette, Again you have shown your ignorance by blasting a fan that has been carrying the NT torch since before you were conceived. For that lack of disrespect, you were banned and will be banned again. You just say things to get a rise out of people, I don't believe for one second that you support UNT if you are going to bag on our programs in every sense. As for SMU, Sorry Grenade.. the series is all but signed. That is about all I can say about it and it is pending a lot of give and take but soon you will see the two face off on the field. And they didn't build the campus between those roads.. those roads built up around them. SMU has been around long before that area even closely resembles what it is today. You will be happy when we play them and stomp them into the ground. We have everything to gain from it including a sold out Fouts.
  2. I searched long and hard for a good generator this off season and let me tell you, they are expensive. Well, last week Ted (NT Skull) showed up with a brand new one that worked like a charm. We had 3 tv's, a satellite dish, a dvd player, and a playstation 2 all running off of this generator and it never skipped a beat. It can handle 1350 watts. a regular outlet at home can handle 110. Realistically it could probably only take about 1000 but even then we could have hooked up even more stuff to this thing. So when I heard he paid $199.99 for it I was sold. I called the company and just ordered one. Same price. They are an internet company that has a roving sale at convention centers and the closest one they have now is in Longview. But I ordered one and the shippig was only $25.00 which is about what it would cost me for a tank of gas going back and forth to Longview. So for $225.00 you can have a kick butt generator with a 10 year warranty. I e-mailed them for the specifics and it is posted below. Here is the info: If you live near Longview or want to see if they have a traveling sale near your house call the FIRST number. If you want to order one and have it sent UPS Ground (2 weeks to get there basically, more than enough time for the next home game) call the SECOND phone number. Thank you for choosing Cummins Tools! Please contact our Customer Service Department at 1-800-290-6912 between 8:30 am - 4:30 pm CST for current sale locations. They will be able to assist you in locating a local sale. If you are unable to locate a local sale, please contact our Sales Department at 1-877-528-6646 between 9:00 am - 4:30 pm CST for a shipping quote. Thank you, Cummins Tools I hope to see lots of these at Fouts someday. Let me tell you how good a deal this is. A friend on this site looked long and hard for one during the off season and couldn't find one for under $400 or so, so he paid almost this same amount to rebuild his older one he had. It is a great little generator but is missing one thing, the 10 year warranty. That is how great a deal like this is and they don't come along very often. Suck it up and buy it, $200 is an outstanding deal. Just check E-Bay for used ones. You won't find a 1350 watt for below $400-$500. Thanks again to Ted for this info, the Phi Kaps should be commended for being supportive Greeks. They have a solid group that comes to every game, they come early... stay late and wear green. I wan tto also point out that I saw a bunch of Greeks wearing Green shirts that said Greek's Support North Texas (or something like that) and some had Sigma Chi on them, some had Sig Ep on them.. I even saw one for Delta Sig. I don't know if these are old shirts or if our little thread after the TCU game sparked some new project but either way I applaud them for stepping up to the plate. Go Mean Green! Beat them Injuns! GO RUN MIDDLE!!!! Whoooooppppeeeeeee!!!! (just playing)
  3. Not Denver??? UGHHH!!! I heard it was 6-1. What is up with that? Did you go?
  4. UNT96


    You seem to have a real problem with other people. First you argue with everyone about the Greek way of life yet you are not Greek. Now you bash Scottie (even if it is not the real Scottie) for posting facts that you don't like. Scottie's infamous article might not hae sat well with you but at least is was resaearched and factual. You are just assuming that some other guy on the internet is the one that you have grown to dislike even though you probably have never evn met him in your life, typical. And it doesn't matter if you put "if it is the Scottie we know" or not.. people will read it and pass right by that and assume that it is. You provide nonoe of the links of his posts nor sis you paste his comments. Say what you want about Scottie but he told it like it was and still is. As the season goes by he is showing that he knew bore about football than any of you Dickey lovers. How about some facts? Put that in you pipe. and Crecrus shut this one down. If there was ever a waste of bandwidth is this. Bashing another fans for having a differing opinion. That is a paersonal attack and one that is not backed up by any fact. That is against board rules. If the rules are to be enforced for some posts then they need to be enforced for all posts. How old are you Rudy, 20... 21? We'll see where you are at over 30 like the rest of us on bashing other fans. I think your tune will change. It's just your age and you are showing it.
  5. UNT96


    I am not going to post it on here out of respect for Harry; but Scottie did not abandon UNT when he left this board. He started his own new board and still is a supporter of the program. You can be a program supporter without liking a certain coach or his play calling.. and also by questioning our place in the IA pecking order and how far up we can advance in that pecking order. Grow up, you need to really consider thinking about the important things in life and leave other people alone. When you have been a fan for more than a year or two, then you earn the right to be judgemental, until then.. try and fake it and grow up.
  6. UNT96


    Scottie has more passion for UNT in his pinky than you ever will in your entire life. He is sick of Darrell Dickey and wa publicly blasted by our AD for writing a completely factual article that questioned how we were going to grow our program to meet the new standards. He has already been banished by jerks like you and has the right to his opinion. Leave the guy alone and stop acting your age.
  7. Does the truth bother you or saying it out loud? I am not one for PC crap.. I like to tell it like it is. It's funny that you picked out the two negative things that I admitetd to dealing with the subject of Greeks. Greeks are VERY used to that. They consistently raise tens of thousands of dollars for local charities, support the University before and after graduation, and give back more than the common student; yet the only time you see anything about a Greek is something negative. By the way, the Greeks do not get any "funding" budgeted from the University to put on the Homecoming Parade. I wonder if Bonfire would be as wonderful or even more wonderful if it was privately funded. I know that the members of the Greek system could really use a big fat check from the University to put on the parade but it would never happen because they have a couple of letters across their shirts. I am meaning to make this a Talons against Greek thing but it was initiated by a Talon and this is usually what happens when a group has a good "rush".. they get big heads and think they are bigger and better than they really are. I think all of the groups should be tolerent of one another and accept their differences. Being Greek is about networking.. both socially and financially. If you aren't Greek.. than you just cannot understand. There is way too much insecurity when dealing with attitudes towards Greeks. But anytime the school realing needs them they always come through. Especially when it comes to supporting the athletic programs. As for the getting laid comment.. that is not just Greeks, that is about being in college. Being Greek just greatly increases your odds!
  8. This is gonna be long, because I am offended by your post.. So if you are not inerested in this subject go ahead and hit the BACK button right now on your computer. Rag on the student Greeks all you want, I was a student Greek and could really care less about NT athletics. Our priorities were on tons of other things except winning the homecoming float parade competition, of which without the Greeks would be a three float parade with some little old ladies attempting to throw gum at the kids being the gist of it. The alumni are a different story. They are the Greeks that fill up the stadium alumni side every game (as best they can).. You don't notice them because they are grown men and women and don't where t-shirts anymore, but none the less they are the biggest supporters of the school before and AFTER graduation. Something no other group can claim with a straight face. On the shirt thing.. individual fraternities and sororities have national colors. My fraternities colors were blue and white. If you see lots of fraternity shrts in diiferent colors, 9 times out of 10 it will be the groups national color. I don't see anyone on here jumping on the Clarkies for having their color as Red??!!! And the University has a RIDICULOUS licensing system. There was only one screen printer in all of town that can print the logo or even put the initial UNT on a shirt. The school charges an outragious licensing fee and that screen printer had to charge about 25% more than anyone else because of it. Due to this, they were rarely used... although my group used them to get the logo and the name. Other shirt printers have been harrassed and threatened by the school. We even had a shirt company out of Norman doing our shirts for us because we figured they would never mess with them and they slapped cease and assist BS type of thing onthem for printing the words University of North Texas without having the license to do it. You want to know why it is so damn hard to find NT gear anywhere??? This is why. It is always easy to throw blame on student groups but the fact is the Greeks are social clubs, not athletic clubs and are not created to support the athletic events. I believe that they have and continue to be the biggest supporters. Consider this, the Greek population at our school is fairly small percentage wise. There are about 1500 greeks out of 30,000 students. Those 1500 people are very visible at every game and so much that you have to comment on them. Theie alumni are what really are the important aspects of how they relate to the University. There is a large group of donors that I know that are former Greeks. Consequesntly it was a brother that finally did get me interested in the football team. I think if you look at it across the board they do much more good than harm, they are just held to a higher standard for some reason. Not everyone is a Talon, in fact.. up until this year I have never seen more than 10 Talons at any game of any type and they are the "official" supporters of the program and it's traditions. I don't know if this is because there were never more than 10 members or if they were just spread out, but it would seem that they could certainly do a better job of recuitment and visibility. I know that I still sit in the student section at every football game and I am surrounded by Greeks. You can't tell me that they don't come, if you really think that you are just blind or not looking. People in glass houses should not throw stones. There are 220 members of this board. Of that 220, I would be willing to bet that Greeks or ex-Greeks account for 30% of the members. You might not think this is a big thing, but consider that the Greeks only account for 1/25th of the student population (less than 4%) on a good year.. I also hope you have a sense of pride driving down Greek row. Having alumni building million dollar houses on campus property for no profit other than to give back to their school and fraternity. They do not own the land, and at any time can get screwed over by the school just like KA. Yet they continue to build and give back. 8 houses built or building.. 3 more to come in the next 2 years. You tell me what student group gives back more to a school than this? Greeks are not atheltic supporting orgamizations. They are social clubs for networking and getting laid. That is all, nothing more, nothing less. You should worry about yourself instead of others. Saying something as stupid as "What is the deal with those Greeks" and then talking about an inident with two or three of them at the game is the same EXACT thing as saying, what is the deal with those Black people, or what is the deal with the Chinese? In all visible groups, there are people that make the whole look bad. But that is probably because you are not looking for the good. What is the deal with the Greeks? The best damn thing on campus and you should think about finding a house for yourself to join. You would be a better rounded person as a result of it and a little more tolerant of others. Think about it.
  9. So he can peronally attack the entire board as long as he doesn't mke a reference to a curse word? Come on Lowe. I will edit it and take it out but please don't erase a post I spent the time to type out because of one word.
  10. Chief, First of all. were you AT the game Saturday? Not to mean as an insult but if you are a fan and you were there then you would have serious concerns about the team as well. Our record is 0-1, wins against IAA teams do not count towards ANYTHING anymore, not even once every four years like they used to. And against that IAA team we had a lackluster performance against a bad IAA team picked to come in 7th place in the Southland Football League. I think my old High School could come in 7th in the SLC. The frustrations are NOT about this year. They are about 5 years straight of broken promises concerning the offense. For five years straight I have heard that the offense would be opened up. I have hear, "We want to establish a running game to open the passing game." The only problem is that even in the games where we establish the running game (like last week), we don't open the passing game. We are paying someone 157K a year to tell a QB that all that he trusts his offense to do is clog up the middle and hope for 3 yards a gain with the occasional break out run. I could do that and I would do it for free. He also gives our QB NO discretion when it comes to audibles. This is the sign of an ego maniac and you would think with a 13-39 record that a perosn liek this would be humbled a bit. Take away the IAA games that he has won and that record is even worse. DD has lied to us year in and year out about this offense that we would be seeing more of a balanced attack. On paper it sometimes looks that way, but you have to go to the games to see that it is not. To run 30 times in a row and then pass the next 20 in a row because you are so behind that you are throwing the ball out of desperation, it makes the stats look like a semi-balanced attack. But it is not. A balanced attack is running the ball when it is smart (to get the two yards you need for a first down) and passing the ball when it is smart (to get the 7 yards you need for a first down). Up to this point there was one small but valid excuse. We just didn't have the depth. Well that is CRAP now. We have the depth and there should be no excuse for not putting up 50 points on Nichols State. If Cal (a piece of crap football school) can hang 70 on Baylor(a IA School) and K-State can hang 68 on ULM (a IA School), than surely we can put more than 10 points a half on Nichols State. Without our defense we might have lost that game. Try to challenge that statement, because we were one iterception away from that game being 10-7 at the half and who knows what would have happened from there out. You wanted football talk, you wanted the truth? I don't think you really want it. To be honest, this board has been rather respectful this week all things considered. It has been much worse before. And I apologize for a few of us bringing our friendship and the 9/11 memorial onto "YOUR" UNT sports only board. If you don't like it then take a hike, there is a another fan right behind you ready to take your place, because you are a mean person! EDITED AT MODERATOR's REQUEST (is that a personal attack? Not as much as "Chief" attacked this entire board... I guess there are no rules against PUBLIC attacks against the masses, only personal jabs). That rule was created to get rid of "comma man" and such, not fight back to defend ourselves for expressing concern in an inept 5th year coach that has lost 4 games to every game he has won and those were in the two worst IA conferences in the country.
  11. I don't know... What is the motivating factor for the article? Why? How does it pertain to NT and the game at hand. What writer writes about the player of the opponent 4 days after the game is over unless his intentions are to subtly degrade his own school? I love RV. There has not been an AD since Hayden that would have had the balls to call someone out on this. I applaud RV for standing up for his dept, his coach, and his team. As far as the writer and the politics of articles. You are not the only one on this board that has written for a paper. The sports editor (a paid University employee) has final say on what to publish and 99% of the time points the writer towards what subject he/she wants to cover. That is just the way it works. Sometimes advertising comes in to play but in the case of the Daily they are separate (a good thing). The fact this piece made it into the paper with so much more to cover (including the upcoming game) shows the editor's disposition and attitude towards UNT Football. I have yet to see one article in the Daily about the Kids Korner (the DRC covered it but that's it). Considering the fact that there will be 1000 kids paid for by UNT fans cheering on the game at hand, eating a free hot dog, and drinking a free coke; you would think that they could at least give it a snippet rather than talk about how great Simms was after getting sacked 6 times by a Sun Belt team (the most he has been sacked by any team in the country). Come on Shane, you are a Daily supporter; but you should be pissed. You should be writing in as an alumnus and asking for their rational on this BS. You are right, the posters on this board do not know the politics of a paper (and they are different at every single paper) but they do know a rat when they smell (or read) one and this writer insulted our team, his own school, and our intelligence. Things like this have to be called out. You can't just let them go. If you want to become the official editor for complaint letters from here out than I am sure that there would be no complaints but I doubt you want to mess with that. Hope to see you at the tailgate party. We all want the same thing... I just wish that the sports editor of the Daily did, too. Damn, I miss Jen Bissett. A true fan, with well researched articles, that was absolutely proud of UNT and has an untouchable devotion to promoting the positives when they are clearly in front of her. As for RV, the Daily screwed him last year with the vote with inaccurate reporting and "timing" that could not have been planned better to shoot down the fee increase. What in the hell do they have to do to try and get a semester of support out of these guys? Beat Notre Dame? I seriously believe that for some people even that wouldn't be enough.
  12. Reb, I hope this is misinformation. It would be a tragedy to go from championship caliber team to last place in one year. There is no way we can field a team with three or four subs.. it is just not possible or fair to the girls. Why are all the girls leaving? Has the school not treated them fairly?
  13. You bet Zeke.. we are both UNT through and through! Tara did undergrad and grad school at TWU but I got her to be an NT faithful as quick as I could!
  14. Deep, Both DO's and MD's spend 4 years in medical school and then are required to do a one year internship and minimum of a two year residency for a total of 7 years. Some states (Texas included) used to let Family Practitioners get away with only a one year internship and then they could practice in a mentor type environment if they chose to do so without the residency. This applied to both DO's and MD's but was probably more used by DO's in the past. This all changed about 15 years ago and now all residents must complete the minimum 7 years. Most programs require specialties afterwards (i.e. Surgery, Nephrology, etc) and this requires a clerkship after residency. My wife is a DO and is in her second year of residency at Methodist. She plans on practicing Nephrology (Kidney) for a one year clerkship when she is done. So the long winded answer to your question is no.. there was no smaller amount of required time for DO's than MD's in the past for training. Just a lot of variables involved in medical training but they are now universal in most states.
  15. My wife graduated freom UNTHSC and she would just about kill you if you made the statement about it not being a medical school to her! DO and MD are basically the same thing, different philosophies on how to achieve results, but for the most part same thing. They take the same boards and are licenseds the same way. Neither has more proviledges than the other. In the past DO's were sonsidered mor geared towards family practice bu8t this trend has changed due to the move to specializations as pushed by the HMO's. I would be willing to bet that you have a DO as your doctor and on't even know it, most of us do. It is about 50/50 in Texas for licenses.
  16. Corinthean Man.. The student section will be on the floor behind the basket (just the one opposite side of tunnel).. They will have the band directly above them and this is identical to the setup in Waco at the Baylor games. It will be great if he takes a Cuban approach to it and gets some crazy nuts down there. The question is, can we find 50 students for every game to act like nuts? I hope so! It would pump up the blue-hairs in your section.
  17. Brian, I really enjoyed your story on your web page. It is great that you did so much research and set this up to communicate with all of your friends and family. I am so happy for you that the treatment has sent your condition into remission. Hope to see you at the tailgates this year. -steve boedeker
  18. I think that Trilli beat SMU a couple of years back but I could be wrong, maybe it was A&M. We absoutely DESTROYED TCU last year, the 8 point win score really does not reflect how much we dominated this game At some time in the game we up by well over 20 points. Old "Chuck" was over on the sideline wishing he had quit before the season rather than after it. A look at last year's games can usually pan out who this year's games "could" be.. Here they are: I have commented on if we will play them again this year. Thurs., Nov. 8 TX Blue Chips (Exh.) W, 94-89 - Probably Mon., Nov. 12 TX Slam-n-Jam (Exh.) W, 101-76 ---Probablu Fri., Nov. 16 Southwest Missouri State W, 79-77 ---Yes, there Sat., Nov. 24 @ Oklahoma State L, 58-77 ---Yes, (3-1 series) This year AGAIN there..next year in Denton and the final back in Stillwater. The return of Jason Miller will likely happen in Denton in the 2003-2204 year. Tues., Nov. 27 @ Lipscomb L, 74-75 I doubt we play them again. Sun., Dec. 2 @ Houston L, 69-75 -- I had heard there was a year off, other poster above says it was a one game deal. Not likely, I think they will be back next year (2003-2004 year) Tues., Dec. 4 SMU L, 66-74 Our turn to play in the Moody Madness Sat., Dec. 8 @ Baylor L, 81-95 I think this series is still going on. @ WACO this year again I think and then a return trip to Denton in 2003-2004. Sat., Dec. 15 @ Kansas State L, 70-84 No idea. - Not likely. Wed., Dec. 19 LIPSCOMB W, 102-81 Maybe they will come to Denton.. Fri., Dec. 21 TENNESSEE TECH W, 89-83 Our turn to go there. good series. Sun., Dec. 23 @ TCU W, 92-85 At Denton this year. Other games, we play at Indiana (there) as part of a three years there and one game here series. It will be awesome to see the Hoosiers in Denton in 2004. I also think we will have Texas A&M Kingsville again this year, and I think that I heard we had a Texas A&M Corpus Christie game scheduled. I don't know hwy we are taking so long with this, Football came out really early this year and I thought that b-ball would have followed suit.
  19. OK this better work dangit
  20. How do I change the text color?
  21. Testing Font Color
  22. Stan, By the time JJ got here the apathy was at an all time high. I am one of the people that bought into Trilli and after 4 long seasons of losing I took a wait and see attitude about NT basketball. I will be back in the Pit this year with season tickets as will a lot of old season ticket holders. Trilli was great at selling season ticket packages, the guy used to go door to door personally but many of them got tired of watching us lose week in and week out. I would say that the attendance last year was pretty bad but that the numbers were probably very close to actual attendance. One figure that I heard was that we had sold 330 season tickets. That is really pathetic. We sould sell a minimum of 1000 this next year and crawl out of the attendance basement again.
  23. Jones took this team over in shambles, coming off of a 4 win season, with arguably the only skilled big man leaving the team, and the lowest attendance figures ever.. and in one year had a winning season, increased home attendance without the help of any season tickets whatsoever, and has recruited well even though we was hired after most recruiting had come and gone. What could have been if Trilli's recruits from 5 years ago were playing for JJ.. damn. We all saw the brilliance of the Dex and Deg show, and Deg showed he wasn't a pretender last March playing for Texas in the tourney. I am willing to bet that OSU will be starting our former center (Jason Miller) by mid season, too.
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