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About OXatUNT

  • Birthday 12/20/1974

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  1. Yes he was a teammate of Donovan Young's
  2. Is this the Michael Stojkvic that was a QB for Katy?
  3. This is a good step forward. I hope that people see that the turn around will just take time and we need to have faith that TD has and will continue to make good decisions. I hope that this willstop all the fire the DC stuff going on, but I know some of you will never be happy and it will continue.
  4. this is my favorite part......... UL-U-Pick 'em (0-4). Some people can't stand this guy but I think he's funny.
  5. I think all of you that are complaining need to become Michigan fans....
  6. obviously I hit a nerve....
  7. they have to start somewhere in my book coaching is coaching and football is football. the only difference between HS, Div-1 and Pro football is speed.
  8. some of you people kill me.... you gripe about dickey not winning and running on 3rd and long and now that dodge is throwing swing passes. This was the FIRST game of his tenure. I think that the ones going crazy about this game were looking at his HS record thinking that he was going to turn miracles overnight. To me this whole season is a gimme if he wins every game here on out great if he looses every game then ok no big deal. I don't know about you but I saw some good things tonight. 1) Vizza - for a true freshman he looked comfortable and confident. The interceptions were mistakes but he will move on and learn from them. 2) Meager - he looked a heck of a lot better to me than he ever did under dickey. Everything is new and it will take time for them to adjust. Remember that patients is a virtue. Can some of you please go find some.
  9. If you can send one down to Houston I'm in for one... I'll pay for shipping.
  10. It can be done in 1 see Rice. wishbone to high powered O in 1 season with relatively same players.
  11. After graduating high school I had no idea what to do with my life so I enrolled at Harvard on the Highway (TCJC back then... I think it's called TCCC now or so I’ve been told). Anywho, I was struggling there because I just didn't care and again I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. One day while working at the DFW Hilton one of the people I worked with was around 50 and I was talking to him about whatever and suddenly I had a revelation. Something inside my head said "Do you really want to be doing this shiznit until your 50?" So I got my grades up and transferred to good ole NT. Going to this school was the best decision I've ever made because I met my wife here. I graduated in 2000 from the business program and now I'm half way done with my MBA from another school. After that I think I'm going to get my PHD, which I have no freaking idea what I will ever use it for.
  12. look on the bright side.... oh yea there isn't one! That being said, I don't know whether to cry or throw up....
  13. I found this article and was supprised to see..... What's really happening, said Joe Barnhart, professor of philosophy and religion studies at the University of North Texas, is that people are searching for patterns and meaning in a world where both may seem in short supply. "People are just trying to make sense of their cosmos," Barnhart said.
  14. Ok I found a place to put them that anyone can get to... so enjoy. Theme 1 is the one in the attachment. Theme 2 is the same but the icons are invisible. Theme 1 Theme 2 If there is a demand for the 7200 or 8700 blackberrys I will create it for them as well. If you have any issues let me know.
  15. I just made a modification and all the icons are invisible except the one that you are on. This allows you to see the eagle a whole lot better.
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