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Everything posted by jimbojimjim

  1. Full Story is here. Sounds interesting to me. I remember watching this show in between cartoons on Saturday mornings growing up.
  2. I suspect it will follow a similiar format to last night's news shows and the night before. 6pm with likely have a feature story and then the interview at 10pm. That'd be my guess.
  3. I may be off on the numbers, but as I recall, the last time we played LSU, we got $500,000. Miami was going to pay us $450,000. I'm not sure, but I thought it was Miami that wanted us out of that game so that they could make a bigger deal out of playing their first game in Dolphin Stadium.
  4. Aw crap, that means were getting another bit of world-class journalism headed our way on the 6-o'clock news tonight.
  5. All part of a series as I understand it. They had Patterson (TCU Head Coach) on Tuesday night, Bennett on Wednesday night, and Dodge on Thursday night. I would also expect a segment about the program, possibly about Meager, from George Ribba or Joe Trahan. God help us if it's a piece by Erin Hotsworth.
  6. Set your TiVo's folks! I heard this morning on Good Morning Texas(WFAA Channel 8) that Coach Dodge is going to be on the program tomorrow morning. The GMT website also confirms this.
  7. Chief Wiggum: “Afternoon, Homer. Care for some chili? I’ve added an extra ingredient just for you. The merciless peppers of Quetzlzacatenango! Grown deep within the jungle primeval by the inmates of a Guatemalan insane asylum.”
  8. What about Mean Green Insider? Does anyone know if they will be doing it again this year?
  9. I thought UIL had a rule that prevented HS games from being aired live. Are these all tape delay, or did they change the rules?
  10. Maybe you can hold us over a bit by releasing one new graphic goody each day until the 26th.
  11. Okay. That can get confussing. I would agree that there needs to be a pace set for schools moving up in Divisions. Eventually, we are going to see several D1AA schools move to D1A as they gain the support, money, etc to do so. Quite frankly, there are some schools that should probably be on that track right now. I guess we will see what happens in 2011.
  12. Does anyone know who these other 20 teams are?
  13. Did anyone else scroll down and read their Top 20? They put SMUt in there. I think the editor must be a little biased.
  14. It's the same reason that the school officials didn't go to the students to design a new logo. They just don't want to give anyone a chance to prove that they can be useful or that they've even learned something while they're in school. Using it a class project is a great idea, but it won't happen anytime soon since the RTVF department has cut back it's classes, staff, and everything else despite the increase in majors coming into the program-but that's a rant for another day!
  15. Screen printed, really? How many colors? Did he have to simplify the design?
  16. I hope we see pictures of the renovations soon.
  17. I'm no longer at NTTV, but I can tell you that when I was there, we had some weird issues about how we could go about making money. It would have been difficult to find a student willing to take on that kind of project as a volunteer. No student seems to have that kind of time and the ones that do lack the understanding that the experience would be good for them. Also, you got take into account that they ARE students over there, and you can't always expect the output to be high quality. Some us tried to do a good job when we were there, but it is a learning process. I will say that athletics did produce some decent football highlight videos during those championship years, and since their in-house video department has access to all the stuff they shot, at some point I would imagine that they'd put something together. Who knows, we might see something released in time for the opening of this coming season. I think that as this program grows, Josh and his crew over there will be able to expand their facillities and Mean Green Video will be a big and prominant as other major D1A programs.
  18. Ok folks, for those of you that wanted to try and make your own shirts. Here's the large(2.12MB) version of the artwork. If you don't have a high speed connection, it may take a while. It's already been flipped for printing to an iron-on transfer. Have fun! MEAN GREEN: SCREAMING FOR VENGEANCE!
  19. That would be nice. While my shirt looks cool, it still has flaws and I'd rather have it professionally made so that it last longer and looks sharper.
  20. Made mine too!
  21. I'd like to see that at the SMU game!
  22. I found a heat transfer sitting around here last night, so I will try and make one today. That seems the best way to go as the design has too many colors for a screen print.
  23. Seems like a new challenge. I'd better go find a classic Mustang out there to photoshop.
  24. I like both ideas. I have a high-res version of the image(12'x13'@200dpi). I guess my thought is that I really don't have the cashflow at the moment to take on a project like this or even spend the 25 bucks putting my own shirt together.
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