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Everything posted by jimbojimjim

  1. I saw that my logo design from a few years ago popped up on Twitter today. It reminded me that I have be wanting to revisit the design. Someone had mentioned before that they'd prefer the tri-lettering of 'UNT' rather than 'North Texas' spelled out, since it would look more symmetrical. They were right, so I made a version with that change. I also tweaked the helmets a little bit, by cleaning them up, adding some rotation, and making the logos bigger and more like they are on the actual helmets. I guess the Safeway Bowl isn't for another couple of weeks, but I still get pumped about it every year. Go Mean Green!
  2. Nice to see this thread being revived every year. That logo is one I designed in 2014. I never liked it all that much. It needed a few more tweaks, especially around the "laces" in the middle. I'm more proud of the logo I put together a few years later, that captures the essence of Matt Simon's DMN quote. I kept the Safeway logo, because why not, this is really just for fun. I won't be making any kind of profit from it. Would be nice to put it on t-shirt though.
  3. I really enjoyed the statue unveiling. That crowd was something else! I'm glad I brought my camera along, to take a few pictures of Mean Joe Greene, during his speech.
  4. Resurrecting this thread because I have put together a new logo for the Safeway Bowl. Graphic design is a bit of a hobby of mine, and I've had enough free time this week to turn this artwork out. I really enjoy the lore behind the Safeway parking lot comment from Matt Simon, so I hope I captured the essence of that here. Please enjoy, and GO MEAN GREEN!
  5. I created a version of this logo before last year's game. I tweaked it a little bit, so that it can be re-used whenever. Do with it what you will.
  6. I thought Yellow was the area around the Atheletic buildings. The grass field I was referring to is North of the softball field. However, it sounds to me like that is not an official parking lot. I will likely just park in Orange and walk over the bridge.
  7. Saw that. Thanks.
  8. I would imagine that the school gets the revenue for the lots that are on UNT property. They likely contact with CSC to run the lots on event days. Now, I have a question. I have yet not been to a game this season. I did go to the Spring Game and I parked in the grassy field off of Bonnie Brae, which is just across the street from the Pressbox side of Apogee. Does anyone know if they are allowing people to park there for regular football games? Is it a cash lot, or do they require a pass? Thanks!
  9. I did something very similar with my opening day ticket from Apogee. I ordered a print from Johnny Carroll. He does aerial photography work. Here is the gallery on his site: http://proofs.dtxphoto.com/Commercial/aerial/apogee/19030212_6sN3XP#!i=1479915864&k=SMkxrgN This is what I did with an 8x12 photo I ordered from his site.
  10. Has anyone come across an aerial photo from the opener? I saw multiple aircraft flying overhead during the game, so I'm hoping someone was up there taking pictures. Would like to eventually frame my ticket stub with a nice photo of the stadium on that day.
  11. I think I wait for whatever Smitty cooks up. Plus, no doubt he'll have versions that would fit properly on a widescreen monitor.
  12. So is this a new direction in marketing for the Jolly Green Giant products?
  13. So, will this design hold more than 35,000 beans?
  14. I believe they have tagged "For the Cure" on several events before; Race, Run, Walk... I think I remember hearing about a charity bowling event once-Bowl For The Cure. Sound familiar? The Susan G Komen For The Cure Bowl just seems to have too many syllables in it. You're right on it being good marketing campaign. How could any committee turn down a bowl with a charitable name?
  15. Has anyone looked at what they are planning to call this bowl? I can only begin to imagine the silly nicknames people will have for this game... The Breast Cancer Bowl The Pink Bowl
  16. Since Florida beat Oklahoma, this means we're better than OU also!
  17. Sounds like those of you out of the DFW area had it good for the post game ceremony. Channel 33 aired the Cowboys jumbotron feed and it was just awful. The audio was distorted and cut in and out. I could hear the post-game press conference bleeding throughout the entire ceremony, so much that at one point I heard T.O. addressing the media while Roger Staubach getting nostalgic about the 70's Redskins game. Then there was the shaky camera angles and miscued graphics. I doubt that broadcast will be nominated for an Emmy. Rich Phillips made a remark on The Ticket a little while ago that NTTV could have produced a better live broadcast and I believe that statement is very true! What a shame. I don't blame 33 for attempting to wash their hands of it immediately afterward.
  18. You guys are all too funny. If I may be serious for a moment, this was UNT's first year in the tournament and I would agree with some that I would have expected our guys to do well since Lake Lewisville is so close to Denton. You'd think they'd have fished there a few times already. I worked on the production crew for the tournament last year and I was honestly surprised by the turnout. There were about 30-40 teams then and that was doubled this year. Collegiate Bass Fishing is club sport, so there is practically no support from the schools financially. The guys that came in from Wisconsin and Washington had to drive their boats in like everyone else. Seems like a lot to pay out of your own pocket. On the plus side, if you get into the tournament, you get a whole lot of swag. Last year, each team got to go on a spree at the Cabella's store.
  19. I had a crazy thought early in the week, but it may be too late now. I'd like to go to the dollar store and get a whole bunch of green plastic/rubber snakes to wave wildly through out the game...and possibly throw down onto the court afterward. Maybe it'd be silly if it was just me doing it, but imagine the whole crowd dangling snakes in the air!
  20. I coming with two buddys. One's a fellow NT alum and the other's an Aggie. NT is quickly becoming his adopted college sports team even though I brought him to Fouts twice this season.
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