Eagle Man
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Everything posted by Eagle Man
Give me a break. I wish Mr. Dickey the best but he was not head coaching material. His success can be attributed more to being in the right place at the right time than his expertise with X's and O's.
Does anyone know why the land between the new tennis center and the football practice fields is cleared off, leveled and staked? Will this be a new parking lot? New stadium?
What is our mission statement? To suck better than any other D1A school? To show the nation we are the most incompetent bunch of administrators at any college in America? Is it time to form an investigative committee? Who are those on our BOR? What is the background and beliefs of it's members. How do we get our people on the board? Isn't anyone else tired of watching this University being abused year after year after year by incompetent people? If we don't take charge of our own future we can kiss UNT athletics goodbye.
Money is not now nor has it ever been the problem. Too many people have allowed themselves to be misled, coerced, deceived and brainwashed into believing that our problems center around the lack of money. The lack of money is a symptom. It is not the problem. You will never eliminate a problem by attacking the symptom! The problem is the lack of a solid, bonafide commitment to build a top ranked athletic program. Without that commitment your goals will be wrong. Your plans will be misdirected and ulimately lead to failure. Incompetence will prevail. Enthusiasm will be lacking. Confidence will be nonexistent and donors will run as fast as they can in the opposite direction! Money is not the problem.
Fire Mr. Dickey and his staff NOW!! Are you people ignorant or are you deliberately trying to shove this program back down to D1AA. If Dickey returns next year I will not renew my MGC membership or my 4 season tickets. If I decide to attend a game I will buy an endzone seat and sit where I want because there will be 29,000 empty seats. You want a commitment from me then you MAKE a commitment to me and everyone who has supported this program, some for decades. You make that announcement today! You stop insulting me and others and desist using my University as a prostitute.
When I started this thread I made two points. The first concerned letting Tune get some playing experience for next year. I gave my reasons why I thought it was important. A couple of you responded in a civilized way pointing out the reasons why you disagreed. We had an honest debate. Then there are some of you, who because you lack the proper reading, comprehension and communication skills simply attacked. In some instances in the past some of you have actually distorted the truth of what I have said with total disregard for integrity and honesty. I'am sure our new president must be very proud of the quality of education you exhibit. It amazes me how some of you mention the "other" board in a derogatory manner as if somehow you are better than those who post over there. Let me tell you what the difference is between them and you. They are brutishly honest of who and what they are while you hide behind the gmg.com banner. You come out and attack and then hide behind the gmg.com banner with your friends, stroking each other for confidence and self esteem grateful you are not like those who post on the other board. Yeah right. Furthermore, every day in Irag and Afghanistan college age Americans wake up to a nightmare not knowing if today is their last day on earth and if they will ever see their love ones again. Over in America on the gridirons we have college age kids whose self esteem is so fragile that we must never point out their mistakes made on the field in public least we destroy what confidence and self esteem they might possess. Sure, applaud the 57 yard TD or the 34 yard run from scrimmage but never mention the interception or fumble. This is political correctness and the feminization of America at its best. Are these kids really that thin-skinned? No! If Johnny believes 2+2=5 do we correct him at the risk of destroying his self esteem for eternity? These kids choose to participate in athletics and I dare say it is the parents who have the thin-skin. I know, I am a parent whose kids play sports. I stand by what I said regardless of who was at fault. If it was the coaches then this confirms what I and others have been saying about the incompetence in the athletic department for the last 5 and 1/2 years. Probably the most foolish and absurd comment I read concerned the ludicrous assertion that only those who are now playing football or have played football have the right to comment about a players performance. Something to that extent. This is an example of where the "dumb jock" label came from and it is this exact attitude that played a roll in some students starting a movement to abolish football in the early 1970's and it is the fuel that sustains those who are anti-athletic today. With that illogical thinking only politicians would be able to what?....right, comment about other politicians. Lets try another one. And only doctors could...point out flaws of other doctors. See if you can get this one on your own. What would be the prerequisite for becoming a sports writer? Thats pretty tough, I know. This is my last post in this thread but not my last on this board.
Alright "swallow man" I let the first comment on this thread slide but feel like I need to defend my son at this point. The first punt by Ark.St was short but the roll took it down inside the 20 maybe even the 15 yd line. Why was it not fielded?... Because everyone who has ever played the game and returned punts knows that if you can't get to it in the air or have a very favorable bounce you are supposed get away from it which is exactly what Zach did. The coaches told him that if the next one was on the ground like that to not let it roll but instead, "attemp to field it so we don't give up so many yards on the roll". So, in my opinion it was poor coaching to put anyone in the position to attempt to field a rolling football because nobody including you "swallow man" can predict how a football is going to bounce. Did Zach feel bad about the muffed punt? Of course, was it all his fault? I don't think so because if he was allowed to do what he has always been taught to do with a rolling punt which is to get the hell away from it, the turnover would not have happened. As far as it having any game changing impact on the outcome I guess it would have been 26-10 instead of 29-10 since the defense held them to a FG and the score was 10-10 after the turnover. I've seen some of your finer post over on that other POS of a board and you fit in much better over there with the rest of the bitter little people who somehow feel better when badmouthing others. ←
Many of you have been dumbed down and you don't even know it.
Screw the red shirt, the experience is more important. You can spend the five games now, games that are nothing more than a formality or you can spend those games on experience next year at the start of a new season when each game will mean so much more. Waiting until next year to give Tune five games worth of experiene will take us almost half way into the 2007 season. Every year we start out 5 games behind! We are never ready at the start of the season. Change that! Start preparing now for next year so we aren't still evaluating our talent 5 games into the season!! Let Tune play with JT and some of the young receivers now. Who cares if he makes a mistake? Lets see how he handles it. As for injury, c'mon, thats a risk every player takes and it can happen anytime. If we have a philosophy of fear no one would ever take a chance and the U.S. wouldn't exist. As for screwing up the young man's confidence? Lets see! Maybe he's the kind of kid thats thrives on adversity. Maybe it brings out the best in him. Maybe it will show him what he needs to work on during spring training. Maybe this kids a winner unlike many who post on this board. As for wasting a red shirt? Who says the kid will stay in school 5 years? Maybe he'll graduate in 4 and move on. Who can guarantee that he will even stay at UNT? Too many people on this board think like Dickey and you can see where that got us. We need major change. We need to be bold.
First, is it really that difficult to comprehend what I said concerning Tune? Second, Muzzy is a senior. He made a supid foolish mistake at a critical point in the contest. He should have known better and yes I would have yanked him from the game, period!
Maybe you or our current coaching staff would not be able to evaluate Tune's ability during a five game stretch but I know I could and so could many of the posters on this board. As to your bold and confident assertion as to the future well-being of the U.S. Thinking and making bets isn't very comforting, is it?
We would not be wasting a red shirt on a losing season by playing Tune. Lets find out now whether this kid can play or not. Why wait until next year when we very well might have to throw him into the fire without any experience because Meager, Wilson and Phillips all bomb out again. All three of these guys have had playing time and frankly I don't see any of them as being capable of competing with some of the current young QB's in the SBC let alone OOC. We need someone a cut above the average. Maybe Tune is that gem in the rough. His high school coach seems to think so and gave him a solid endorsement. Hell, lets find out. Let's find out now. Let the kid play. Give him a chance. We have nothing to lose anymore. Also lets quit thinking that we have all the time in the world. We don't. Maybe that was ok in 1994 but we don't have that luxury anymore. Any day our great country can be shut down for good and that would mean the end of football as we know it today. So. lets give it everything we've got now. No holding back! The time is now, today! Tomorrow may never come and what would we do with that red shirt then?
We need to find out now if our new coach will need to recruit a top high school QB this recruiting season. Screw the red shirt let the kid show us what he's got. If he proves worthy then we have him for 3 solid years. The other three QB's are more D1AA in my most humble opinion. Also, if I were the head coach last Saturday night Muzzy would have been pulled from the game and delegated to the bench until the contest was over, period!
Dickey needs health insurance and we need a new head coach.
The big problem with Dickey leaving is health insurance. He has some serious health issues but/and a contract that protects him for a few more years unless the university wants to come up with some cash and buy him out. Of course, it would be politically incorrect to fire him considering the "difficult circumstances" he faces.
This season can not be saved. Lets try to salvage next year and our future before its too late. What we can and should do is stop the bleeding by announcing Dickey and his staff will be replaced at the end of the season if not sooner. We should thank Dickey for his nine years, wish him well but then enthusiastically let all high school recruits, students, alumni and donors know that our expectations for this program are far greater than what we have achieved to this point and we stand committed to building a top tier athletic program. We get further behind everyday that goes by and we do nothing. Think about this, what do we have to lose? "You miss 100% of the shots you never take" Wayne Gretzky
We are going the wrong way. Please change course now before our opportunity expires. Everyday we postpone announcing a coaching change we dig ourselves a little deeper into a hole we may not be able to get out of. Time is of the essence. Quality high school football players need to know NOW that the "difficult circumstances" at UNT have been removed and we stand committed to building a top tier program. For once, do the right thing from a business standpoint. You have nothing to lose!
Since when do you ask a bunch of college kids for their permission to build a strong, respectable athletic program? NEVER! You raise the student activity fee to the level you need and then you advise the students they are season ticket holders to all UNT athletic events during their enrollment and that they might want to take advantage of that aspect of college life. This obsequious behavior on behalf of our so called leaders cost us dearly. For example: Because we did not have the necessary funds available we were not only forced to scale down the new AC by (was it 20,000 or 30,000 sq ft?) but we were forced to accept the money from someone who made those funds contingent on the university signing a uni-lateral contract in favor of the head coach. Because the head coach had the security of a hefty buyout clause he could say whatever he wanted to and by george he did. How can you honestly look any recruit in the eyes and tell them UNT is a great place to play college ball when you constantly complain publicly about the "difficult circumstances" surrounding the program? YOU CAN'T! The downfall sarted when we screwed up the issue concerning the student activity fee. Dickey should have been fired after the 5-6 season. We are where we are on the ladder of success because this is where we choose to be.
This sure puts everything back in proper perspective. Get well soon Coach.
Kevin Sherrington this morning in DMN
Eagle Man replied to GoMeanGreen1999's topic in Mean Green Football
Excellent point. Has not Darrell Dickey sabotaged this program's recruiting and progress right in front of everyone, yet still arrogantly walks the sidelines with his coke boy at his side. This reflects badly on the school, its administrators and the athletic department. Probably much of the nation judges our "academic achievement" and standing as a university by our commitment and success on the athletic field. May not be right, may not be fair but thats probably how it goes. Everyday we dig the hole a little deeper when we fail to announce the firing of Dickey as the UNT Football coach. -
Absolutely Fantastic! A picture is worth a thousand words. This is very close to actually leading the football team onto the field. If our administrators all exibited this kind of attitude we could build an athletic program that would rival any in the state of Texas and beyond. We must first have the desire.
How come NT cant upset big name teams
Eagle Man replied to UNT_playmaker's topic in Mean Green Football
Yes, and it's kinda hard to recruit when you keep telling the world you face "difficult circumstances" at UNT. -
Didn't we knock out their starting QB in the fourth quarter? I am happy for our players. Thats all. It's our future that concerns me and right now it doesn't look good. We need a change fast before time runs out. Fire Dickey and RF today. 15,000 for Homecoming? If we aren't careful we will backslide fast and everything RV has done to improve the game day atmosphere will be lost, maybe forever. Remember, these were two of the worse teams playing in the worse D1A conference.
Rick, I clearly excluded RV in my original post. For you to ignore that not once but twice indicates an arrogance about you that few may be aware of. If that is not a form of deception on your part then we have a new standard in this nation. Concerning the facility upgrades. For those of you who cannot make it to Denton to see them for yourself let me say this; I have toured the AC personally with RV as the tour guide and have viewed the tennis courts, the womans softball field and their soccer field. I have been going to UNT football games since the early 70's so I'am very aware of all the modifications to Fouts over the years. Listen, the AC is a very nice D1AA facility and a lower middle class D1A facility. It's presence alone does not guarantee our permanence in D1A. Only a fool would think otherwise. It will work nicely at the D1AA level. This building actually is a symbol of failed leadership. We started to build a quality 1A facility but just didn't have the insight and fortitude necessary to get the job done. We scaled it down. WAY down. The other facilities I mentioned are nice, their OK. They are highschool facilities at best but at least they are on campus. Again, these facilities guarantee us absolutely nothing! I am grateful for the effort by all who helped bring these structures to fruition but stand firm in my convictions that they are not proof of our committment to building a strong D1A athletic program. And don't you fall for it either. Stay vigilant. My love and affiliation with UNT doesn't just cover years it spans over 3 decades. It began in the fall of 1969 when I saw the campus and its rain streaked buildings for the first time. It was the day of the first shootout between Texas and Arkansas. I remember the excitement and static coming over the am radio and wondering if NTSU had a football team and if they were playing somewhere that day. Over the years of failed and missed opportunities, false promises poor leadership and apathetic alumni and students I have learned how to recognize those who are achievers and those who are slackers. I can recognize honest and sincere committment and thats what this is all about. We are at this level of success not because of others but because this is where we all choose to be. Well, except for some of us. In closiing let me this; God has giving us all gifts and talents. Some are very good with using a hammer and nails. Others are visionaries who have the ability to see things not yet manifested and hear things not yet spoken.