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About Zeke

  • Birthday 10/07/1977

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    Denton, TX

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Community Answers

  1. https://meangreensports.com/schedule.aspx?schedule=155
  2. There is one on the tollway near the Galleria and the same image I've spotted on the video billboard at 35/Swisher. Good looking Billboard. Attention getting at a time when we have everyone's attention
  3. Cold Brewer
  4. Sometimes I see Peggs, sometimes I see Locust Grove. Help out a confused fan?
  5. This is very true. How many of you: Have friends and family that are certain you are the biggest Mean Green fan EVER Find it as almost a novelty that you follow the team "You have season tickets?!" "You go to Every game??!" Ask you about the team with almost a smirk on their face
  6. And they can't spell - just like a real human!
  7. So now does this have to go to Austin to get approved? I can remember after the Apogee vote this happened and Rick Perry changed the wording of it.
  8. I believe voting is open through Thursday.
  9. I talked to Conner with the MGSF. Everybody is right. Yes, minimum was $2500 - but they then filled the black lot remaining empty spaces with the remaining fans per priority points. So, no - I didn't pay $2500, but I did have a black pass due to priority points. I hope my bball tickets help me get there this year.
  10. No, it wasn't $1,000 or $2,000 - they just went on priority points. So now I have been downgraded on my parking. I would be willing to spend more I think, but the jump to $3000 is severe.
  11. Anybody get an interpretation on the new parking? I have always gotten a black lot parking pass with my Club Seats. Is this going away? Spaces in the reserved parking lot for football games will be available starting with a $3,000 Mean Green Scholarship Fund donation. Blue lot spots will be available for a $300 donation. Single-game passes to the Blue lot will be available for purchase to the general public.
  12. Touch of chrome is my favorite helmet of the year. Good choice
  13. Done. This should be a big effort on this board. Send-A-Student to the R+L Carriers New Orleans Bowl The Mean Green are Bayou bound on Saturday, December 16th for the R+L Carriers New Orleans Bowl and we want to make this one of our best bowl trips ever! With the help of our generous supporters, the university and athletics department are now offering discounted tickets for students making the trip to New Orleans. Whether you plan to attend the game or not, please consider making a tax-deductible gift to provide UNT students with a memorable bowl experience, and ensure that we have a strong contingent cheering on the Mean Green to another bowl victory. Send-A-Student to New Orleans! To make your contribution over the phone, please call the Mean Green Club at 940-369-7284. Please visit MeanGreenPostseason.com for up-to-date bowl game information.
  14. https://www.cbssports.com/college-football/news/ranking-all-39-college-football-bowl-games-from-boca-raton-to-sugar-bowl/ 15. New Orleans Bowl -- Troy vs. North Texas -- Dec. 16, 1 p.m.: Remember when Troy beat LSU earlier this season? Seems like a long time ago. Anyway, the Trojans and a surprising North Texas team should provide an entertaining game on the first day of bowl season.
  15. Per the link provided Cam Johnson played: 2017: • Has appeared in all five games, mostly on special teams and has three tackles • Had two tackles in the win vs. UAB on 9/23• Made his North Texas debut with one tackle vs. Lamar on 9/2
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