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  1. Here is the arkansas board talking about it: http://www.meangreensports.com/ViewArticle...CRIBER_CONTENT=
  2. I think some people have been getting this information by email. Here is the link just in case! http://www.meangreensports.com/ViewArticle...CRIBER_CONTENT= Also on a side note is anyone setting on ROW 14 in sec.112
  3. FYI: A bunch of students are setting up at 1:00 near the armadillo.
  4. I hope we dont wait until the 4th to put 32 point up on'em!
  5. Good luck getting a hotel. Its family weekend a lot are filled. Stay in Oklahoma like me.
  6. http://www.ponyfans.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=24920
  7. I had to look back a couple of pages for this one. BUT The most points ever scored in one game was back in 1916 Georgia Tech beat Cumberland 222-0. See things could be worse!
  8. My Friend who is an RA at Kerr said that all of the housing department bought tickets for everyone who works in the department. Thats got to be at least 100 or so.
  9. I have one Friend who just graduated from SMU and is know a manager in training at Hertz rent a car. I have a another Friend who graduated from UNT and has must of his law school paid for by University of Texas. I think when talking about “why we hate SMU” we have to look back and see that its not about book smarts but in the 1980’s SMU was what Boise State is to the 2000’s and Marshall was to the 1990’s. Leave it on the field.
  10. Just a heads up: If you are going to park at the Dart station you better get there early. Everyone and there dog parks there. Also do not attempt to park in any shopping center. THEY WILL TOW YOUR CAR AS YOUR GETTING OUT OF IT. If you want to make it easy on yourself. Drive to Plano or somewhere and got on the dart rail. Its like 6 bucks round trip and you wount have to fight the traffic.
  11. I hope im wrong but it seems like anytime driving is involved student numbers tend to be low. Although since the school dropped the ticket price this could prevent a number of negative problems. Also as far as I can tell, a lot of people are bringing their friends and family. Come Saturday I think we will be see a mass of Green.
  12. Thats an early call. After seeing todays Game SMU is just like last years team. We beat them on the ground attack. Now that we can actually pass! I just don't see SMU coming away with a win.
  13. SMU looks like the same old team to me. I guess if they want to see anything higher than 5 win season they need to replace the coaches. Other than that UNT should have fun throwing the ball around come Saturday.
  14. http://www.swtimes.com/articles/2007/08/31...ts/sports01.txt
  15. FAU vs. UNT 2004 13-20 FAU vs. UNT 2005 23-26 FAU vs. UNT 2006 16-17 SO it seems we are 0-3 so I guess in that case I will have to say: Man I dont think I can take it being 0-4 to FAU
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