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Everything posted by runt96

  1. Wow, we need vote. we look uninspired.
  2. As a result of my love for Whataburgers, I'm startig to think XL tee-shirts are getting sorta "Noticeably Differenced" silver dollar-ish.
  3. UNT! UNT! I hear ya. i get a weird feeling everytime I see that PCmatic.com commercial, when the girl is wearing the "STATE" sweater. However, I cant see the radio station effectively moving away from KNTU, that one can't work.
  4. That article ended before it explained itself.
  5. Texas State has got to move QUICKLY, If they can get into the same ballpark/success as W. Kentucky, they'll do OK. otherwise they're looking at 4-6 years of butt whippings.
  6. I agree, why have one. Let's be the Longhorns(big dog) of CUSA. Let's have rivalries with 5 or 6 of our new conference mates. I'm no longhorn wannabe, but they do seem to have rivalries with many. THAT would put butts in the seats.
  7. Um, that IS a Polo
  8. Cheeto stained tighty whities is baad visual
  9. Because UTSA is going to beat us to CUSA
  10. Proud to have you guys on board
  11. And since WE are forming this conference, UT must give us LHN(becoming GMG Network) for admittance.
  12. Hopefully this is the last time we see this many Big 10 teams undeservedly "bowling" on the same day.
  13. I voted Bama, but I really like NT03's idea. Bama's better but OSU would be fun to watch.
  14. That would be a ULL home game.
  15. we're bringing 6 from Cedar Creek Lake.
  16. Coooold aluminum. Brrrr.
  17. I' ve switched to whiskey.
  18. Sounds like enough proof for planning a road trip. Heck, 3 months out. I'm game.
  19. Evan Williams and Coke Zero. If we win, a whole bottle of Rum Jumbie !!!!
  20. One of the first shots left an impressive smoke ring.
  21. It was great to see a good student(heavily clad in GREEN)turnout, We have a lot to be proud of. Great job by all.
  22. We were in 211 and left early in 4th 1/4. Hated to do it, but we were parked waaaay out. The way the 3rd quarter(1st few minutes)started, it seemed to drain all hope. 20-17 to 34-17 way too fast.
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