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Everything posted by Cr1028

  1. I know that she was at the Texas game to cheer the Mean Green on. I know this because there is a picture of her and RV with a couple friends and I at the tailgate.
  2. I think Woody Wilson is gonna say f@(< Bud Kilmer and make his own game plan! Lance Harbor for Offensive Coordinator!
  3. You're right! We should just drop down to I-AA and make some real progress. Attention: Playing and beating a worse conference is not a measure of progress.
  4. The difference is that Zbikowski got consent before the fight. I don't think Bomar called the NCAA and asked if he could go work a few minutes and get paid for a few hours.
  5. I like the idea but only have 2 issues with it. The first is that we are in 2006 now and many of the players are different. The second is that it takes 10yard to get a first down and I'll take 4 passing downs to get 12 and the first like Tulsa did over 3 rushes to gain 3 yards and a punt like we did.
  6. I don't know if I agree with this one. Robertson could be the next Jamario, we won't know until the O-line can make some holes. Adrian Peterson couldn't bust loose with this O-line.
  7. You can't run effectively without at least the "threat" of a pass. The offensive coordinator is going to convince Jamario that he isn't good anymore because of the predictable playcalling. Oh, and now a quote from a great movie. I'm sure you'll know who it's directed at. "Oh Billy Bob crybaby? Cry me a river you fat-f...in baby!"
  8. Because fair-weather fans don't give a damn about how big your school is. They only care about winning. Settling for the worst bowl game of the series is a recipe for eternal mediocrity. Oh, and a side note to the offensive coaches. It's hard to to win a hand of poker if the other players know your cards.
  9. Tortillas were being thrown on the student side and I think it's a ripoff too unless we are actually playing Tech. Why is there a need to throw things at the field like children. Just cheer.
  10. With a name like Woody, who needs a nickname?
  11. Yea but it was bad read and thats why Jackson refused to catch it.
  12. I think that was North Texas person posting that, the way they talked about Fouts.
  13. Just wanted to note that if MP had been in, that bad read would've been a bad sack.
  14. Maybe be he doesn't want his job anymore and can't tell his family he quit so he tries to get fired. This is the only way I see him not playin Woody or even mentioning his damn name.
  15. If none of that happens it will be 14-13 UNT.
  16. If Woody plays QB most of the game like he did the one drive in Texas, Jamario doesn't cramp up and we had tackling 101 all week long then I say........ UNT 42 SMU 7
  17. From what I've seen around campus it is just another week. They have the signs out everywhere for the pep rallies at Clark park for the home games but other than that, nothing of SMU that I"ve seen as a commuter/etrans bus rider.
  18. I totally agree. I didn't know anything about Woody til Saturday. I was pro-Phillips before then but after seeing Matt throw to a ghost I choose to go with WW.
  19. It just isn't right when college team has better equipment than the pros. They apparently have more money than they know what to do with, thus the $8 million big screen, temp pills, and cool jackets. These things are an advantage and make playing for Texas almost like playing for Mark Cuban. I think the NCAA should at least try to make some sort of "expenditure cap" if you will.
  20. Joel Quinn. I guess they mixed him and Nwigwe.
  21. I think you guys are being a little harsh on the stater. He watched our game and commented on it. He didn't come in and say that ASU was going to whoop us. Go easy on the guy, he was just making friendly conversation til you guys turned it to an argument.
  22. You guys don't know if they are a powerhouse again this year because they have only played us. Even some analyst said they would be better off playing themselves. Do you guys like this reputation? We got our butts kicked by a quarterback taking his first college snap....ever. Not cool. Once we see next week's game we will know if they are as good as you guys think. I happen to think that they aren't. If they were to finish say .500 ish for the season, would you guys still see this game the same way?
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